5 research outputs found

    Tuning the chemical composition of binary alloy nanoparticles to prevent their dissolution.

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    The dissolution of nanoparticles under corrosive environments represents one of the main issues in electrochemical processes. Here, a model for alloying and protecting nanoparticles from corrosion with an anti-corrosive element (e.g. Au) is proposed based on the hypothesis that under-coordinated atoms are the first atoms to dissolve. The model considers the dissolution of atoms with coordination number ≤6 on A-B nanoparticles with different sizes, shapes, chemical compositions, and exposed crystallographic orientations. The results revealed that the nanoparticle's size and chemical composition play a key role in the dissolution, suggesting that a certain composition of an element with corrosive resistance could be used to protect nanoparticles. DFT simulations were performed to support our model on the dissolution of four types of atoms commonly found on the surface of Au0.20Pd0.80 binary alloys - terrace, edge, kink, and ad atoms. The simulations suggest that the less coordinated ad and kink Pd atoms on Au0.20Pd0.80 alloys are dissolved in a potential window between 0.26-0.56 V, while the rest of the Pd and Au atoms are protected. Furthermore, to show that a corrosion-resistant element can indeed protect nanoparticles, we experimentally investigated the electrochemical dissolution of immobilized Pd, Au0.20Pd0.80, and Au0.40Pd0.60 nanoparticles in a harsh environment. In line with the dissolution model, the experimental results show that an Au molar fraction of the nanoparticle of 0.20, i.e., Au0.20Pd0.80 binary alloy, is a good compromise between maximizing the active surface area (Pd atoms) and corrosion protection by the inactive Au

    Influence of the Electrode and Chaotropicity of the Electrolyte on the Oscillatory Behavior of the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of SO2

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    SO2 oxidation has been proposed as an alternative pathway for the electrochemical generation of H-2 because it requires lower potentials than water splitting and at the same time consumes an atmospheric pollutant. Theoretical predictions suggest that gold and platinum are the most active catalysts for this reaction. This work presents experimental evidence that, contrary to the predictions, SO2 oxidation starts at less positive potentials on Au electrodes (ca. 0.60 V (vs RHE)) than on Pt. It is found further that the observed current densities on Au are one order of magnitude higher than on Pt. In addition, the SO2 oxidation mechanism depends on the chemical nature of the electrolyte used: A kosmotropic anion (HSO4) results in lower currents than a chaotropic one (ClO4-), and the latter displays oscillatory reaction rates under both potentiostatic and galvanostatic regimes

    SO2 electrooxidation reaction on Pt single crystal surfaces in acidic media: Electrochemical and in situ FTIR studies

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    SO2 is a poisonous and anthropogenic gas generated by fossil fuel burning due to the common presence of S-containing contaminants in oil and coal. As a strategy to handle this pollutant and to increase H2 generation, the electrocatalytic SO2 oxidation reaction (SO2OR) is considered. In this way, SO2 is converted to H2SO4, while hydrogen gas is generated at the cathode. To better understand the mechanism and its dependence on the surface crystallography and electrolyte composition, electrochemical and in situ spectroscopic measurements using Pt single crystal electrodes were performed. The crystallographic orientation of the electrode is shown to be critical not only to the SO2OR activity but also to the resulting mechanism. The Pt(100) face is found to be the most active electrode in both H2SO4 and HClO4 aqueous electrolytes, and S2O62− appears as a key intermediate for the mechanism. Volcano plots, drawn considering the Stark tuning slope as a quantity proportional to the adsorption energy, show the importance of S2O62− in the electrode catalytic activity.The authors would like to thank Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) for financial support (grants #2015/26308-7 and #2019/22183-6). AHBD and RLM also thank FAPESP for individual grants (#2013/25592-8 and #2017/09346-8). SICT would like to thank Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq) (#302173/2016-1). This study was partially financed by the CAPES – Finance Code 001