363 research outputs found

    Transcription of brain natriuretic peptide and atrial natriuretic peptide genes in human tissues

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    We have compared the expression of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) genes in various human tissues using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction technique. Tissues of three human subjects, obtained at autopsy, were analyzed. BNP transcripts could be detected in the central nervous system, lung, thyroid, adrenal, kidney, spleen, small intestine, ovary, uterus, and striated muscle. ANP transcripts could also be demonstrated in various human extracardiac tissues including several endocrine organs. In all peripheral tissues, the level of both natriuretic peptide transcripts was approximately 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than in cardiac ventricular tissues. This distribution is in marked contrast to the much lower level of ANP and BNP transcripts present in extracardiac rat tissues (generally less than 1/1000 of ventricles). These data suggest differential expression of the two natriuretic peptide genes in cardiac and extracardiac tissues in man. Furthermore, the presence of local synthesis of ANP and BNP in various peripheral organs suggests paracrine and/or autocrine function of these natriuretic peptides

    An Adaptation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Teacher Attribution Measure for Early Elementary (TAM-EE)

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    This study examined the reliability and validity of the Teacher Attribution Measure for Early Elementary (TAM-EE), a measure adapted from the Preschool Teaching Attributions (PTA) measure, to assess the challenging behavior attributions of early elementary teachers. Like the PTA, the TAM-EE uses a series of student-specific behavior scenarios as prompts for teachers who then rate statements aligned with dimensions of attribution theory on a 6-point scale. A sample of 41 teachers completed the TAM-EE on 79 students in grades K-3 screened for risk of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Teachers also completed reports of student behavior, self-efficacy, and perceptions of the student-teacher relationship. Results of a confirmatory factor analysis suggest that the two-factor model (Causal and Responsibility) used for the PTA was best fit. Combined with significant correlations with measures assessing teacher perceptions and practices, this study provides both an initial psychometric evaluation of the TAM-EE and additional support for the validity and reliability of the PTA

    Transcription of Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Atria1 Natriuretic Peptide Genes in Human Tissues.

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    We have compared the expression of atria1 natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) genes in various human tissues using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction technique. Tissues of three human subjects, obtained at autopsy, were analyzed. BNP transcripts could be detected in the central nervous system, lung, thyroid, adrenal, kidney, spleen, small intestine, ovary, uterus, and striated muscle. ANP transcripts could also be demonstrated in various human extracardiac tissues including several endocrine organs. In all periphera1 tissues, the level of both natriuretic peptide transcripts was approximately l-2 orders of magnitude lower than in cardiac ventricular tissues. This distribution is in marked contrast to the much lower level of ANP and BNP transcripts present in extracardiac rat tissues (generally less than l/1000 of ventricles). These data suggest differential expression of the two natriuretic peptide genes in cardiac and extracardiac tissues in man. Furthermore, the presence of local synthesis of ANP and BNP in various peripheral organs su gests paracrine and/or autocrine function of these natriuretic peptides

    Detection of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) transcript in the rat heart and immune organs

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    Previous studies suggested the expression of mRNA, coding for CNP, exclusively in the central nervous system. In the present study, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique instead of the less sensitive Northern blot hybridization, CNP-specific sequences have also been detected in rat atria and ventricles of the heart as well as in organs of the immune system (thymus, spleen and lymph nodes). Parallel PCR-assays documented ANP-mRNA in these tissues. To verify specificity of the PCR-products, Southern blots have been hybridized with a third internal oligonucleotide and amplification products have been sequenced. The relative level of CNP-mRNA in these tissues was estimated to be in the range of 1-9% of total brain CNP transcripts. The results suggest that the peptide may have a peripheral as well as a central site of action. In light of its pronounced effect on cell proliferation, particular interest should focus on a possible role of CNP in the immune system

    Fractures De La diaphyse humérale Une étude rétrospective comparative de technique HACKETHAL Vs plaque vissée : A propos de 19 cas

