51 research outputs found

    Home range of echidnas in the snowy mountains

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    Radio tracked echidnas in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales had a mean home range plus or minus SD of 42 plus or minus 20 ha, n=11, determined by direct plotting of multiple data points. Using this large data base, various statistical techniques for the estimation of home range were compared. Within the home range there were no fixed nest sites and a variety of site types were used as retreats. Sites used as hibernacula provided more secure shelter and burrows were only constructed for use as maternity sites. Several animals shared overlapping home ranges. All but one echidna remained within the observed home range throughout the course of the study

    Magnesium supplementation for the treatment of restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder : A systematic review

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    Magnesium supplementation is often suggested for restless legs syndrome (RLS) or period limb movement disorder (PLMD) based on anecdotal evidence that it relieves symptoms and because it is also commonly recommended for leg cramps. We aimed to review all articles reporting the effects of magnesium supplementation on changes in RLS and/or PLMD. We conducted a systematic search looking for all relevant articles and then two reviewers read all article titles and abstracts to identify relevant studies. Eligible studies were scored for their quality as interventional trials. We found 855 abstracts and 16 of these could not be definitively excluded for not addressing all aspects of our research question. Seven full-text articles were unlocatable and one was ineligible which left eight studies with relevant data. One was a randomised placebo-controlled trial, three were case series and four were case studies. The RCT did not find a significant treatment effect of magnesium but may have been underpowered. After quality appraisal and synthesis of the evidence we were unable to make a conclusion as to the effectiveness of magnesium for RLS/PLMD. It is not clear whether magnesium helps relieve RLS or PLMD or in which patient groups any benefit might be seen. (c) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe


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    Ce travail porte sur l'elaboration par jets moléculaires des interfaces GaSb-AlSb et AlSb-GaSb, et sur l'étude pas à pas par diffraction d'électrons rapides, par effet Auger, par mesures du travail de sortie de la surface de départ et de l'interface en formation. On précise ainsi la qualité électronique des surfaces, interfaces, et, met en évidence des diffusions d'Al pour l'interface GaSb/AlSb et pas de diffusion notable de Ga pour AlSb/GaSb.In this paper, we present results, we have obtained on GaSb-AlSb or AlSb-GaSb interfaces grown by MBE. We first focuss on the surface properties obtained by AES, R H E E D, work function topographies. Then, we describe the formation of the interface and the evolution of its properties during growth. We detail A E S and work function measurements and show Al migration at the GaSb/AlSb interface and no noticeable Ga diffusion at the AlSb/GaSb interface


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    In this paper, we present results, we have obtained on GaSb-AlSb or AlSb-GaSb interfaces grown by MBE. We first focuss on the surface properties obtained by AES, R H E E D, work function topographies. Then, we describe the formation of the interface and the evolution of its properties during growth. We detail A E S and work function measurements and show Al migration at the GaSb/AlSb interface and no noticeable Ga diffusion at the AlSb/GaSb interface

    Electrically Induced Coalescence of Two Facing Anchored Water Drops in Oil

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    Abstract- We investigate the deformation and coalescence of two closely spaced drops of conducting liquid suspended in an insulating fluid under the action of an electric field. The equations governing droplets deformation are derived in the case of drops subjected to a potential difference. The critical conditions for existence of a stationary solution are determined for drops anchored on capillary tubes in the asymptotic case of very close drops. In particular, electrocoalescence is predicted to occur when the interfaces distortions are such that the initial drops spacing has decreased by nearly 50 %. A numerical simulation gives the critical conditions for any spacing between the drops. Results compare favourably with the asymptotic approach in the common range of application. I