1,041 research outputs found

    Coordination polymers and isomerism; a study using silver(I) and a ∏-stacked ligand

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    The ligand 2,5-bis(2-pyridylmethylsulfanylmethyl)pyrazine (L) was prepared by the base coupling of 2-(sulfanylmethyl)pyridine and 2,5-bis(chloromethyl)pyrazine. This new ligand was treated with AgClO₄ in a 1 1 metal-to-ligand ratio and with AgNO₃in a 2 1 metal-to-ligand ratio to give coordination polymers. The crystal structures of {[Ag(L)]ClO₄}∞ ( 1) and {[Ag₂(L)](NO₃)₂}∞ ( 2) were determined. The Ag(I) ions in the one-dimensional polymeric chains of 1 adopted square-pyramidal geometries with the pyridine and pyrazine N donors coordinated in an extremely bent fashion. The structure of 2 revealed two isomeric polymer chains in the one crystal forming a single supramolecular array. The isomeric polymers differed in the donor atoms about the Ag(I) ions and in the arrangement of adjacent ligands along the chain. A feature of both structures was that L adopted a three-layer ∏-stacked arrangement

    Perception of the Importance of Traditional Country Foods to the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health of Labrador Inuit

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    Country foods play an integral role in Inuit life by providing nutrition and a spiritual connection to the land. However, they can harbour foodborne pathogens, such as zoonotic parasites or bacteria, which can cause disease in humans who consume contaminated meat that has been inadequately cooked. Given the heavy reliance of Inuit on subsistence living, it is important to have a clear understanding of the relative safety of these foods and the role that they play in a changing Inuit society. This community-based participatory research project involved Inuit residents of Nain, Nunatsiavut, Canada. Data on Inuit perceptions of the role, importance, and safety of country foods were collected during a series of interviews with focus groups and key informants. Despite the extremely positive views they expressed about country foods and the connections they provide to the land, community, and past, participants had major concerns about human expansion in the North, mining operations, chemical contamination, and the impact of these issues on animals and the food harvested from those animals. Also of concern was a perceived decrease in the importance of country food in their community in general, and specifically among children. These findings provide an understanding of Nunatsiavut residents’ perceptions that is essential to planning effective, culturally appropriate dissemination of public health messages about the safe consumption of country foods.La nourriture de campagne revĂȘt une grande importance dans la vie des Inuits car elle prĂ©sente Ă  la fois une source de nutrition de mĂȘme qu’un attachement spirituel Ă  la terre. Cependant, cette nourriture peut ĂȘtre assortie de pathogĂšnes d’origine alimentaire prenant notamment la forme de parasites ou de bactĂ©ries zoonotiques qui peuvent entraĂźner des maladies chez l’ĂȘtre humain qui consomme de la viande contaminĂ©e dont la cuisson n’est pas adĂ©quate. Étant donnĂ© la grande dĂ©pendance des Inuits par rapport Ă  l’alimentation de subsistance, il est important de bien comprendre la salubritĂ© relative de ces aliments et du rĂŽle qu’ils jouent au sein de la sociĂ©tĂ© inuite en pleine Ă©volution. Ce projet de recherche communautaire a fait appel Ă  des habitants inuits de Nain, Nunatsiavut, au Canada. Des donnĂ©es relatives aux perceptions des Inuits sur le rĂŽle, l’importance et la salubritĂ© de la nourriture de campagne ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies dans le cadre d’une sĂ©rie d’entrevues rĂ©alisĂ©es auprĂšs de groupes de discussion et d’intervenants-clĂ©s. MalgrĂ© les points de vue extrĂȘmement positifs exprimĂ©s au sujet de la nourriture de campagne et de l’attachement qu’elle procure Ă  la terre, Ă  la collectivitĂ© et au passĂ©, les participants ont exprimĂ© de grandes prĂ©occupations Ă  propos de l’expansion humaine dans le Nord, de l’exploitation miniĂšre, de la contamination chimique et de l’incidence de ces enjeux sur les animaux et les sources de nourriture provenant de ces animaux. Par ailleurs, ils s’inquiĂ©taient de la diminution perçue de l’importance de la nourriture de campagne au sein de leur communautĂ© en gĂ©nĂ©ral, plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment chez les enfants. Ces constatations permettent de comprendre les perceptions des habitants de Nunatsiavut, ce qui est essentiel Ă  une planification efficace et Ă  la dissĂ©mination culturellement appropriĂ©e des messages de santĂ© publique au sujet de la consommation sĂ©curitaire de la nourriture de campagne
