444 research outputs found

    Directed abelian algebras and their applications to stochastic models

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    To each directed acyclic graph (this includes some D-dimensional lattices) one can associate some abelian algebras that we call directed abelian algebras (DAA). On each site of the graph one attaches a generator of the algebra. These algebras depend on several parameters and are semisimple. Using any DAA one can define a family of Hamiltonians which give the continuous time evolution of a stochastic process. The calculation of the spectra and ground state wavefunctions (stationary states probability distributions) is an easy algebraic exercise. If one considers D-dimensional lattices and choose Hamiltonians linear in the generators, in the finite-size scaling the Hamiltonian spectrum is gapless with a critical dynamic exponent z=Dz = D. One possible application of the DAA is to sandpile models. In the paper we present this application considering one and two dimensional lattices. In the one dimensional case, when the DAA conserves the number of particles, the avalanches belong to the random walker universality class (critical exponent στ=3/2\sigma_{\tau} = 3/2). We study the local densityof particles inside large avalanches showing a depletion of particles at the source of the avalanche and an enrichment at its end. In two dimensions we did extensive Monte-Carlo simulations and found στ=1.782±0.005\sigma_{\tau} = 1.782 \pm 0.005.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Tsirelson's bound and supersymmetric entangled states

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    A superqubit, belonging to a (21)(2|1)-dimensional super-Hilbert space, constitutes the minimal supersymmetric extension of the conventional qubit. In order to see whether superqubits are more nonlocal than ordinary qubits, we construct a class of two-superqubit entangled states as a nonlocal resource in the CHSH game. Since super Hilbert space amplitudes are Grassmann numbers, the result depends on how we extract real probabilities and we examine three choices of map: (1) DeWitt (2) Trigonometric (3) Modified Rogers. In cases (1) and (2) the winning probability reaches the Tsirelson bound pwin=cos2π/80.8536p_{win}=\cos^2{\pi/8}\simeq0.8536 of standard quantum mechanics. Case (3) crosses Tsirelson's bound with pwin0.9265p_{win}\simeq0.9265. Although all states used in the game involve probabilities lying between 0 and 1, case (3) permits other changes of basis inducing negative transition probabilities.Comment: Updated to match published version. Minor modifications. References adde

    The "topological" charge for the finite XX quantum chain

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    It is shown that an operator (in general non-local) commutes with the Hamiltonian describing the finite XX quantum chain with certain non-diagonal boundary terms. In the infinite volume limit this operator gives the "topological" charge.Comment: 5 page

    Representation Theory of Quantized Poincare Algebra. Tensor Operators and Their Application to One-Partical Systems

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    A representation theory of the quantized Poincar\'e (κ\kappa-Poincar\'e) algebra (QPA) is developed. We show that the representations of this algebra are closely connected with the representations of the non-deformed Poincar\'e algebra. A theory of tensor operators for QPA is considered in detail. Necessary and sufficient conditions are found in order for scalars to be invariants. Covariant components of the four-momenta and the Pauli-Lubanski vector are explicitly constructed.These results are used for the construction of some q-relativistic equations. The Wigner-Eckart theorem for QPA is proven.Comment: 18 page

    Spontaneous Breaking of Translational Invariance in One-Dimensional Stationary States on a Ring

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    We consider a model in which positive and negative particles diffuse in an asymmetric, CP-invariant way on a ring. The positive particles hop clockwise, the negative counterclockwise and oppositely-charged adjacent particles may swap positions. Monte-Carlo simulations and analytic calculations suggest that the model has three phases; a "pure" phase in which one has three pinned blocks of only positive, negative particles and vacancies, and in which translational invariance is spontaneously broken, a "mixed" phase with a non-vanishing current in which the three blocks are positive, negative and neutral, and a disordered phase without blocks.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, needs epsf.st

    Conformal invariance and its breaking in a stochastic model of a fluctuating interface

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    Using Monte-Carlo simulations on large lattices, we study the effects of changing the parameter uu (the ratio of the adsorption and desorption rates) of the raise and peel model. This is a nonlocal stochastic model of a fluctuating interface. We show that for 0<u<10<u<1 the system is massive, for u=1u=1 it is massless and conformal invariant. For u>1u>1 the conformal invariance is broken. The system is in a scale invariant but not conformal invariant phase. As far as we know it is the first example of a system which shows such a behavior. Moreover in the broken phase, the critical exponents vary continuously with the parameter uu. This stays true also for the critical exponent τ\tau which characterizes the probability distribution function of avalanches (the critical exponent DD staying unchanged).Comment: 22 pages and 20 figure

    Tensor operators and Wigner-Eckart theorem for the quantum superalgebra U_{q}[osp(1\mid 2)]

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    Tensor operators in graded representations of Z_{2}-graded Hopf algebras are defined and their elementary properties are derived. Wigner-Eckart theorem for irreducible tensor operators for U_{q}[osp(1\mid 2)] is proven. Examples of tensor operators in the irreducible representation space of Hopf algebra U_{q}[osp(1\mid 2)] are considered. The reduced matrix elements for the irreducible tensor operators are calculated. A construction of some elements of the center of U_{q}[osp(1\mid 2)] is given.Comment: 16 pages, Late

    Stochastic Models on a Ring and Quadratic Algebras. The Three Species Diffusion Problem

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    The stationary state of a stochastic process on a ring can be expressed using traces of monomials of an associative algebra defined by quadratic relations. If one considers only exclusion processes one can restrict the type of algebras and obtain recurrence relations for the traces. This is possible only if the rates satisfy certain compatibility conditions. These conditions are derived and the recurrence relations solved giving representations of the algebras.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, Sec. 3 extended, submitted to J.Phys.

    The Matrix Model for M Theory as an Exemplar of Trace (or Generalized Quantum) Dynamics

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    We show that the recently proposed matrix model for M theory obeys the cyclic trace assumptions underlying generalized quantum or trace dynamics. This permits a verification of supersymmetry as an operator calculation, and a calculation of the supercharge density algebra by using the generalized Poisson bracket, in a basis-independent manner that makes no reference to individual matrix elements. Implications for quantization of the model are discussed. Our results are a special case of a general result presented elsewhere, that all rigid supersymmetry theories can be extended to give supersymmetric trace dynamics theories, in which the supersymmetry algebra is represented by the generalized Poisson bracket of trace supercharges, constructed from fields that form a noncommutative trace class graded operator algebra.Comment: plaintex, 13 Page

    Deformation of orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(1|2)

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    Triangular deformation of the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(1|4) is defined by chains of twists. Corresponding classical r-matrix is obtained by a contraction procedure from the trigonometric r-matrix. The carrier space of the constant r-matrix is the Borel subalgebra.Comment: LaTeX, 8 page