27 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Sampah dengan Cara Menjadikannya Kompos

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    Solid waste disposal activity is a continous activities. Therefore, solidwaste management system is needed. Management of urban solid waste has some difficulties in collecting the solid wastes and finding safe area to disposal them. Composting is needed to reduce its volume. Composting is a biological process. Composting is special process, because the raw material, the place, although the method can be done by anyone and wherever. Factors influence composting are : the shorting, size, nutrient (C/N ratio), and the moisture of raw material. The place of composting process might be digging soil, container or surface of soil. Effective microorganism 4 (EM4) can be used for composting, because it can accelerate decomposition process of organic solid waste. EM4 works in temperature of 40 - 50oC. The fermentation process will produce sugar, alcohol, vitamine, lactic acid and else organic compound. The result of fermentation process is named bokashi. The compost is useful for kinds of plants. Keywords : compost, disposal, solid waste

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Kebiasaan Konsumen Air Minum Isi Ulang dengan Penyakit Diare

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    The bacteriologic quality of refilled drinking water is still questionable. The objective of this study was to analyze assosiation between knowledge and attitude of refilled drinking water consumers with diarrhea at eastern and southern areas in Surabaya. This was an observational-analytic study with a cross sectional approach. The information was collected by interview 146 respondents using by a questionnaire and measurement of E. coli bacteria in 68 reffiled drinking water, both were taken randomly. There were assosiation between respondents knowledge on the prevention of diarrhea, practice of boilling reffiled drinking water before consumed, and habit of washing hands with soap after defecation (Chi-square, all p<0.05) with diarrhea. All tested samples didnt contain any E. coli bacteria. It is suggested that the manager of the refilled drinking water depot always keep the quality of reffiled water and must be periodically checked by outhorized laboratory. Keywords : diarrhea, refilled drinking wate

    Environmental Management Physical Conditions and Complaints in the Health Workers in the Garment Production Gresik

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    Physical conditions in the work environment is something that must be kept clean, because if the environmental conditions are not good, then it will result in the workers\u27 health. This study aims to determine whether the management of the physical environmental conditions in the garment production in Gresik are in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2002 Number 1405 About the Job Requirements Environmental Health Office and Industrial. This research uses descriptive and observational study using evaluative method. The results of the study will be treated descriptively. This study used a cross sectional approach. Sample size is 50 people who are working in garment production space in Gresik are taken randomly using simple random sampling. Obtained result is said to be good for the environment and are eligible for health complaints while ineligible said. Sheet observation shows that there are still some things about the application of the physical environmental conditions that are less in accordance with the regulations, among others, waste, noise, and toilet. Management of the physical environmental conditions in garment production space in Gresik can be categorized in accordance with applicable regulations

    Hubungan Sanitasi Rumah dengan Kejadian Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (Ispa) pada Anak Balita

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    Acute respiratory infections, together with malnutrition and diarrheal disease, constitute the most common cause of illness and death among children under five years age in developing countries. Acute respiratory infection also becomes the major health problem in Indonesia. Host, environmental and sociocultural-related variables may act independently or in concert with other variables to influence the incidence and severity of acute respiratory infection. Poor housing conditions are associated with a wide range of health condition, including respiratory infection. The aim of this article was to compare the result of relationship between housing sanitation and acute respiratory infection studies in three different areas, in Penjaringan Sari Rungkut District, Surabaya (Yusuf, 2004), in Sidomulyo village Buduran district, Sidoarjo (Suryanto. 2003) and in Tual Village Kei Kecil district, Southeast Maluku (Toanubun, 2003). The housing variables included ventilation, dampness, people density in house, natural lighting and temperature. Natural lighting subvariable also gave significant difference in two areas, Sidomulyo and Penjaringan Sari. All of these studies had the same result in ventilation variable and people density. Ventilation and people density were significanlyt associated with acute respiratory infenction (Chi square, p < 0.05). Dampness variable had significant difference between Tual area and Penjaringan Sari, while in Sidomulyo there was no significant difference. Housing sanitation is important determinant in health, especially in acute respiratory infection among children under five years old. Improving housing sanitation is needed to reduce infectious disease. Keywords: acute respiratory infection, children under five years old, housing sanitation

    Korelasi Jumlah Pasien dan Produksi Limbah Medis Padat di Ruang Rawat Inap dan Unit Gawat Darurat Rs Siti Khadijah, Sepanjang Sidoarjo

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    The aim of this research was to analyze number of patients and medical solid waste production in hospitalization and emergency room of Siti Khodijah Hospital, Sepanjang Sidoarjo. This research used survey method with cross sectional approach. Sample of research was the amount of solid medical waste each day in hospitalization and emergency room of Siti Khodijah Hospital Sepanjang Sidoarjo. Sample measured by unit volume during 28 days. The result showed that medical solid waste production at hospitalization room was 57.02 liter/day or 0.51 liter/bed/day and medical solid waste production at emergency room was 10.18 liter/day. The result of simple regression analysis showed that there was significant effect number of patient with solid medical waste production at emergency room (pearson correlation test, p0.05). Keywords: number of patient, solid medical waste productio