1,544 research outputs found

    Time evolution of wave-packets in quasi-1D disordered media

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    We have investigated numerically the quantum evolution of a wave-packet in a quenched disordered medium described by a tight-binding Hamiltonian with long-range hopping (band random matrix approach). We have obtained clean data for the scaling properties in time and in the bandwidth b of the packet width and its fluctuations with respect to disorder realizations. We confirm that the fluctuations of the packet width in the steady-state show an anomalous scaling and we give a new estimate of the anomalous scaling exponent. This anomalous behaviour is related to the presence of non-Gaussian tails in the distribution of the packet width. Finally, we have analysed the steady state probability profile and we have found finite band corrections of order 1/b with respect to the theoretical formula derived by Zhirov in the limit of infinite bandwidth. In a neighbourhood of the origin, however, the corrections are O(1/b)O(1/\sqrt{b}).Comment: 19 pages, 9 Encapsulated Postscript figures; submitted to ``European Physical Journal B'

    Dipolar ground state of planar spins on triangular lattices

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    An infinite triangular lattice of classical dipolar spins is usually considered to have a ferromagnetic ground state. We examine the validity of this statement for finite lattices and in the limit of large lattices. We find that the ground state of rectangular arrays is strongly dependent on size and aspect ratio. Three results emerge that are significant for understanding the ground state properties: i) formation of domain walls is energetically favored for aspect ratios below a critical valu e; ii) the vortex state is always energetically favored in the thermodynamic limit of an infinite number of spins, but nevertheless such a configuration may not be observed even in very large lattices if the aspect ratio is large; iii) finite range approximations to actual dipole sums may not provide the correct ground sta te configuration because the ferromagnetic state is linearly unstable and the domain wall energy is negative for any finite range cutoff.Comment: Several short parts have been rewritten. Accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Phys. Rev.

    Energy diffusion in hard-point systems

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    We investigate the diffusive properties of energy fluctuations in a one-dimensional diatomic chain of hard-point particles interacting through a square--well potential. The evolution of initially localized infinitesimal and finite perturbations is numerically investigated for different density values. All cases belong to the same universality class which can be also interpreted as a Levy walk of the energy with scaling exponent 3/5. The zero-pressure limit is nevertheless exceptional in that normal diffusion is found in tangent space and yet anomalous diffusion with a different rate for perturbations of finite amplitude. The different behaviour of the two classes of perturbations is traced back to the "stable chaos" type of dynamics exhibited by this model. Finally, the effect of an additional internal degree of freedom is investigated, finding that it does not modify the overall scenarioComment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Negative Temperature States in the Discrete Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation

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    We explore the statistical behavior of the discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation. We find a parameter region where the system evolves towards a state characterized by a finite density of breathers and a negative temperature. Such a state is metastable but the convergence to equilibrium occurs on astronomical time scales and becomes increasingly slower as a result of a coarsening processes. Stationary negative-temperature states can be experimentally generated via boundary dissipation or from free expansions of wave packets initially at positive temperature equilibrium.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of a stochastic model of anomalous heat transport: numerical analysis

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    We study heat transport in a chain of harmonic oscillators with random elastic collisions between nearest-neighbours. The equations of motion of the covariance matrix are numerically solved for free and fixed boundary conditions. In the thermodynamic limit, the shape of the temperature profile and the value of the stationary heat flux depend on the choice of boundary conditions. For free boundary conditions, they also depend on the coupling strength with the heat baths. Moreover, we find a strong violation of local equilibrium at the chain edges that determine two boundary layers of size N\sqrt{N} (where NN is the chain length), that are characterized by a different scaling behaviour from the bulk. Finally, we investigate the relaxation towards the stationary state, finding two long time scales: the first corresponds to the relaxation of the hydrodynamic modes; the second is a manifestation of the finiteness of the system.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Physics A, Mathematical and Theoretica

    Coarsening in surface growth models without slope selection

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    We study conserved models of crystal growth in one dimension [tz(x,t)=xj(x,t)\partial_t z(x,t) =-\partial_x j(x,t)] which are linearly unstable and develop a mound structure whose typical size L increases in time (L=tnL = t^n). If the local slope (m=xzm =\partial_x z) increases indefinitely, nn depends on the exponent γ\gamma characterizing the large mm behaviour of the surface current jj (j=1/mγj = 1/|m|^\gamma): n=1/4n=1/4 for 1<γ<31< \gamma <3 and n=(1+γ)/(1+5γ)n=(1+\gamma)/(1+5\gamma) for γ>3\gamma>3.Comment: 7 pages, 2 EPS figures. To be published in J. Phys. A (Letter to the Editor

    A stochastic model of anomalous heat transport: analytical solution of the steady state

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    We consider a one-dimensional harmonic crystal with conservative noise, in contact with two stochastic Langevin heat baths at different temperatures. The noise term consists of collisions between neighbouring oscillators that exchange their momenta, with a rate γ\gamma. The stationary equations for the covariance matrix are exactly solved in the thermodynamic limit (NN\to\infty). In particular, we derive an analytical expression for the temperature profile, which turns out to be independent of γ\gamma. Moreover, we obtain an exact expression for the leading term of the energy current, which scales as 1/γN1/\sqrt{\gamma N}. Our theoretical results are finally found to be consistent with the numerical solutions of the covariance matrix for finite NN.Comment: Minor changes in the text. To appear in Journal of Physics

    The process of irreversible nucleation in multilayer growth. I. Failure of the mean-field approach

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    The formation of stable dimers on top of terraces during epitaxial growth is investigated in detail. In this paper we focus on mean-field theory, the standard approach to study nucleation. Such theory is shown to be unsuitable for the present problem, because it is equivalent to considering adatoms as independent diffusing particles. This leads to an overestimate of the correct nucleation rate by a factor N, which has a direct physical meaning: in average, a visited lattice site is visited N times by a diffusing adatom. The dependence of N on the size of the terrace and on the strength of step-edge barriers is derived from well known results for random walks. The spatial distribution of nucleation events is shown to be different from the mean-field prediction, for the same physical reason. In the following paper we develop an exact treatment of the problem.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Checkerboards, stripes and corner energies in spin models with competing interactions

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    We study the zero temperature phase diagram of Ising spin systems in two dimensions in the presence of competing interactions, long range antiferromagnetic and nearest neighbor ferromagnetic of strength J. We first introduce the notion of a "corner energy" which shows, when the antiferromagnetic interaction decays faster than the fourth power of the distance, that a striped state is favored with respect to a checkerboard state when J is close to J_c, the transition to the ferromagnetic state, i.e., when the length scales of the uniformly magnetized domains become large. Next, we perform detailed analytic computations on the energies of the striped and checkerboard states in the cases of antiferromagnetic interactions with exponential decay and with power law decay r^{-p}, p>2, that depend on the Manhattan distance instead of the Euclidean distance. We prove that the striped phase is always favored compared to the checkerboard phase when the scale of the ground state structure is very large. This happens for J\lesssim J_c if p>3, and for J sufficiently large if 2<p<=3. Many of our considerations involving rigorous bounds carry over to dimensions greater than two and to more general short-range ferromagnetic interactions.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure