17 research outputs found

    Polynomial approximation of quasipolynomials based on digital filter design principles

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    This contribution is aimed at a possible procedure approximating quasipolynomials by polynomials. Quasipolynomials appear in linear time-delay systems description as a natural consequence of the use of the Laplace transform. Due to their infinite root spectra, control system analysis and synthesis based on such quasipolynomial models are usually mathematically heavy. In the light of this fact, there is a natural research endeavor to design a sufficiently accurate yet simple engineeringly acceptable method that approximates them by polynomials preserving basic spectral information. In this paper, such a procedure is presented based on some ideas of discrete-time (digital) filters designing without excessive math. Namely, the particular quasipolynomial is subjected to iterative discretization by means of the bilinear transformation first; consequently, linear and quadratic interpolations are applied to obtain integer powers of the approximating polynomial. Since dominant roots play a decisive role in the spectrum, interpolations are made in their very neighborhood. A simulation example proofs the algorithm efficiency. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

    Design and analysis of stable differentiator-predictor

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    Analysis of the footwork patterns of elite wicket-keepers in cricket

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    In [1], a revised version of the Pole-Placement Shifting based controller tuning Algorithm (PPSA), a finite-dimensional model-matching controller tuning method for time-delay systems (TDS), was presented together with some suggestions about algorithm improvements and modifications. Its leading idea consists in the placing the dominant characteristic poles and zeros of the infinite-dimensional feedback control system with respect to the desired dynamics of the simple finite-dimensional matching model. So far, retarded TDS have been studied in the reign of the PPSA. This paper, however, brings a detailed case study on a more advanced and intricate neutral-type control feedback. Unstable controlled plant is selected in our example, in addition. The results indicate a very good applicability of the PPSA under some minor modifications of standard manipulations with the neutral-type delayed spectrum. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

    Le dispositif anti-abus de l'article 155 A du CGI au coeur de l'actualité

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    Note sous CAA Paris, 2ème ch., 28 avril 2010, n° 08PA00415. Joueur professionnel de tennis ; fiscalité internationale ; commissions versées à une société implantée à l'étranger ; assujettissement à l'impôt sur le revenu en France

    Measurable error compensation with GPC in a heat-exchanger with a traffic delay

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    This paper demonstrates use of Model Predictive Control (MPC) to system control with delay. Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) method was selected to demonstrate the ability to both control the system and compensate the measurable disturbance while bot the system and the disturbance are delayed. For the realization the MATLAB/SIMULINK program environment was used with system parameters based on the laboratory system. GPC method was chosen and its ability to compensate the outer disturbance with delay was verified by simulation of system control based on real laboratory model. Control algorithm and simulation were realized in MATLAB/SIMULINK program environment. Results have proven capabilities of GPC method to control and compensate error in stable, oscillatory and non-minimum phase systems with traffic delay. Additionally, real model parameters were selected to test a possibility of realization. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 201

    Some recent results on direct delay-dependent stability analysis: Review and open problems

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    This contribution focuses an overview of selected results on time-delay systems stability analysis in the delay space, recently published in outstanding high-impacted journals and top conferences and meetings. A numerical gridding algorithm solving this problem designed by the first author is included as well. The theoretical background and a concise literature overview are followed by the list of practical and software applications. Unsolved tasks and open problems stemming from the analysis of presented methods and results concisely conclude the paper. The reader is supposed to use this survey to follow some of the presented techniques in his/her own research or engineering practice. © 2019, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.MSMT-7778/2014; LO130