61 research outputs found

    Telemonitoring Devices and Systems: Current Status and Future Trends

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    In the future, the number of elderly and chronically ill will be quite large. Additionally, pathologies will in many cases be in comorbidity. Alongside this reality, the health care resources will be insufficient for the population, thus the current research for solutions that can be fully implemented in the future. There are available several telemonitoring devices and systems for chronic diseases. Massive use of these devices will be essential to address the current and future lack of health system resources. Research on telemonitoring devices and systems for chronic diseases was con-ducted in academic and scientific databases. The technical specifications were collected in the manufacturers’ web page. The gathered data was analysed and compared in order to propose scenarios for the future trend of technical specifi-cations required in telemonitoring devices/system is performed. Telemonitoring for chronic diseases can bring great benefits to patient and health systems. Widening this practice will be a reality in the near future. This procedure will be fostered by the promotion and regulation of interoperability between de-vices/systems, as well as of front-end programs providing the link between health support systems. Interoperability issues are the main flaw of tedevicesring devices/systems on the market today.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Telemonitoring Devices and Systems: Current Status and Future Trends

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    In the future, the number of elderly and chronically ill will be quite large. Additionally, pathologies will in many cases be in comorbidity. Along with this reality, the health care resources will be insufficient for the population, thus the current research for technological solutions needs to be implemented in the future. There are available several telemonitoring devices and systems for chronic diseases. Massive use of these devices will be essential to address the current and future lack of health system resources. Research on telemonitoring devices and systems for chronic diseases was conducted in academic and scientific databases. The technical specifications were collected from the manufacturers’ web page. The collected data was analysed and compared in order to propose scenarios for the future trend of technical specifications required in telemonitoring devices/system. Telemonitoring for chronic diseases can bring great benefits to patient and health systems. Widening this practice will be a reality in the near future. This procedure will be fostered by the promotion and regulation of interoperability between devices/systems, as well as of front-end programs providing the link between health support systems. Interoperability issues are the main flaws of telemonitoring devices/systems on the market today.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Carboxylic ester hydrolases from hyperthermophiles

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    Carboxylic ester hydrolyzing enzymes constitute a large group of enzymes that are able to catalyze the hydrolysis, synthesis or transesterification of an ester bond. They can be found in all three domains of life, including the group of hyperthermophilic bacteria and archaea. Esterases from the latter group often exhibit a high intrinsic stability, which makes them of interest them for various biotechnological applications. In this review, we aim to give an overview of all characterized carboxylic ester hydrolases from hyperthermophilic microorganisms and provide details on their substrate specificity, kinetics, optimal catalytic conditions, and stability. Approaches for the discovery of new carboxylic ester hydrolases are described. Special attention is given to the currently characterized hyperthermophilic enzymes with respect to their biochemical properties, 3D structure, and classification

    A new phosphotriesterase from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius and its comparison with the homologue from Sulfolobus solfataricus.

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    La riforma dello Statuto dei diritti del contribuente

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    Il progetto ha come obiettivo finale quello di proporre una completa rivisitazione dei contenuti della Legge n. 12 del 2000 ovvero Statuto dei diritti del contribuente, nel senso di introdurre nuovi articoli in essa o di integrarne altri con l'intento di potenziare le garanzie del contribuente nei confronti dell'operato dell'Amministrazione Finanziaria, prediligendo in particolar modo i temi dedicati alla tax compliance, al rafforzamento del ruolo svolto dal contraddittorio endoprocedimentale con la finalità di addivenire alla formulazione di un nuovo articolo volto a cristalizzare la regola del contraddittorio del procedimento quale norma di carattere generale anche nell'ordinamento tributario italiano

    A novel bracket base design: biomechanical stability.

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the retention of a bracket equipped with a novel base, the R-system. The design of the bracket base is characterized by concentric grooves. The behaviour of this bracket was compared with a bracket with a conventional mesh base from the same manufacturer. Thirty lower adult bovine incisors were selected and metallic brackets were bonded using the Concise adhesive system. Each bracket-adhesive-enamel interface was investigated according to torsion debonding. One-way analysis of variance was used for statistical evaluation. Finite element analysis was also undertaken. In order to assess if the technique was detrimental to the enamel, the mode of failure was determined using the Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI). The debonded surfaces were analysed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron dispersion spectrometry (EDS). The R-system provided a bond strength greater than that of the mesh-base bracket. EDS showed that the amount of calcium on the novel base was higher than that on the conventional base, which allowed transfer of torsional stress more uniformly to the substrate, resulting in higher bond values for the R-system. On the other hand, as debonding of the R-system occurred at the enamel-composite interface, lesions to the enamel substrate are possible