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    Introduction: They represent 2% of all fractures. The main debate around recent fractures focuses on the therapeutic indications for all types of surgical stabilization have sometimes unconditional and strident defenders. Material and Methods: A series of 19 osteosynthesis was reviewed: 4 with other traumas, 1 case of skin incision and two initial radial nerve palsy. The osteosynthesis by plate was performed in 7 patients and by bundle pinning in 12 patients. The outcome evaluation was made with the listing for Stewart & Hundley amended. Results: For patients treated with plate: 2 postoperative radial nerve palsy. There were 1 non- union and no case of sepsis.71, 4% of patients had good and excellent results. For patients treated by bundle pinning: no radial nerve palsy, 1 case of non-union, and no cases of sepsis, under-acromial conflict, or of pin protrusion in the top. Good and very good results concerned 91, 7% of patients. Conclusion: The choice of therapeutic methods is difficult. There is no method that could lead to unanimous. The bundle pinning fixation could be this method, but the risk of stiffness of the shoulder is a feared complicationIntroduction Elles représentent 2% de l’ensemble des fractures ; Le débat principal autour des fractures de la diaphyse humérale se centre sur les indications thérapeutiques car tout type de stabilisation chirurgicale trouve des défenseurs parfois inconditionnels et véhéments. Matériels et Méthodes : Une série de 19 ostéosynthèses a été revue dont 4 polytraumatisés, 1 cas d’ouverture cutanée et deux paralysies radiales initiales. L'ostéosynthèse par plaque a été réalisée chez 7 patients et par embrochage fasciculé chez 12 malades. L’évaluation des résultats s'est faite avec la cotation de Stewart & Hundley modifiée. Résultats Pour les patients traités par plaque : Deux paralysies radiales post-opératoires, pas de pseudarthrose, pas de cas de sepsis. Les bons et très bons résultats concernent 71,4% des patients. Pour les patients traités par embrochage : pas de paralysie radiale ; 1 cas de pseudarthrose, pas de cas de sepsis, aucun cas de conflit sous acromiale ou de protrusion du clou en haut. Les bons et très bon résultats concernent 91,7% des patients. Conclusion Le choix entre les méthodes thérapeutiques est difficile. Il n'existe pas de méthode pouvant entraîner une adhésion unanime. L'embrochage fasciculé pourrait être cette méthode, mais le risque de raideur de l’épaule en fait une technique redoutée. L'ostéosynthèse par plaque aussi pourrait l’être mais son principal reproche est l’atteinte neurologique

    Etiological Profile and Treatment Outcome of Epistaxis at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Northwestern Tanzania: A Prospective Review of 104 Cases.

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    Epistaxis is the commonest otolaryngological emergency affecting up to 60% of the population in their lifetime, with 6% requiring medical attention. There is paucity of published data regarding the management of epistaxis in Tanzania, especially the study area. This study was conducted to describe the etiological profile and treatment outcome of epistaxis at Bugando Medical Centre, a tertiary care hospital in Northwestern Tanzania. This was a prospective descriptive study of the cases of epistaxis managed at Bugando Medical Centre from January 2008 to December 2010. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS computer software version 15. A total of 104 patients with epistaxis were studied. Males were affected twice more than the females (2.7:1). Their mean age was 32.24 ± 12.54 years (range 4 to 82 years). The modal age group was 31-40 years. The commonest cause of epistaxis was trauma (30.8%) followed by idiopathic (26.9%) and hypertension (17.3%). Anterior nasal bleeding was noted in majority of the patients (88.7%). Non surgical measures such as observation alone (40.4%) and anterior nasal packing (38.5%) were the main intervention methods in 98.1% of cases. Surgical measures mainly intranasal tumor resection was carried out in 1.9% of cases. Arterial ligation and endovascular embolization were not performed. Complication rate was 3.8%. The overall mean of hospital stay was 7.2 ± 1.6 days (range 1 to 24 days). Five patients died giving a mortality rate of 4.8%. Trauma resulting from road traffic crush (RTC) remains the most common etiological factor for epistaxis in our setting. Most cases were successfully managed with conservative (non-surgical) treatment alone and surgical intervention with its potential complications may not be necessary in most cases and should be the last resort. Reducing the incidence of trauma from RTC will reduce the incidence of emergency epistaxis in our centre
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