1,147 research outputs found

    Reengineering Biomedical Engineering Curricula: A New Product Development Approach

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    Product development engineers in medical industries have created design control procedures to ensure high quality designs that are as error-free as possible. The reason is simple; companies must adhere to certain engineering and manufacturing best practices in order to obtain certification of their devices for sale in the US and abroad. We describe here an ongoing effort to apply these industrial best practices to the design and implementation of a novel sequence of undergraduate biomedical computing courses within the Department of Bio-medical Engineering at Marquette University (Milwaukee, Wisconsin). We have tightly integrated our industrial advisory board into this design and development effort. The board has contributed to significantly to the orderly generation of curricular requirements, the development of course implementation designs and the evaluation of these designs per requirements

    Visual and Proprioceptive Contributions to Compensatory and Pursuit Tracking Movements in Humans

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    An ongoing debate in the field of motor control considers how the brain uses sensory information to guide the formation of motor commands to regulate movement accuracy. Recent research has shown that the brain may use visual and proprioceptive information differently for stabilization of limb posture (compensatory movements) and for controlling goal-directed limb trajectory (pursuit movements). Using a series of five experiments and linear systems identification techniques, we modeled and estimated the sensorimotor control parameters that characterize the human motor response to kinematic performance errors during continuous compensatory and pursuit tracking tasks. Our findings further support the idea that pursuit and compensatory movements of the limbs are differentially controlled

    Age-related differentiation of sensorimotor control strategies during pursuit and compensatory tracking

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    Motor control deficits during aging have been well-documented. Various causes of neuromotor decline, including both peripheral and central neurological deficits, have been hypothesized. Here, we use a model of closed-loop sensorimotor control to examine the functional causes of motor control deficits during aging. We recruited 14 subjects aged 19-61 years old to participate in a study in which they performed single-joint compensatory and pursuit tracking tasks with their dominant hand. We found that visual response delay and visual noise increased with age, while reliance on visual feedback, especially during compensatory tracking decreased. Increases in visual noise were also positively correlated with increases in movement error during a reach and hold task. The results suggest an increase in noise within the visuomotor control system may contribute to the decline in motor performance during early aging

    Design and Validation of a MR-compatible Pneumatic Manipulandum

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    The combination of functional MR imaging and novel robotic tools may provide unique opportunities to probe the neural systems underlying motor control and learning. Here, we describe the design and validation of a MR-compatible, 1 degree-of-freedom pneumatic manipulandum along with experiments demonstrating its safety and efficacy. We first validated the robot\u27s ability to apply computer-controlled loads about the wrist, demonstrating that it possesses sufficient bandwidth to simulate torsional spring-like loads during point-to-point flexion movements. Next, we verified the MR-compatibility of the device by imaging a head phantom during robot operation. We observed no systematic differences in two measures of MRI signal quality (signal/noise and field homogeneity) when the robot was introduced into the scanner environment. Likewise, measurements of joint angle and actuator pressure were not adversely affected by scanning. Finally, we verified device efficacy by scanning 20 healthy human subjects performing rapid wrist flexions against a wide range of spring-like loads. We observed a linear relationship between joint torque at peak movement extent and perturbation magnitude, thus demonstrating the robot\u27s ability to simulate spring-like loads in situ. fMRI revealed task-related activation in regions known to contribute to the control of movement including the left primary sensorimotor cortex and right cerebellum

    Visual Error Augmentation for Enhancing Motor Learning and Rehabilitative Relearning

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    We developed a real-time controller for a 2 degree-of-freedom robotic system using xPC Target. This system was used to investigate how different methods of performance error feedback can lead to faster and more complete motor learning in individuals asked to compensate for a novel visuo-motor transformation (a 30 degree rotation). Four groups of normal human subjects were asked to reach with their unseen arm to visual targets surrounding a central starting location. A cursor tracking hand motion was provided during each reach. For one group of subjects, deviations from the ideal compensatory hand movement (i.e. trajectory errors) were amplified with a gain of 2 whereas another group was provided visual feedback with a gain of 3.1. Yet another group was provided cursor feedback wherein the cursor was rotated by an additional (constant) offset angle. We compared the rates at which the hand paths converged to the steady-state trajectories. Our results demonstrate that error-augmentation can improve the rate and extent of motor learning of visuomotor rotations in healthy subjects. We also tested this method on straightening the movements of stroke subjects, and our early results suggest that error amplification can facilitate neurorehabilitation strategies in brain injuries such as stroke

    Visuomotor Learning Enhanced by Augmenting Instantaneous Trajectory Error Feedback during Reaching

