611 research outputs found

    Mobile application based heavy vehicle fatigue compliance in Australian operations

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    The Australian National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) defines the rules for fatigue management in heavy haulage trucking operations. The rules place restrictions on total work and minimum rest hours, and are aimed at regulating the potential for fatigue risk amongst drivers. This paper presents a performance-based fatigue management system based on driver fatigue data stored in simple mobile databases and deployed via Android smart phones. The system funded by WorkSafe Tasmania and entitled, Logistics Fatigue Manager (LFM), was evaluated with a cohort of heavy haulage drivers in Australian forestry. The correlation between driver fatigue estimates and actual sleep hours (recorded using FitBits) is confirmed, and is also supported through driver interviews. The benefit is that management of fatigue risk could be more tailored to individual drivers opening up efficiency gains across supply chains

    Application of Deep Learning Long Short-Term Memory in Energy Demand Forecasting

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    The smart metering infrastructure has changed how electricity is measured in both residential and industrial application. The large amount of data collected by smart meter per day provides a huge potential for analytics to support the operation of a smart grid, an example of which is energy demand forecasting. Short term energy forecasting can be used by utilities to assess if any forecasted peak energy demand would have an adverse effect on the power system transmission and distribution infrastructure. It can also help in load scheduling and demand side management. Many techniques have been proposed to forecast time series including Support Vector Machine, Artificial Neural Network and Deep Learning. In this work we use Long Short Term Memory architecture to forecast 3-day ahead energy demand across each month in the year. The results show that 3-day ahead demand can be accurately forecasted with a Mean Absolute Percentage Error of 3.15%. In addition to that, the paper proposes way to quantify the time as a feature to be used in the training phase which is shown to affect the network performance

    Image processing for traceability: a system prototype for the Southern Rock Lobster (SRL) supply chain

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    This paper describes how conventional image processing techniques can be applied to the grading of Southern Rock Lobsters (SRL) to produce a high quality data layer which could be an input into product traceability. The research is part of a broader investigation into designing a low-cost biometric identification solution for use along the entire lobster supply chain. In approaching the image processing for lobster grading a key consideration is to develop a system capable of using low cost consumer grade cameras readily available in mobile phones. The results confirm that by combining a number of common techniques in computer vision it is possible to capture and process a set of valuable attributes from sampled lobster image including color, length, weight, legs and sex. By combining this image profile with other pre-existing data on catch location and landing port each lobster can be verifiably tracked along the supply chain journey to markets in China. The image processing research results achieved in the laboratory show high accuracy in measuring lobster carapace length that is vital for weight conversion calculations. The results also demonstrate the capability to obtain reliable values for average color, tail shape and number of legs on a lobster used in grading classifications. The findings are a major first step in the development of individual lobster biometric identification and will directly contribute to automating lobster grading in this valuable Australian fishery

    Sociological and Communication-Theoretical Perspectives on the Commercialization of the Sciences

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    Both self-organization and organization are important for the further development of the sciences: the two dynamics condition and enable each other. Commercial and public considerations can interact and "interpenetrate" in historical organization; different codes of communication are then "recombined." However, self-organization in the symbolically generalized codes of communication can be expected to operate at the global level. The Triple Helix model allows for both a neo-institutional appreciation in terms of historical networks of university-industry-government relations and a neo-evolutionary interpretation in terms of three functions: (i) novelty production, (i) wealth generation, and (iii) political control. Using this model, one can appreciate both subdynamics. The mutual information in three dimensions enables us to measure the trade-off between organization and self-organization as a possible synergy. The question of optimization between commercial and public interests in the different sciences can thus be made empirical.Comment: Science & Education (forthcoming

    Progress in development and applications of cherenkovtype detectors for fast electron studies in tokamaks

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    The paper presents advance in a new method developed in the Institute for Nuclear Studies (IPJ) for direct detection of high-energy (super-thermal, runaway) electrons generated in tokamaks. The technique in question is based on registration of the Cherenkov radiation, emitted by energetic electrons, moving through a transparent medium (radiator body) with a velocity higher than the velocity of light in this material. The main aim of the presented studies was to develop a diagnostic technique applicable for investigation of fast electron beams within magnetic confinement fusion (MCF) facilities.Представлено досягнення нового методу, розробленого в Інституті ядерних досліджень(ИЯД) для прямої реєстрації високоенергетичних (надтеплових, втікаючих) електронів, генеруємих у токамаках. Технічно задача заснована на реєстрації черенковського випромінювання, що випускається енергетичними електронами, які рухаються через прозоре середовище(випромінювальне тіло) зі швидкістю вище швидкості світла в даному матеріалі. Основною метою представлених досліджень була розробка діагностичної методики, застосованої для вивчення швидких електронних пучків у термоядерних магнітних пастках(ТМП).Представлены достижения нового метода, разработанного в Институте ядерных исследований (ИЯИ) для прямой регистрации высокоэнергетических (надтепловых, убегающих) электронов, генеруємых в токамаках. Технически задача основана на регистрации черенковского излучения, испускаемого энергитичными электронами, движущимся через прозрачную среду(излучательное тело) со скоростью выше скорости света в данном материале. Основной целью представленных исследований была разработка диагностической методики, применимой для изучения быстрых электронных пучков в термоядерных магнитных ловушках(ТМЛ)