138 research outputs found

    Toward human-in-the-loop PID control based on CACLA reinforcement learning

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    A self-tuning PID control strategy using a reinforcement learning method, called CACLA (Continuous Actor-critic Learning Automata) is proposed in this paper with the example application of humanin-the-loop physical assistive control. An advantage of using reinforcement learning is that it can be done in an online manner. Moreover, since human is a time-variant system. The demonstration also shows that the reinforcement learning framework would be beneficial to give semi-supervision signal to reinforce the positive learning performance in any time-step

    Dermatologist-like explainable AI enhances trust and confidence in diagnosing melanoma

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    Although artificial intelligence (AI) systems have been shown to improve the accuracy of initial melanoma diagnosis, the lack of transparency in how these systems identify melanoma poses severe obstacles to user acceptance. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) methods can help to increase transparency, but most XAI methods are unable to produce precisely located domain-specific explanations, making the explanations difficult to interpret. Moreover, the impact of XAI methods on dermatologists has not yet been evaluated. Extending on two existing classifiers, we developed an XAI system that produces text and region based explanations that are easily interpretable by dermatologists alongside its differential diagnoses of melanomas and nevi. To evaluate this system, we conducted a three-part reader study to assess its impact on clinicians' diagnostic accuracy, confidence, and trust in the XAI-support. We showed that our XAI's explanations were highly aligned with clinicians' explanations and that both the clinicians' trust in the support system and their confidence in their diagnoses were significantly increased when using our XAI compared to using a conventional AI system. The clinicians' diagnostic accuracy was numerically, albeit not significantly, increased. This work demonstrates that clinicians are willing to adopt such an XAI system, motivating their future use in the clinic

    A variant of green fluorescent protein exclusively deposited to active intracellular inclusion bodies

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    Background: Inclusion bodies (IBs) were generally considered to be inactive protein deposits and did not hold any attractive values in biotechnological applications. Recently, some IBs of recombinant proteins were confirmed to show their functional properties such as enzyme activities, fluorescence, etc. Such biologically active IBs are not commonly formed, but they have great potentials in the fields of biocatalysis, material science and nanotechnology. Results: In this study, we characterized the IBs of DL4, a deletion variant of green fluorescent protein which forms active intracellular aggregates. The DL4 proteins expressed in Escherichia coli were exclusively deposited to IBs, and the IBs were estimated to be mostly composed of active proteins. The spectral properties and quantum yield of the DL4 variant in the active IBs were almost same with those of its native protein. Refolding and stability studies revealed that the deletion mutation in DL4 didn't affect the folding efficiency of the protein, but destabilized its structure. Analyses specific for amyloid-like structures informed that the inner architecture of DL4 IBs might be amorphous rather than well-organized. The diameter of fluorescent DL4 IBs could be decreased up to 100-200 nm by reducing the expression time of the protein in vivo. Conclusions: To our knowledge, DL4 is the first GFP variant that folds correctly but aggregates exclusively in vivo without any self-aggregating/assembling tags. The fluorescent DL4 IBs have potentials to be used as fluorescent biomaterials. This study also suggests that biologically active IBs can be achieved through engineering a target protein itself.open0

    Ragweed as an Example of Worldwide Allergen Expansion

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    <p/> <p>Multiple factors are contributing to the expansion of ragweed on a worldwide scale. This review seeks to examine factors that may contribute to allergen expansion with reference to ragweed as a well-studied example. It is our hope that increased surveillance for new pollens in areas not previously affected and awareness of the influence the changing environment plays in allergic disease will lead to better outcomes in susceptible patients.</p

    Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and the regulation of human invariant natural killer T cells: lessons from obesity, diabetes and psoriasis

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    Aims/hypothesis The innate immune cells, invariant natural killer T cells (iNKT cells), are implicated in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, an inflammatory condition associated with obesity and other metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and dyslipidaemia. We observed an improvement in psoriasis severity in a patient within days of starting treatment with an incretin-mimetic, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist. This was independent of change in glycaemic control. We proposed that this unexpected clinical outcome resulted from a direct effect of GLP-1 on iNKTcells. Methods We measured circulating and psoriatic plaque iNKT cell numbers in two patients with type 2 diabetes and psoriasis before and after commencing GLP-1 analogue therapy. In addition, we investigated the in vitro effects of GLP-1 on iNKT cells and looked for a functional GLP-1 receptor on these cells. Results The Psoriasis Area and Severity Index improved in both patients following 6 weeks of GLP-1 analogue therapy. This was associated with an alteration in iNKT cell number, with an increased number in the circulation and a decreased number in psoriatic plaques. The GLP-1 receptor was expressed on iNKT cells, and GLP-1 induced a dose-dependent inhibition of iNKT cell cytokine secretion, but not cytolytic degranulation in vitro. Conclusions/interpretation The clinical effect observed and the direct interaction between GLP-1 and the immune system raise the possibility of therapeutic applications for GLP-1 in inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis

    Izloženost alergenima plijesni u unutarnjem okolišu

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    Humid indoor environments may be colonised by allergenic fi lamentous microfungi (moulds), Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., Cladosporium spp., and Alternaria spp. in particular. Mould-induced respiratory diseases are a worldwide problem. In the last two decades, mould allergens and glucans have been used as markers of indoor exposure to moulds. Recently, mould allergens Alt a 1 (Alternaria alternata) and Asp f 1 (Aspergillus fumigatus) have been analysed in various environments (residential and occupational) with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, which use monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies. Household Alt a 1 and Asp f 1 levels were usually under the limit of the method detection. By contrast, higher levels of mould allergens were found in environments with high levels of bioaerosols such as poultry farms and sawmills. Data on allergen Alt a 1 and Asp f 1 levels in agricultural settings may provide information on possible colonisation of respective moulds and point out to mould-related diseases in occupants.Vlažni, unutarnji prostori mogu biti kolonizirani alergogenim, filamentoznim mikrogljivicama (plijesni) uglavnom rodova Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium i Alternaria. Respiratorne bolesti uzrokovane plijesnima zdravstveni su problem diljem svijeta. U posljednja dva desetljeća, neki sastavni dijelovi plijesni kao alergeni i glukan rabe se kao pokazatelji izloženosti plijesni u unutarnjem okolišu. Nedavno su alergeni plijesni Alt a 1 (Alternaria alternata) i Asp f 1 (Aspergillus fumigatus) određivani u različitom okolišu (kućnom i profesionalnom) enzim-imunokemijskom metodom koja rabi monoklonska ili poliklonska antitijela. Razina Alt a 1 i Asp f 1 u kućnoj prašini ispod je granice detekcije. Nasuprot tomu, alergeni plijesni su određeni u okolišu s visokom razinom bioaerosola kao peradarnici i pilane. Razine alergena Alt a 1 i Asp f 1 u nekim poljoprivrednim objektima pružaju informaciju o mogućoj kolonizaciji plijesnima, što upućuje na moguće zdravstvene učinke kod zaposlenika

    An incremental learning approach for physical human-robot collaboration

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    Physical Human-Robot Collaboration requires humans and robots to perform joint tasks in a shared workspace. Since robot’s characteristic strengths are to cope well with high payloads, they are utilized to assist human operators during heavy pulling or pushing activities. A widely used sensor to detect human muscle fatigue and thus, to trigger an assistance request, is an Electromyography (EMG). Many previous approaches to process EMG data are based on training Machine Learning models offline or include a large degree of manual fine tuning. However, due to recent advances in Machine Learning such as incremental learning, there is an opportunity to apply online learning which reduces programming effort and also copes well with subject specific characteristics of EMG signals. Initial results show promising potential, yet, unveil a conflict between convergence time and classification accuracy

    Target of initial sub-movement in multi-component arm-reaching strategy

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    Goal-directed human reaching often involves multi-component strategy with sub-movements. In general, the initial sub-movement is fast and less precise to bring the limb’s endpoint in the vicinity of the target as soon as possible. The final sub-movement then corrects the error accumulated during the previous sub-movement in order to reach the target. We investigate properties of a temporary target of the initial sub-movement. We hypothesise that the peak spatial dispersion of movement trajectories in the axis perpendicular to the movement is in front of the final reaching target, and that it indicates the temporary target of the initial sub-movement. The reasoning is that the dispersion accumulates, due to signal-dependent noise during the initial sub-movement, until the final corrective sub-movement is initiated, which then reduces the dispersion to successfully reach the actual target. We also hypothesise that the reaching movement distance and size of the actual target affect the properties of the temporary target of the initial sub-movement. The increased reaching movement distance increases the magnitude of peak dispersion and moves its location away from the actual target. On the other hand, the increased target size increases the magnitude of peak dispersion and moves its location closer to the actual target.Human-Robot Interactio

    A shared control method for online human-in-the-loop robot learning based on Locally Weighted Regression

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    We propose a novel method that arbitrates the control between the human and the robot actors in a teaching-by-demonstration setting to form synergy between the two and facilitate effective skill synthesis on the robot. We employed the human-in-the-loop teaching paradigm to teleoperate and demonstrate a complex task execution to the robot in real-time. As the human guides the robot to perform the task, the robot obtains the skill online during the demonstration. To encode the robotic skill we employed Locally Weighted Regression that fits local models to specific state region of the task based on the human demonstration. If the robot is in the state region where no local models exist, the control over the robotic mechanism is given to the human to perform the teaching. When local models are gradually obtained in that region, the control is given to the robot so that the human can examine its performance already during the demonstration stage, and take actions accordingly. This enables a co-adaptation between the agents and contributes to a faster and more efficient teaching. As a proof-of-concept, we realised the proposed robot teaching system on a haptic robot with the task of generation of a desired vertical force on a horizontal plane with unknown stiffness properties.European Commissio