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    We studied reach adaptation to a 30u visuomotor rotation to determine whether augmented error feedback can promote faster and more complete motor learning. Four groups of healthy adults reached with their unseen arm to visual targets surrounding a central starting point. A manipulandum tracked hand motion and projected a cursor onto a display immediately above the horizontal plane of movement. For one group, deviations from the ideal movement were amplified with a gain of 2 whereas another group experienced a gain of 3.1. The third group experienced an offset equal to the average error seen in the initial perturbations, while a fourth group served as controls. Learning in the gain 2 and offset groups was nearly twice as fast as controls. Moreover, the offset group averaged more reduction in error. Such error augmentation techniques may be useful for training novel visuomotor transformations as required of robotic teleoperators or in movement rehabilitation of the neurologically impaired

    Antiferromagnetic behavior in CeCo9_{9}Ge4_{4}

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    We investigate the novel intermetallic ternary compounds \emph{R}Co9_{9}Ge4_{4} with \emph{R} = La and Ce by means of XX-ray diffraction, susceptibility and specific heat measurements. CeCo9_{9}Ge4_{4} crystallizes in the space group I{I} 4/ mcm{mcm} and is characterized by the coexistence of two different magnetic sublattices. The Ce-based sublattice, with an effective moment close to the expected value for a Ce3+^{3+}-ion, exhibits a magnetically ordered ground state with TN=12.5T_{\mathrm{N}}=12.5 K. The Co-based sublattice, however, exhibits magnetic moments due to itinerant 3dd electrons. The magnetic specific heat contribution of the Ce-sublattice is discussed in terms of a resonance-level model implying the interplay between an antiferromagnetic phase transition and the Kondo-effect and an underlying Schottky-anomaly indicating a crystal field level scheme splitting into three twofold degenerated micro states (Δ1=69\Delta_1 = 69 K, Δ2=133\Delta_2 = 133 K).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference SCES0

    Competing magnetic interactions in CeNi9-xCoxGe4

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    CeNi9Ge4 exhibits outstanding heavy fermion features with remarkable non-Fermi- liquid behavior which is mainly driven by single-ion effects. The substitution of Ni by Cu causes a reduction of both, the RKKY coupling and Kondo interaction, coming along with a dramatic change of the crystal field (CF) splitting. Thereby a quasi-quartet ground state observed in CeNi9Ge4 reduces to a two-fold degenerate one in CeNi8CuGe4. This leads to a modiffcation of the effective spin degeneracy of the Kondo lattice ground state and to the appearance of antiferromagnetic (AFM) order. To obtain a better understanding of consequences resulting from a reduction of the effective spin degeneracy, we stepwise replaced Ni by Co. Thereby an increase of the Kondo and RKKY interactions through the reduction of the effective d-electron count is expected. Accordingly, a paramagnetic Fermi liquid ground state should arise. Our experimental studies, however, reveal AFM order already for small Co concentrations, which becomes even more pronounced with increasing Co content x. Thereby the modiffcation of the effective spin degeneracy seems to play a crucial role in this system

    Neural Control of Stopping and Stabilizing the Arm

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    Stopping is a crucial yet under-studied action for planning and producing meaningful and efficient movements. In this review, we discuss classical human psychophysics studies as well as those using engineered systems that aim to develop models of motor control of the upper limb. We present evidence for a hybrid model of motor control, which has an evolutionary advantage due to division of labor between cerebral hemispheres. Stopping is a fundamental aspect of movement that deserves more attention in research than it currently receives. Such research may provide a basis for understanding arm stabilization deficits that can occur following central nervous system (CNS) damage

    Reduced Order Modeling of Mistuned Bladed Disks under Rotation

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    In this paper, a substructure-based reduced order model for mistuned bladed disks is extended to account for the effect of rotational-dependent dynamic properties. To reduce the overall size of the structural model, successive transformations to reduced modal subspaces of smaller dimension are performed by means of a fixed-interface Component Mode Synthesis, a Wave-Based Substructuring, and a Secondary Modal Truncation. Since the threedimensionally shaped rotor blades tend to untwist under the influence of centrifugal forces, the modal reduction bases may undergo significant changes for different speeds of rotation. To prevent the necessity of identifying individual modal subspaces for each operating point and a repetitious passing through the full reduction process, a multi-model formulation is used to obtain a parameterized reduced order model in terms of rotational speed. The accuracy of this approach is assessed by comparison with full finite element models for various steady operating conditions. In terms of computational solution time, the proposed approach outperforms the finite element calculation by 90%. Finally, numerical results are presented addressing the mitigating influence of constant and variable rotational speeds on the amplitude amplification of mistuned bladed disks
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