5 research outputs found
Myelography in orange-spined-hairy-dwarf-porcupine (Sphiggurus villosus)
The myelography procedure is reported in an adult of the Sphiggurus villosus (hairy-tree-porcupine) species coming from the wild, in the region of Curitiba/PR. After proceeding with the examination, while the animal was under general anesthesia, there was a dorsal deviation of the contrast in the height of the seventh thoracic vertebra (T-7) caused by compression in the ventral region of the vertebra. This is suggestive of edema caused by intramedullary hemorrhage secondary to trauma suffered by the animal in the wild. Therefore, the use of myelography in Sphiggurus villosus (hairy-tree-porcupine) proved to be quite valid and efficient, presenting the advantages of greater precision to delimit and locate the lesion present in the vertebral column
Effects of abandoned Eucalyptus plantations on lizard communities in the Brazilian Cerrado
The rapid expansion of human altered landscapes affects biodiversity on every continent. A fundamental goal of conservation biologists is to understand why certain species are at risk of extinction while others are able to persist in human altered landscapes. Afforestation, the conversion of unforested lands to planted forest, is rapidly altering many natural landscapes worldwide. In the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna), a global biodiversity hotspot, a shortage of government incentives has the landscape riddled with abandoned plantation forests that are not subject to active restoration projects. Studies investigating the impacts of abandoned plantations on biodiversity are strikingly limited. We examine the effects of abandoned Eucalyptus plantations on the structure of Cerrado lizard communities. We assessed changes in lizard capture, richness and equitability along cerrado sensu stricto—Eucalyptus transects. Our results indicate abandoned Eucalyptus plantations have subsets of Cerrado species persisting with a great loss of endemic species. The cerrado sensu stricto—Eucalyptus linear transect analysis demonstrated distance from native habitat is positively correlated with loss of biodiversity. We performed correspondence analyses to summarize the variation in species captures across different sites, habitats and pitfall array positions. These analyses depicted strong species associations between habitats and their pitfall array positions. This study is the first to show the negative impacts of abandoned Eucalyptus plantations on Cerrado lizard communities, serving as a cautionary tale of Cerrado biodiversity non-resilience in abandoned Eucalyptus plantations. Mitigation requires that abandoned Eucalyptus plantations are made more suitable to Cerrado lizards by implementing targeted habitat heterogeneity restoration