306 research outputs found

    A novel method to quantify atmospheric stability

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    Hyperpolarized Helium 3 MRI in Mild-to-Moderate Asthma: Prediction of Postbronchodilator Reversibility

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    Background: Longitudinal progression to irreversible airflow limitation occurs in approximately 10% of patients with asthma, but it is difficult to identify patients who are at risk for this transition. Purpose: To investigate 6-year longitudinal changes in hyperpolarized helium 3 (3He) MRI ventilation defects in study participants with mild-to-moderate asthma and identify predictors of longitudinal changes in postbronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) reversibility Materials and Methods: Spirometry and hyperpolarized 3He MRI were evaluated in participants with mild-to-moderate asthma in two prospectively planned visits approximately 6 years apart. Participants underwent methacholine challenge at baseline (January 2010 to April 2011) and pre- and postbronchodilator evaluations at follow-up (November 2016 to June 2017). FEV1 and MRI ventilation defects, quantified as ventilation defect volume (VDV), were compared between visits by using paired t tests. Participants were dichotomized by postbronchodilator change in FEV1 at follow-up, and differences between reversible and not-reversible groups were determined by using unpaired t tests. Multivariable models were generated to explain postbronchodilator FEV1 reversibility at follow-up. Results: Eleven participants with asthma (mean age, 42 years ± 9 [standard deviation]; seven men) were evaluated at baseline and after mean 78 months ± 7. Medications, exacerbations, FEV1 (76% predicted vs 76% predicted; P = .91), and VDV (240 mL vs 250 mL; P = .92) were not different between visits. In eight of 11 participants (73%), MRI ventilation defects at baseline were at the same location in the lung at follow-up MRI. In the remaining three participants (27%), MRI ventilation defects worsened at the same lung locations as depicted at baseline methacholine-induced ventilation. At follow-up, postbronchodilator FEV1 was not reversible in six of 11 participants; the concentration of methacholine to decrease FEV1 by 20% (PC20) was greater in FEV1-irreversible participants at follow-up (P = .01). In a multivariable model, baseline MRI VDV helped to predict postbronchodilator reversibility at follow-up (R 2 = 0.80; P \u3c .01), but PC20, age, and FEV1 did not (R 2 = 0.63; P = .15). Conclusion: MRI-derived, spatially persistent ventilation defects predict postbronchodilator reversibility 78 months ± 7 later for participants with mild-to-moderate asthma in whom there were no changes in lung function, medication, or exacerbations

    Normalisation of MRI ventilation heterogeneity in severe asthma by dupilumab

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    Ventilation heterogeneity in asthma could be due to many reasons. Luminal obstruction due to inflammatory cells or mucus, smooth muscle constriction and airway wall thickness could all contribute individually or collectively to ventilation heterogeneity. Interleukin-4 and interleukin-13, acting through the common interleukin-4 receptor, have the potential to modulate all of these features of asthma.1 Inhaled hyperpolarised gas MRI provides a way to regionally visualise and quantify the functional consequence of these features.2 Dupilumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody directed against the alpha-subunit of the interleukin-4 receptor.3 Here, we report a severe asthmatic who showed significant improvement and normalisation of MRI ventilation heterogeneity and associated clinical and physiological variables with dupilumab treatment, suggesting that dupilumab modulated various aspects of luminal airway obstruction

    <i>In silico</i> evolution of lysis-lysogeny strategies reproduces observed lysogeny propensities in temperate bacteriophages

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    Bacteriophages are the most abundant organisms on the planet and both lytic and temperate phages play key roles as shapers of ecosystems and drivers of bacterial evolution. Temperate phages can choose between (i) lysis: exploiting their bacterial hosts by producing multiple phage particles and releasing them by lysing the host cell, and (ii) lysogeny: establishing a potentially mutually beneficial relationship with the host by integrating their chromosome into the host cell's genome. Temperate phages exhibit lysogeny propensities in the curiously narrow range of 5–15%. For some temperate phages, the propensity is further regulated by the multiplicity of infection, such that single infections go predominantly lytic while multiple infections go predominantly lysogenic. We ask whether these observations can be explained by selection pressures in environments where multiple phage variants compete for the same host. Our models of pairwise competition, between phage variants that differ only in their propensity to lysogenize, predict the optimal lysogeny propensity to fall within the experimentally observed range. This prediction is robust to large variation in parameters such as the phage infection rate, burst size, decision rate, as well as bacterial growth rate, and initial phage to bacteria ratio. When we compete phage variants whose lysogeny strategies are allowed to depend upon multiplicity of infection, we find that the optimal strategy is one which switches from full lysis for single infections to full lysogeny for multiple infections. Previous attempts to explain lysogeny propensity have argued for bet-hedging that optimizes the response to fluctuating environmental conditions. Our results suggest that there is an additional selection pressure for lysogeny propensity within phage populations infecting a bacterial host, independent of environmental conditions

    Gene dosage compensation calibrates four regulatory RNAs to control Vibrio cholerae quorum sensing

