460 research outputs found

    Wave Chaos in Elastodynamic Cavity Scattering

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    The exact elastodynamic scattering theory is constructed to describe the spectral properties of two- and more-cylindrical cavity systems, and compared to an elastodynamic generalization of the semi-classical Gutzwiller unstable periodic orbits formulas. In contrast to quantum mechanics, complex periodic orbits associated with the surface Rayleigh waves dominate the low-frequency spectrum, and already the two-cavity system displays chaotic features.Comment: 7 pages, 5 eps figures, latex (with epl.cls

    Produktorienteret miljøindsats i landbrugssektoren - forudsætninger

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    For at styrke den produktorienterede miljøindsats i landbruget nedsatte Miljøstyrelsen primo 2003 et produktkædepanel for landbrugsområdet. Panelets primære mål er at fremme udvikling og afsætning af landbrugsprodukter, der set i et livscyklusperspektiv ("fra jord til jord") er mindre miljøbelastende end tilsvarende traditionelle produkter. Som fundament for panelets arbejde er udarbejdet denne rapport, som beskriver de eksisterende forudsætninger for en produktorienteret indsats i sektoren - i form af en kortlægning af relevante projekter/tiltag. Denne rapport har dannet udgangspunkt for udarbejdelsen af et såkaldt fremsyn på området, som er publiceret særskilt. Fremsynet og information om panelets arbejde i øvrigt kan fås på www.produktpanel-landbrug.dk. En produktorienteret indsats vil altid være et supplement til de eksisterende overordnede reguleringer af samfundets adfærd, forbrug og udledninger. Vi vil stadig i fremtiden opleve berettiget miljøarbejde, der tager udgangspunkt i en konkret produktion eller proces eller i ønsket om at reducere en arealbelastning. Med produktorientering følger en anderledes og mere nuanceret opfattelse af, hvad der er "godt og dårligt" for miljøet, hvilke områder, der skal prioriteres i fødevaresektorens miljøindsats, og hvad miljøarbejdet kan omfatte i alle led i fødevarernes produktkæde. Et produktorienteret miljøarbejde stiller krav til og udfordrer alle aktører i produktkæderne. Der skal ikke alene udveksles og håndteres oplysninger om produktets miljøpåvirkning bagud og fremad i produktkæden, men der skal også ageres på baggrund af de erkendelser, denne udveksling af oplysninger giver anledning til. Helhedsorienteringen skaber også muligheder for at synliggøre og dokumentere valg undervejs i produktkæden. Produktorientering giver dermed en enestående mulighed for aktører/virksomheder for at dokumentere adfærd og valg overfor aftagere (herunder forbrugeren). Også for landbrugs- og gartnerierhvervet er produktorienteringen en udfordring. En kvalificeret diskussion af muligheder og perspektiver i produktorienteringen i landbrugserhvervet er derfor langt fra kun et spørgsmål om værktøjer, opgørelsesmetoder og mulighederne for afsætning af miljødokumenterede varer. Produktorienteringen er i langt højere grad den ramme, hvori f.eks. nedenstående spørgsmål kan diskuteres: Hvilke langsigtede scenarier for landbrugserhvervet er tænkelige? Hvilke strategier kan anlægges for erhvervsudvikling, forskning, kompetenceudvikling etc. for bedst muligt at sigte på de mest attraktive scenarier? Hvordan bringes aktørerne i spil, og hvordan skal ansvar fordeles? De hidtidige erfaringer med produktorientering viser, at en væsentlig forudsætning for succes er åbenhed og kommunikation i produktkæderne

    Moving frames applied to shell elasticity

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    Exterior calculus and moving frames are used to describe curved elastic shells. The kinematics follow from the Lie-derivative on forms whereas the dynamics via stress-forms.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur


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    ABSTRACT This paper describes a method for obtaining a perceptually motivated and perfectly invertible time-frequency representation of a sound signal. Based on frame theory and the recent non-stationary Gabor transform, a linear representation with resolution evolving across frequency is formulated and implemented as a non-uniform filterbank. To match the human auditory time-frequency resolution, the transform uses Gaussian windows equidistantly spaced on the psychoacoustic "ERB" frequency scale. Additionally, the transform features adaptable resolution and redundancy. Simulations showed that perfect reconstruction can be achieved using fast iterative methods and preconditioning even using one filter per ERB and a very low redundancy (1.08). Comparison with a linear gammatone filterbank showed that the ERBlet approximates well the auditory time-frequency resolution

    A Peer-reviewed Newspaper About_ Excessive Research

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    Research on machines, research with machines, and research as a machine. Publication resulting from research workshop at Exhibition Research Lab, Liverpool John Moores University, organised in collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University and Liverpool Biennial, and transmediale festival for art and digital culture, Berlin

    Correction: Teaching and learning in a multilingual Europe: findings from a cross-European study

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    The original version of the article unfortunately contained an error. In author’s personal details, middle names were not included in author Hanne B. Søndergaard Knudsen’s name, and the listed articles were therefore incorrect

    An approach for the calculation of one-loop effective actions, vacuum energies, and spectral counting functions

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    In this paper, we provide an approach for the calculation of one-loop effective actions, vacuum energies, and spectral counting functions and discuss the application of this approach in some physical problems. Concretely, we construct the equations for these three quantities; this allows us to achieve them by directly solving equations. In order to construct the equations, we introduce shifted local one-loop effective actions, shifted local vacuum energies, and local spectral counting functions. We solve the equations of one-loop effective actions, vacuum energies, and spectral counting functions for free massive scalar fields in Rn\mathbb{R}^{n}, scalar fields in three-dimensional hyperbolic space H3H_{3} (the Euclidean Anti-de Sitter space AdS3AdS_{3}), in H3/ZH_{3}/Z (the geometry of the Euclidean BTZ black hole), and in S1S^{1}, and the Higgs model in a (1+1)(1+1)-dimensional finite interval. Moreover, in the above cases, we also calculate the spectra from the counting functions. Besides exact solutions, we give a general discussion on approximate solutions and construct the general series expansion for one-loop effective actions, vacuum energies, and spectral counting functions. In doing this, we encounter divergences. In order to remove the divergences, renormalization procedures are used. In this approach, these three physical quantities are regarded as spectral functions in the spectral problem.Comment: 37 pages, no figure. This is an enlarged and improved version of the paper published in JHE

    Frame Theory for Signal Processing in Psychoacoustics

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    This review chapter aims to strengthen the link between frame theory and signal processing tasks in psychoacoustics. On the one side, the basic concepts of frame theory are presented and some proofs are provided to explain those concepts in some detail. The goal is to reveal to hearing scientists how this mathematical theory could be relevant for their research. In particular, we focus on frame theory in a filter bank approach, which is probably the most relevant view-point for audio signal processing. On the other side, basic psychoacoustic concepts are presented to stimulate mathematicians to apply their knowledge in this field