35 research outputs found

    Syitä soittoharrastuksen lopettamiselle

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy soittoharrastuksen lopettaneiden kokemuksiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on sekä kartoittaa syitä soittoharrastuksen lopettamiselle, että selvittää, mitä tulisi tehdä, jotta lasten ja nuorten soittoharrastus jatkuisi mahdollisimman kauan. Tutkimus on tehty suomalaisen soitonopetuksen kontekstissa ja yhtenä tutkimuksen tavoitteista on tuoda tuoreita näkökulmia soitonopetuksen toteuttamiseen. Instrumentin soittaminen on suosittu harrastus Suomessa, mutta vain harva jatkaa aktiivista soittamista aikuiseksi asti. Tutkimuksen teoriapohjana toimii motivaatiotutkimus sekä aiempi tutkimus liittyen soittoharrastuksen lopettamiseen ja tukemiseen. Lisäksi viitekehyksen tutkimukselle muodostaa tieto suomalaiseen soittoharrastukseen liittyvistä laeista, opetussuunnitelmista ja käytännön toteutuksesta. Suomalaiset soitonopetusinstituutit ovat pitkään pitäytyneet tavoissaan toteuttaa soitonopetusta muuttamatta niitä, joten on aika tarkastella näitä tapoja kriittisesti ja pohdittava, onko opetustapoja mahdollista rakentaa oppilasta kuulevaan suuntaan. Tämä tutkimus on fenomenologinen haastattelututkimus. Haastattelut toteutettiin puolistrukturoituina teemahaastatteluina ja toteutettiin käytännössä etänä koronaviruspandemian vuoksi. Haastatteluaineistoa muodostui paljon ja sen pohjalta on ollut mahdollista tehdä yleistettäviä havaintoja, joita aiempi tutkimus tukee. Haastatellut olivat lapsena tai nuorena jotain soitinta soittaneita ja sittemmin lopettaneita henkilöitä. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin viittätoista (N=15) ihmistä, joista yksitoista oli naisia ja neljä miehiä. Haastateltavat olivat 14–40 -vuotiaita, kotoisin eri puolilta Suomea ja heidän soittoharrastustaustansa olivat vaihtelevia. Haastateltujen ikä haastatteluhetkellä vaihteli, mutta kaikille yhteistä on, että soittoharrastus on sijoittunut lapsuuteen ja nuoruuteen. Soittoharrastuksen lopettamiselle on useita syitä ja yksi ainoa lopettamista selittävä tekijä on mahdotonta erottaa. Kuitenkin yleisimpiä syitä ovat soitettavaan ohjelmistoon, opettajaan ja vertaistukeen liittyvät ongelmat. Soitto-oppilaat kokevat, etteivät tule kuulluksi opettajan taholta, mutta samaan aikaan kokemukset kodin ja perheen tuesta ovat positiivisia. Soittavat lapset ja nuoret kaipaavat enemmän vaihtelua harrastukseensa niin ohjelmiston kuin yhteismusisoinnin muodossa

    A National Public Sphere? Analyzing the Language, Location, and Form of Newspapers in Finland, 1771–1917

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    This article uses metadata from serial publications as a means of modelling the historical development of the public sphere. Given that a great deal of historical knowledge is generated through narratives relying on anecdotal evidence, any attempt to rely on newspapers for modeling the past challenges customary approaches in political and cultural history. The focus in this article is on Finland, but our approach is also scalable to other regions. During the period 1771–1917 newspapers developed as a mass medium in the Grand Duchy of Finland within two imperial configurations (Sweden until 1809 and Russia in 1809–1917), and in the two main languages – Swedish and Finnish. Finland is an ideal starting point for conducting comparative studies in that its bilingual profile already includes two linguistically separated public spheres that nonetheless were heavily connected. Our particular interest here is in newspaper metadata, which we use to trace the expansion of public discourse in Finland by statistical means. We coordinate information on publication places, language, number of issues, number of words, newspaper size, and publishers, which we compare with existing scholarship on newspaper history and censorship, and thereby offer a more robust statistical analysis of newspaper publishing in Finland than has previously been possible. We specifically examine the interplay between the Swedish- and Finnish-language newspapers and show that, whereas the public discussions were inherently bilingual, the technological and journalistic developments advanced at different pace in the two language forums. This analysis challenges the perception of a uniform public sphere in the country. In addition, we assess the development of the press in comparison with the production of books and periodicals, which points toward the specialization of newspapers as a medium in the period after 1860. This confirms some earlier findings about Finnish print production. We then show how this specialization came about through the establishment of forums for local debates that other less localized print media such as magazines and books could not provide.</p

    Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 4th Conference

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    Bibliographic data science is an emerging research paradigm in digital humanities. It aims at systematic quantification of the trends in knowledge production based on large-scale analysis of bibliographic metadata collections and the methods of modern data science. Compared to the earlier related attempts in book history and sociology of literature, advances in data processing and quality control are now making it possible for the first time to scale up the analysis to millions of print products while at the same time paying attention to data quality, representativity and completeness. This provides a new quantitative method that can support the analysis of classical research questions in intellectual history. Here, we discuss the methodological challenges that we have encountered in such studies and how to scale up the solutions based on collaborative research efforts. </p

    Proceedings of the Research Data And Humanities (RDHUM) 2019 Conference: Data, Methods And Tools

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    Bibliographic data science aims to quantify historical trends in knowledge production based on the rich information content in library catalogue metadata collections. Compared to the earlier attempts in book history, advances in data science are now making it possible to automate remarkable portions of such analyses, while maintaining or improving data quality and completeness. Such quantitative approaches can support the analysis of classical questions in intellectual history. Here, we discuss best practices in this emerging research field.  </p

    TwinTalks-DHN 2019 : Twin Talks Workshop at DHN 2019

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    This paper presents a collaboration between computer scientists, linguists and historians studying the material aspects of newspapers and developing a tool for that purpose. The paper describes how the back-and-forth collaboration in terms of research questions and technical challenges yielded insights both for solving computational problems as well as refining historical analysis. In the project, existing metadata was amended by reconstructing new materiality data from the Finnish digitised newspaper corpora. The analysis of such data is crucial for studying the development of newspapers, but can also inform other computational studies on the same data. The use of enriched materiality data allows for better understanding subdivisions in large corpora such as digitised newspapers, but also highlight that content and form interact. Content analysis of newspapers should therefore always take into account material properties of the studied material to properly grasp the cultural, social and political meanings embedded in the sources.</p

    Real-world emissions of nanoparticles, particulate mass and black carbon from a plug-in hybrid vehicle compared to conventional gasoline vehicles

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    Among various Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) charged from the grid are seen as the most advanced ones, as they can drive dozens of kilometers using only the electric engine and thus producing less tailpipe greenhouse gas emissions than vehicles with internal combustion engines or other HEVs. The proportion of PHEVs among all vehicles is still relatively low but increasing rapidly in many countries. However, the real-world emissions from these novel hybrid technologies are not straightforward to estimate. This study investigates multiple properties of the particle emissions of a PHEV, with gasoline direct injection, GDI, compared to two conventional gasoline vehicles, one with port fuel injection, PFI and one with GDI. Distance-based emission factors (EFs) for each vehicle in various driving modes, including battery-hold and battery-charge driving modes for the PHEV, were analyzed. The results showed that the PHEV produced smaller particles in size, resulting that particle mass (PM) and black carbon (BC) were lower by factor of ten in comparison to EFs from the vehicles with PFI and GDI engines. The PHEV consistently emitted lower distance-based EFs than the PFI and GDI vehicles in all driving modes, though EF for particle number (PN) in battery-charge mode was close to the EFs from the other two vehicles. The study also found that the vehicle cold start effect was present in the case of the shorter driving route but not as significant in the longer one. Overall, the study demonstrated that PHEVs could produce lower particle and BC emissions compared to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. The vehicle cold start and systematic combustion engine restart effects still can have significant impacts on particle emissions, especially in shorter trips