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    Quorum sensing is a mechanism of cell-to-cell communication that allows bacteria to coordinately regulate gene expression in response to changes in cell-population density. At the core of the Vibrio cholerae quorum-sensing signal transduction pathway reside four homologous small RNAs (sRNAs), named the quorum regulatory RNAs 1–4 (Qrr1–4). The four Qrr sRNAs are functionally redundant. That is, expression of any one of them is sufficient for wild-type quorum-sensing behaviour. Here, we show that the combined action of two feedback loops, one involving the sRNA-activator LuxO and one involving the sRNA-target HapR, promotes gene dosage compensation between the four qrr genes. Gene dosage compensation adjusts the total Qrr1–4 sRNA pool and provides the molecular mechanism underlying sRNA redundancy. The dosage compensation mechanism is exquisitely sensitive to small perturbations in Qrr levels. Precisely maintained Qrr levels are required to direct the proper timing and correct patterns of expression of quorum-sensing-regulated target genes

    MRI ventilation abnormalities predict quality-of-life and lung function changes in mild-to-moderate COPD: Longitudinal TINCan study

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    CT biomarkers of emphysema (15th percentile of the CT density histogram, HU15%) and airways disease (wall thickness of airways with 10 mm internal perimeter, Pi10) have shown promise for providing prognostic information.2 Although recent data3 showed that the change in CT emphysema may be used to estimate the efficacy of therapy in patients with α-1-antitrypsin-deficiency, thus far none of the currently developed CT biomarkers have been shown to reflect changes in outcomes that are important to patients with COPD. MRI with inhaled noble gases provide highly sensitive and unique microstructural and functional information in COPD.4 MRI biomarkers of COPD are highly reproducible,5 are associated with COPD outcomes6 and detect changes with greater sensitivity and before disease-related changes can be detected by CT or FEV1. Here we evaluated longitudinal changes in both CT and MRI measurements of COPD. Based on previous longitudinal results,8 ,10 we hypothesised that 3He MRI biomarkers would predict quality-of-life and FEV1 changes in COPD, and that longitudinal changes in MRI biomarkers would be correlated with changes in COPD quality-of-life measures

    Free-breathing Pulmonary MR Imaging to Quantify Regional Ventilation

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    Purpose: To measure regional specific ventilation with free-breathing hydrogen 1 (1H) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging without exogenous contrast material and to investigate correlations with hyperpolarized helium 3 (3He) MR imaging and pulmonary function test measurements in healthy volunteers and patients with asthma. Materials and Methods: Subjects underwent free-breathing 1H and static breath-hold hyperpolarized 3He MR imaging as well as spirometry and plethysmography; participants were consecutively recruited between January and June 2017. Free-breathing 1H MR imaging was performed with an optimized balanced steady-state free-precession sequence; images were retrospectively grouped into tidal inspiration or tidal expiration volumes with exponentially weighted phase interpolation. MR imaging volumes were coregistered by using optical flow deformable registration to generate 1H MR imaging-derived specific ventilation maps. Hyperpolarized 3He MR imaging- and 1H MR imaging-derived specific ventilation maps were coregistered to quantify regional specific ventilation within hyperpolarized 3He MR imaging ventilation masks. Differences between groups were determined with the Mann-Whitney test and relationships were determined with Spearman (ρ) correlation coefficients. Statistical analyses were performed with software. Results: Thirty subjects (median age: 50 years; interquartile range [IQR]: 30 years), including 23 with asthma and seven healthy volunteers, were evaluated. Both 1H MR imaging-derived specific ventilation and hyperpolarized 3He MR imaging-derived ventilation percentage were significantly greater in healthy volunteers than in patients with asthma (specific ventilation: 0.14 [IQR: 0.05] vs 0.08 [IQR: 0.06], respectively, P \u3c .0001; ventilation percentage: 99% [IQR: 1%] vs 94% [IQR: 5%], P \u3c .0001). For all subjects, 1H MR imaging-derived specific ventilation correlated with plethysmography-derived specific ventilation (ρ = 0.54, P = .002) and hyperpolarized 3He MR imaging-derived ventilation percentage (ρ = 0.67, P \u3c .0001) as well as with forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) (ρ = 0.65, P = .0001), ratio of FEV1 to forced vital capacity (ρ = 0.75, P \u3c .0001), ratio of residual volume to total lung capacity (ρ = -0.68, P \u3c .0001), and airway resistance (ρ = -0.51, P = .004). 1H MR imaging-derived specific ventilation was significantly greater in the gravitational-dependent versus nondependent lung in healthy subjects (P = .02) but not in patients with asthma (P = .1). In patients with asthma, coregistered 1H MR imaging specific ventilation and hyperpolarized 3He MR imaging maps showed that specific ventilation was diminished in corresponding 3He MR imaging ventilation defects (0.05 ± 0.04) compared with well-ventilated regions (0.09 ± 0.05) (P \u3c .0001). Conclusion: 1H MR imaging-derived specific ventilation correlated with plethysmography-derived specific ventilation and ventilation defects seen by using hyperpolarized 3He MR imaging. © RSNA, 2018 Online supplemental material is available for this article