5,123 research outputs found

    Phase-control of directed diffusion in a symmetric optical lattice

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    We demonstrate the phenomenon of directed diffusion in a symmetric periodic potential. This has been realized with cold atoms in a one-dimensional dissipative optical lattice. The stochastic process of optical pumping leads to a diffusive dynamics of the atoms through the periodic structure, while a zero-mean force which breaks the temporal symmetry of the system is applied by phase-modulating one of the lattice beams. The atoms are set into directed motion as a result of the breaking of the temporal symmetry of the system

    Density modulations in an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate released from a disordered potential

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    We observe large density modulations in time-of-flight images of elongated Bose-Einstein condensates, initially confined in a harmonic trap and in the presence of weak disorder. The development of these modulations during the time-of-flight and their dependence with the disorder are investigated. We render an account of this effect using numerical and analytical calculations. We conclude that the observed large density modulations originate from the weak initial density modulations induced by the disorder, and not from initial phase fluctuations (thermal or quantum).Comment: Published version; 4+ pages; 4 figure

    Directed transport of Brownian particles in a double symmetric potential

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    We investigate the dynamics of Brownian particles in internal state- dependent symmetric and periodic potentials. Although no space or time symmetry of the Hamiltonian is broken, we show that directed transport can appear. We demonstrate that the directed motion is induced by breaking the symmetry of the transition rates between the potentials when these are spatially shifted. Finally, we discuss the possibility of realizing our model in a system of cold particles trapped in optical lattices.Comment: to appear in Physical Review

    Rayleigh scattering and atomic dynamics in dissipative optical lattices

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    We investigate Rayleigh scattering in dissipative optical lattices. In particular, following recent proposals [S. Guibal et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4709 (1997); C. Jurczak et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1727 (1996)], we study whether the Rayleigh resonance originates from the diffraction on a density grating and is therefore a probe of transport of atoms in optical lattices. It turns out that this is not the case: the Rayleigh line is instead a measure of the cooling rate, while spatial diffusion contributes to the scattering spectrum with a much broader resonance

    Dipole Oscillations of a Fermi Gas in a Disordered Trap: Damping and Localization

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    We theoretically study the dipole oscillations of an ideal Fermi gas in a disordered trap. We show that even weak disorder induces strong damping of the oscillations and we identify a metal-insulator crossover. For very weak disorder, we show that damping results from a dephasing effect related to weak random perturbations of the energy spectrum. For increasing disorder, we show that the Fermi gas crosses over to an insulating regime characterized by strong-damping due to the proliferation of localized states.Comment: published as EPL 88 (2009) 3000

    Localized and extended states in a disordered trap

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    We study Anderson localization in a disordered potential combined with an inhomogeneous trap. We show that the spectrum displays both localized and extended states, which coexist at intermediate energies. In the region of coexistence, we find that the extended states result from confinement by the trap and are weakly affected by the disorder. Conversely, the localized states correspond to eigenstates of the disordered potential, which are only affected by the trap via an inhomogeneous energy shift. These results are relevant to disordered quantum gases and we propose a realistic scheme to observe the coexistence of localized and extended states in these systems.Comment: Published versio

    Localization of solitons: linear response of the mean-field ground state to weak external potentials

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    Two aspects of bright matter-wave solitons in weak external potentials are discussed. First, we briefly review recent results on the Anderson localization of an entire soliton in disordered potentials [Sacha et al. PRL 103, 210402 (2009)], as a paradigmatic showcase of genuine quantum dynamics beyond simple perturbation theory. Second, we calculate the linear response of the mean-field soliton shape to a weak, but otherwise arbitrary external potential, with a detailed application to lattice potentials.Comment: Selected paper presented at the 2010 Spring Meeting of the Quantum Optics and Photonics Section of the German Physical Society. V2: minor changes, published versio

    Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Quasicrystal Lattices

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    We analyze the physics of Bose-Einstein condensates confined in 2D quasi-periodic optical lattices, which offer an intermediate situation between ordered and disordered systems. First, we analyze the time-of-flight interference pattern that reveals quasi-periodic long-range order. Second, we demonstrate localization effects associated with quasi-disorder as well as quasiperiodic Bloch oscillations associated with the extended nature of the wavefunction of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical quasicrystal. In addition, we discuss in detail the crossover between diffusive and localized regimes when the quasi-periodic potential is switched on, as well as the effects of interactions

    Localization from quantum interference in one-dimensional disordered potentials

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    We show that the tails of the asymptotic density distribution of a quantum wave packet that localizes in the the presence of random or quasiperiodic disorder can be described by the diagonal term of the projection over the eingenstates of the disordered potential. This is equivalent of assuming a phase randomization of the off-diagonal/interference terms. We demonstrate these results through numerical calculations of the dynamics of ultracold atoms in the one-dimensional speckle and quasiperiodic potentials used in the recent experiments that lead to the observation of Anderson localization for matter waves [Billy et al., Nature 453, 891 (2008); Roati et al., Nature 453, 895 (2008)]. For the quasiperiodic case, we also discuss the implications of using continuos or discrete models.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; minor changes, references update

    Stochastic resonance in periodic potentials: realization in a dissipative optical lattice

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    We have observed the phenomenon of stochastic resonance on the Brillouin propagation modes of a dissipative optical lattice. Such a mode has been excited by applying a moving potential modulation with phase velocity equal to the velocity of the mode. Its amplitude has been characterized by the center-of-mass (CM) velocity of the atomic cloud. At Brillouin resonance, we studied the CM-velocity as a function of the optical pumping rate at a given depth of the potential wells. We have observed a resonant dependence of the CM velocity on the optical pumping rate, corresponding to the noise strength. This corresponds to the experimental observation of stochastic resonance in a periodic potential in the low-damping regime
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