13 research outputs found

    Persistence of instanton connections in chemical reactions with time dependent rates

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    The evolution of a system of chemical reactions can be studied, in the eikonal approximation, by means of a Hamiltonian dynamical system. The fixed points of this dynamical system represent the different states in which the chemical system can be found, and the connections among them represent instantons or optimal paths linking these states. We study the relation between the phase portrait of the Hamiltonian system representing a set of chemical reactions with constant rates and the corresponding system when these rates vary in time. We show that the topology of the phase space is robust for small time-dependent perturbations in concrete examples and state general results when possible. This robustness allows us to apply some of the conclusions on the qualitative behavior of the autonomous system to the time-dependent situation

    Infinitely Many Stochastically Stable Attractors

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    Let f be a diffeomorphism of a compact finite dimensional boundaryless manifold M exhibiting infinitely many coexisting attractors. Assume that each attractor supports a stochastically stable probability measure and that the union of the basins of attraction of each attractor covers Lebesgue almost all points of M. We prove that the time averages of almost all orbits under random perturbations are given by a finite number of probability measures. Moreover these probability measures are close to the probability measures supported by the attractors when the perturbations are close to the original map f.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure