42 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the single jet flow rate for a multi-hole GDI nozzle

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    Fuel injectors featuring differentiated hole-to-hole dimensions improve the fuel distribution in the cylinder ensuring a more efficient and cleaner combustion for GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection) engines. A proper diagnostic system able to detect the actual fuel flow rate exiting each hole of a GDI nozzle is requested in order to optimize the matching between the spray and the combustion chamber. Measuring the spray impact force of a single plume allows the detection of the momentum flux exiting the single hole and, under appropriate hypotheses, the evaluation of the corresponding mass flow rate time-profile. In this paper two methodologies for the hole-specific flow rate evaluation, both based on the spray momentum technique, were applied to two different GDI nozzles, one featuring equal hole dimensions and one with two larger holes. Three different energizing times at 100 bar of fuel pressure were tested in order to cover a wide range of operating conditions. The results were validated in terms of injected mass by means of a proper device able to collect and weigh the fuel injected by each single nozzle hole, and in terms of mass flow rate using a Zeuch-method flow meter as reference. Both the proposed methodologies showed an excellent accuracy in the fuel amount detection with percentage error lower than 5% for standard energizing times and lower than 10% for very short injections working in ballistic conditions. The mass flow rate time-profile proved a good accuracy in the detection of the start and end of injection and the static flow rate level

    Characterisation of a Coriolis flow meter for fuel consumption measurements in realistic drive cycle tests

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    When testing light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles on chassis dynamometers, as in the WLTP, or engines on engine test benches, as in the WHDC, it is required to measure the fuel consumption. In the preferable case, the measurement of the fuel consumption is carried out with suitable flow meters. These require high measurement accuracy in a wide flow range, independent of the fuel type, as the flow rate range is often very large and depends on the power range of the vehicle engines. Moreover, the fuel flow rate in the test cycles is very dynamically related to the loads. In the scope of the ongoing EMPIR Joint Research Project 20IND13 SAFEST the dynamic flow behaviour as well as the measurement accuracy of flow meters for different types of fuels are investigated. This paper presents first results from the realisation of dynamic flow profiles, and flow measurements with a Coriolis Flow Meter with different representative fuels in a wide density and viscosity range and a wide flow rate range at different fuel temperatures

    Comparison of different techniques for characterizing the diesel injector internal dimensions

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    [EN] The geometry of certain parts of diesel injectors is key to the injection, atomization and fuel-air mixing phenomena. Small variations on the geometrical parameters may have a strong influence on the aforementioned processes. Thus, OEMs need to assess their manufacturing tolerances, whereas researchers in the field (both experimentalists and modelers) rely on the accuracy of a certain metrology technique for their studies. In the current paper, an investigation of the capability of different experimental techniques to determine the geometry of a modern diesel fuel injector has been performed. For this purpose, three main elements of the injector have been evaluated: the control volume inlet and outlet orifices, together with the nozzle orifices. While the direct observation of the samples through an optical microscope is only possible for the simplest pieces, both Computed Tomography Scanning and the visualization of silicone molds technique have proven their ability to characterize the most complex internal shapes corresponding to the internal injector elements. Indeed, results indicate that the differences observed among these methodologies for the determination of the control volume inlet orifice diameter and the nozzle orifice dimensions are smaller than the uncertainties related to the experimental techniques, showing that they are both equally accurate. This implies that the choice of a given technique for the particular application of determining the geometry of diesel injectors can be done on the basis of availability, intrusion and costs, rather than on its accuracy.This work was partly sponsored by "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad", of the Spanish Government, in the frame of the Project "Estudio de la interaccion chorro-pared en condiciones realistas de motor", Reference TRA2015-67679-c2-1-R.Salvador, FJ.; Gimeno, J.; De La Morena, J.; Carreres, M. (2018). Comparison of different techniques for characterizing the diesel injector internal dimensions. Experimental Techniques. 42(5):467-472. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40799-018-0246-1S467472425Mobasheri R, Peng Z, Mostafa S (2012) Analysis the effect of advanced injection strategies on engine performance and pollutant emissions in a heavy duty DI-diesel engine by CFD modeling. Int J Heat Fluid Flow 33(1):59–69Dhar A, Agarwal AK (2015) Experimental investigations of the effect of pilot injection on performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of Karanja biodiesel fuelled CRDI engine. Energy Convers Manag 93:357–366Mohan B, Yang W, Chou SK (2013) Fuel injection strategies for performance improvement and emissions reduction in compression ignition engines—a review. Renew Sust Energ Rev 28(x):664–676Petrovic V, Bracanovic Z, Grozdanic B, Petrovic S, Sazhin S, Knezevic D (2015) The design of a full flow dilution tunnel with a critical flow venturi for the measurement of diesel engine particulate emission. FME Trans 43(2):99–106Ilić Z, Rasuo B, Jovanović M, Janković D (2013) Impact of changing quality of air/fuel mixture during flight of a piston engine aircraft with respect to vibration low frequency spectrum. FME Trans 41(1):25–32Luján JM, Tormos B, Salvador FJ, Galgar K (2009) Comparative analysis of a DI diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel blends during the European MVEG-A cycle: Preliminaru study I. Biomass & Bioenergy 33(6–7):941–947Postrioti L, Mariani F, Battistoni M (2012) Experimental and numerical momentum flux evaluation of high pressure diesel spray. Fuel 98:149–163Payri R, Salvador FJ, Gimeno J, Venegas O (2016) A technique to match the refractive index of different diesel fuels with the refractive index of transparent materials to improve the experimental visualization. Exp Tech 40(1):261–269Duran SP, Porter JM, Parker TE (2015) Ballistic imaging of diesel sprays using a picosecond laser: characterization and demonstration. Appl Opt 54(7):1743Payri R, Salvador FJ, Gimeno J et al (2011) Flow regime effects on non-cavitating injection nozzles over spray behavior. Int J Heat Fluid Flow 32(1):273–284Koukouvinis P, Gavaises M, Li J, Wang L (2016) Large Eddy simulation of diesel injector including cavitation effects and correlation to erosion damage. Fuel 175:26–39Som S, Aggarwal SK (2010) Effects of primary breakup modeling on spray and combustion characteristics of compression ignition engines. Combust Flame 157(6):1179–1193Salvador FJ, De la Morena J, Martínez-López J, Jaramillo D (2017) Assessment of compressibility effects on internal nozzle flow in diesel injectors at very high injection pressures. Energy Convers Manag 132:221–230Salvador FJ, Gimeno J, de la Morena J, Martí-Aldaraví P (2012) Using one-dimensional modelling to analyze the influence of the use of biodiesels on the dynamic behaviour of solenoid-operated injectors in common rail systems: Results of the simulation and discussion. Energy Convers Manag 54(1):122–132Taghavifar H, Khalilarya S, Jafarmadar S, Baghery F (2016) 3-D numerical consideration of nozzle structure on combustion and emission characteristics of DI diesel injector. Appl Math Model 40(19–20):8630–8646Edelbauer W (2017) Numerical simulation of cavitating injector flow and liquid spray break-up by combination of Eulerian–Eulerian and volume-of-fluid methods. Comput Fluids 144:19–33Salvador FJ, Carreres M, Jaramillo D, Martínez-López J (2015) Comparison of microsac and VCO diesel injector nozzles in terms of internal nozzle flow characteristics. Energy Convers Manag 103:284–299Salvador FJ, Martínez-López J, Romero JV, Roselló MD (2013) Study of the influence of the needle eccentricity on the internal flow in diesel injector nozzles by computational fluid dynamics calculations. Int J Comput Math 91, no. June:24–31Payri R, Salvador FJ, Carreres M, De la Morena J (Apr. 2016) Fuel temperature influence on the performance of a last generation common-rail diesel ballistic injector. Part II: 1D model development, validation and analysis. Energy Convers Manag 114:376–391Salvador FJ, Hoyas S, Novella R, Martinez-López J (2011) Numerical simulation and extended validation of two-phase compressible flow in diesel injector nozzles. Proc Inst Mech Eng Part-D-J Automob Eng 225(D4):545–563Satkoski C, Shaver G (2011) Piezoelectric fuel injection: pulse-to-pulse coupling and flow rate estimation. IEEE/ASME Trans Mechatron 16(4):627–642Ferrari A, Mittica A (2016) Response of different injector typologies to dwell time variations and a hydraulic analysis of closely-coupled and continuous rate shaping injection schedules. Appl Energy 169:899–911Payri R, Salvador FJ, Gimeno J, De la Morena J (2011) Analysis of diesel spray atomization by means of a near-nozzle field visualization technique. At Sprays 21(9):753–774Li T, Moon S, Sato K, Yokohata H (Feb. 2017) A comprehensive study on the factors affecting near-nozzle spray dynamics of multi-hole GDI injectors. Fuel 190:292–302Yu W, Yang W, Zhao F (2017) Investigation of internal nozzle flow, spray and combustion characteristics fueled with diesel, gasoline and wide distillation fuel (WDF) based on a piezoelectric injector and a direct injection compression ignition engine. Appl Therm Eng 114:905–920Salvador FJ, Carreres M, Crialesi-Esposito M, Plazas AH (2017) Determination of critical operating and geometrical parameters in diesel injectors through one dimensional modelling, design of experiments and an analysis of variance. Proc Inst Mech Eng Part D J Automob EngMacian V, Bermúdez V, Payri R, Gimeno J (2003) New technique for determination of internal geometry of a diesel nozzle with the use of silicone methodology. Exp Tech 27, no April:39–43Piano A, Millo F, Postrioti L, Biscontini G, Cavicchi A, and Pesce FC, (2016) “Numerical and experimental assessment of a solenoid common-rail injector operation with advanced injection strategies,” SAE Int J Engines 9(1)Mitroglou N, Lorenzi M, Santini M, Gavaises M (2016) Application of X-ray micro-computed tomography on high-speed cavitating diesel fuel flows. Exp Fluids 57(11):1–14Kastengren AL, Tilocco FZ, Powell CF, Manin J, Pickett LM, Payri R, Bazyn T (2012) Engine combustion network (ECN): measurements of nozzle geometry and hydraulic behavior. At Sprays 22(12):1011–1052Otsu N (1979) A threshold selection method from gray-level histograms. IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern 9(1):62–6

    Computational investigation of diesel nozzle internal flow during the complete injection event

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    [EN] Currently, diesel engines are calibrated using more and more complex multiple injection strategies. Under these conditions, the characteristics of the flow exiting the fuel injector are strongly affected by the transient interaction between the needle, the sac volume and the orifices, which are not yet clear. In the current paper, a methodology combining a 1D injector model and 3D-CFD simulations is proposed. First, the characteristics of the nozzle flow have been experimentally assessed in transient conditions by means of injection rate and momentum flux measurements. Later, the 3D-CFD modeling approach has been validated at steady-state fixed lift conditions. Finally, a previously developed 1D injector model has been used to extract the needle lift profiles and transient pressure boundary conditions used for the full-transient 3D-CFD simulations, using adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) strategies to be able to simulate the complete injection rate starting from 1 mu m lift.This work was partly sponsored by "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad'', of the Spanish Government, in the frame of the Project "Estudio de la interaccion chorro-pared en condiciones realistas de motor'', Reference TRA2015-67679-c2-1-R. The authors would like also to thank the computer resources, technical expertise and assistance provided by Universidad de Valencia in the use of the supercomputer "Tirant''. Mr. Jaramillo's Thesis is funded by "Conselleria d'Educacio, Cultura i Esports'' of Generalitat Valenciana in the frame of the program "Programa VALI + D para investigadores en formacion, Reference ACIF/2015/040.Salvador, FJ.; De La Morena, J.; Bracho Leon, G.; Jaramillo-Císcar, D. (2018). Computational investigation of diesel nozzle internal flow during the complete injection event. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 40(3):153-167. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40430-018-1074-zS153167403Hall CAS, Lambert JG, Balogh SB (2014) EROI of different fuels and the implications for society. Energy Policy 64:141–152. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2013.05.049Lujan JM, Tormos B, Salvador FJ, Gargar K (2009) Comparative analysis of a DI diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel blends during the European MVEG-A cycle: preliminary study (I). Biomass Bioenergy 33:941–947. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2009.02.004Pickett LM, Siebers DL (2004) Soot in diesel fuel jets: effects of ambient temperature, ambient density, and injection pressure. Combust Flame 138:114–135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2004.04.006Dec JE (1997) A Conceptual Model of DI Diesel Combustion Based on Laser-Sheet Imaging. SAE Tech. Pap. 970873Wang X, Huang Z, Zhang W et al (2011) Effects of ultra-high injection pressure and micro-hole nozzle on flame structure and soot formation of impinging diesel spray. Appl Energy 88:1620–1628. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2010.11.035Sayin C, Gumus M, Canakci M (2013) Influence of injector hole number on the performance and emissions of a di diesel engine fueled with biodiesel-diesel fuel blends. Appl Therm Eng 61:121–128. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2013.07.038Mohan B, Yang W, Chou SK (2013) Fuel injection strategies for performance improvement and emissions reduction in compression ignition engines—A review. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 28:664–676. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2013.08.051Payri R, Salvador FJ, Gimeno J, De la Morena J (2011) Influence of injector technology on injection and combustion development, Part 1: hydraulic characterization. Appl Energy 88:1068–1074. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2010.10.012Park SW, Kim JW, Lee CS (2006) Effect of injector type on fuel-air mixture formation of high-speed diesel sprays. Proc Inst Mech Eng D 220:647–659. https://doi.org/10.1243/09544070D20304Moon S, Komada K, Sato K et al (2015) Ultrafast X-ray study of multi-hole GDI injector sprays: effects of nozzle hole length and number on initial spray formation. Exp Therm Fluid Sci 68:68–81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2015.03.027Powell CF, Kastengren AL, Liu Z, Fezzaa K (2010) The effects of diesel injector needle motion on spray structure. J Eng Gas Turbines Power 133:12802. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4001073Huang W, Moon S, Ohsawa K (2016) Near-nozzle dynamics of diesel spray under varied needle lifts and its prediction using analytical model. Fuel 180:292–300. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2016.04.042Sun Z-Y, Li G-X, Chen C et al (2015) Numerical investigation on effects of nozzle’s geometric parameters on the flow and the cavitation characteristics within injector’s nozzle for a high-pressure common-rail DI diesel engine. Energy Convers Manag 89:843–861. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2014.10.047Devassy BM, Habchi C, Daniel E (2015) Atomization modelling of liquid jets using a two-surface density approach. At Sprays 25:47–80Moon S, Gao Y, Park S et al (2015) Effect of the number and position of nozzle holes on in- and near-nozzle dynamic characteristics of diesel injection. Fuel 150:112–122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2015.01.097Payri R, Salvador FJ, Carreres M, De la Morena J (2016) Fuel temperature influence on the performance of a last generation common-rail diesel ballistic injector. Part II: 1D model development, validation and analysis. Energy Convers Manag 114:376–391. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.02.043Plamondon E, Seers P (2014) Development of a simplified dynamic model for a piezoelectric injector using multiple injection strategies with biodiesel/diesel-fuel blends. Appl Energy 131:411–424. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.06.039Postrioti L, Malaguti S, Bosi M et al (2014) Experimental and numerical characterization of a direct solenoid actuation injector for diesel engine applications. 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