18 research outputs found

    Arm Based Online Water Monitoring System

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    Abstract: Water is a fundamental human need. Water distribution systems facilitates the delivery of water to consumers .But these drinking water distribution systems are inherently sensitive to both intensional and accidental contaminants. Infrastructure of the drinking water distribution system is very complex in the environment. Many chemical and biological contaminants have solid relationship with certain water parameters,likeTemperature,pH,Turbidity(TU),Electrical Conductivity(EC).Thus by observing the variations in these parameters we will get an idea about those contaminants. This is the basic idea which leads to this project In the existing system, it is just monitor the water level and electrical conductivity manually (off-line) and report to concerned authorities only in metropolitan areas. In this system several sensors are developed to measure the parameters like pH, Conductivity, Temperature and Turbidity. These sensor values are monitored using ARM microcontroller. . Set values for these sensors can be given both through a keypad and through an android phone The monitored sensor values are uploaded to a server so that they can be accessed online. .This features contributes much to the real time monitoring of quality of drinking water distribution systems. This system can be used at the premises of Water distribution system for continuous monitoring of water quality

    Successful Management of Catastrophic Thrombotic Storm in a Young Boy

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    Thrombotic storm is a rare clinical entity characterized by acute to subacute thrombosis developing at multiple sites over a few days to a few weeks. An 11-year-old boy presented with headache and facial nerve palsy. He was found to have cortical sinus venous thrombosis and was initiated on low molecular weight heparin, but rapidly progressed with thromboses involving the pulmonary arteries and deep veins of the legs. Thereafter managed on high-dose unfractionated heparin, he eventually stabilized after a hospital stay of 34 days. Genetic analysis showed potentially pathogenic variants in the factor V and stabilin-2 genes

    Optimalisasi Mitigasi Bahaya Gempa Bumi Melalui Penyuluhan Rumah Tahan Gempa Di Kelurahan Rewarangga Selatan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Permasalahan utama mitra adalah adanya bangunan rumah tinggal yang rentan terhadap bahaya gempa bumi, dan belum adanya pengetahuan yang baik tentang tatacara membangun rumah tahan gempa sesuai standar yang berlaku. Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat (PkM) ini untuk mencegah bencana akibat gempa melalui peningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat khususnya para tukang bangunan tentang rumah tahan gempa. Mitra kegiatan ini adalah Lurah Kelurahan Rewarangga Selatan dan kelompok sasarannya adalah masyarakat khususnya para tukang bangunan di RT 02 RW 01 Kelurahan Rewarangga Selatan. Peserta pelatihan dan bimbingan teknis berjumlah 30 orang, dan metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan adanya peningatan sebesar 16% terhadap kemampuan dan keterampilan peserta yang diperoleh dengan membandingkan hasil test awal dan akhir, sedangkan evaluasi kepuasan mitra terhadap pelaksanaan PkM menunjukkan 80% menyatakan sangat puas, dengan demikian PkM yang dilaksanakan berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat tentang mitigasi bencana gempa melalui bangunan rumah tinggal tahan gempa

    Marketing Practices and Distribution System of Rice in Punjab, India

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    The study focuses on the marketing practices, market structures, and firms’ motives for vertical co-ordination of the paddyrice distribution system during the post green revolution period in the Punjab state of India. The study is based upon secondary data taken from several published sources and intensive interviews with the market agents in the entire distribution chain from growers to the retailers. Study highlighted the emergence of public sector as a giant player in the paddy (non-basmati) wholesale markets, unscrupulous practices for paddy/rice supplies, wide disparities in the issue prices for the below and above poverty line families, reduced off take from the public distribution system, launching of several schemes to off load excessive stocks, and improve market efficiency. Open market segment of the industry is highly fragmentedwherein a large majority of themarket agents have confined at the levels they can be best managed, vertical co-ordination plays a pivotal role to cope up with market imperfections and supply agents constitute a strategic link for rice sales. However, private milling gains momen-tum particularly during the downward phase of the industry due to increased profitabilit