31,405 research outputs found

    Long and Short GRB

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    We report evidence from the 3B Catalogue that short (T_90 < 10 s) and long (T_90 > 10 s) GRB represent different populations and processes: Their spectral behavior is qualitatively different, with short bursts harder in the BATSE range, but chiefly long bursts detected at higher photon energies; \langle V/V_max \rangle = 0.385 \pm 0.019 for short GRB but \langle V/V_max \rangle = 0.282 \pm 0.014 for long GRB, differing by 0.103 \pm 0.024. Long GRB may be the consequence of accretion-induced collapse, but this mechanism fails for short GRB, for which we suggest colliding neutron stars.Comment: 5 pp., latex, no figures, revised to work around bug in latex compile

    Gravitational energy

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    Observers at rest in a stationary spacetime flat at infinity can measure small amounts of rest-mass+internal energies+kinetic energies+pressure energy in a small volume of fluid attached to a local inertial frame. The sum of these small amounts is the total "matter energy" for those observers. The total mass-energy minus the matter energy is the binding gravitational energy. Misner, Thorne and Wheeler evaluated the gravitational energy of a spherically symmetric static spacetime. Here we show how to calculate gravitational energy in any static and stationary spacetime for isolated sources with a set of observers at rest. The result of MTW is recovered and we find that electromagnetic and gravitational 3-covariant energy densities in conformastatic spacetimes are of opposite signs. Various examples suggest that gravitational energy is negative in spacetimes with special symmetries or when the energy-momentum tensor satisfies usual energy conditions.Comment: 12 pages. Accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gra

    Method and apparatus for supercooling and solidifying substances

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    An enclosure provides a containerless environment in which a sample specimen is positioned. The specimen is heated in the containerless environment, and the specimen melt is dropped through the tube in which it cools by radiation. The tube is alternatively backfilled with an inert gas whereby the specimen melt cools by both radiation and convection during its free fall. During the free fall, the sample is in a containerless, low-gravity environment which enhances supercooling in the sample and prevents sedimentation and thermal convection influences. The sample continues to supercool until nucleation occurs which is detected by silicon photovoltaic detectors. The sample solidifies after nucleation and becomes completely solid before entering the detachable catcher. The amount of supercooling of the specimen can be measured by knowing the cooling ratio and determining the time for nucleation to occur

    Application of advanced on-board processing concepts to future satellite communications systems

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    An initial definition of on-board processing requirements for an advanced satellite communications system to service domestic markets in the 1990's is presented. An exemplar system architecture with both RF on-board switching and demodulation/remodulation baseband processing was used to identify important issues related to system implementation, cost, and technology development

    Prioritising the care of critically ill children: a pilot study using SCREEN reduces clinic waiting times

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    Objective In low-resource settings, childhood mortality secondary to delays in triage and treatment remains high. This paper seeks to evaluate the impact of the novel Sick Children Require Emergency Evaluation Now (SCREEN) tool on the waiting times of critically ill children who present for care to primary healthcare clinics in Cape Town, South Africa. Methods We used a pre/postevaluation study design to calculate the median waiting times of all children who presented to four randomly chosen clinics for 5 days before, and 5 days after, the implementation of SCREEN. Findings The SCREEN programme resulted in statistical and clinically significant reductions in waiting times for children with critical illness to see a professional nurse (2 hours 45 min to 1 hour 12 min; p<0.001). There was also a statistically significant reduction in the proportion of children who left without being seen by a professional nurse (25.8% to 18.48%; p<0.001). Conclusions SCREEN is a novel programme that uses readily available laypersons, trained to make a subjective assessment of children arriving at primary healthcare centres, and provides a low cost, simple methodology to prioritise children and reduce waiting times in low-resource healthcare clinics

    Scanning optical pyrometer for measuring temperatures in hollow cathodes

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    Life-limiting processes in hollow cathodes are determined largely by the temperature of the electron emitter. To support cathode life assessment, a noncontact temperature measurement technique which employs a stepper motor-driven fiber optic probe was developed. The probe is driven inside the hollow cathode and collects light radiated by the hot interior surface of the emitter. Ratio pyrometry is used to determine the axial temperature profile. Thermocouples on the orifice plate provide measurements of the external temperature during cathode operation and are used to calibrate the pyrometer system in situ with a small oven enclosing the externally heated cathode. The diagnostic method and initial measurements of the temperature distribution in a hollow cathode are discussed

    Polar orbit electrostatic charging of objects in shuttle wake

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    A survey of DMSP data has uncovered several cases where precipitating auroral electron fluxes are both sufficiently intense and energetic to charge spacecraft materials such as teflon to very large potentials in the absence of ambient ion currents. Analytical bounds are provided which show that these measured environments can cause surface potentials in excess of several hundred volts to develop on objects in the orbiter wake for particular vehicle orientations

    Superpotentials from variational derivatives rather than Lagrangians in relativistic theories of gravity

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    The prescription of Silva to derive superpotential equations from variational derivatives rather than from Lagrangian densities is applied to theories of gravity derived from Lovelock Lagrangians in the Palatini representation. Spacetimes are without torsion and isolated sources of gravity are minimally coupled. On a closed boundary of spacetime, the metric is given and the connection coefficients are those of Christoffel. We derive equations for the superpotentials in these conditions. The equations are easily integrated and we give the general expression for all superpotentials associated with Lovelock Lagrangians. We find, in particular, that in Einstein's theory, in any number of dimensions, the superpotential, valid at spatial and at null infinity, is that of Katz, Bicak and Lynden-Bell, the KBL superpotential. We also give explicitly the superpotential for Gauss-Bonnet theories of gravity. Finally, we find a simple expression for the superpotential of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theories with an anti-de Sitter background: it is minus the KBL superpotential, confirming, as it should, the calculation of the total mass-energy of spacetime at spatial infinity by Deser and Tekin.Comment: Scheduled to appear in Class. Quantum Grav. August 200

    COBE Observations of the Microwave Counterparts of Gamma Ray Bursts

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    We have used the data from the COBE satellite to search for delayed microwave emission (31 - 90 GHz) from Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). The large 7∘7^\circ beam of COBE is well matched to the large positional uncertainties in the GRB locations, although it also means that fluxes from (point source) GRB objects will be diluted. In view of this we are doing a statistical search of the GRBs which occurred during the currently released COBE DMR data (years 1990 and 1991), which overlap ∼200\sim 200 GRBs recorded by GRO. Here we concentrate on just the top 10 GRBs (in peak counts/second). We obtain the limits on the emission by comparing the COBE fluxes before and after the GRB at the GRB location. Since it is thought that the microwave emission should lag the GRB event, we have searched the GRB position for emission in the few months following the GRB occurrence.Comment: 5 pages, LaTE
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