8,793 research outputs found
The Collapse of International Trade During the 2008-2009 Crisis: In Search of the Smoking Gun
One of the most striking aspects of the recent recession is the collapse in international trade. This paper uses disaggregated quarterly and monthly data on U.S. imports and exports to shed light on the anatomy of this collapse. We find that the recent reduction in trade relative to overall economic activity is far larger than in previous downturns. Information on quantities and prices of both domestic absorption and imports reveals a more than 50% shortfall in imports, relative to what would be predicted by a simple import demand relationship. In a sample of imports and exports disaggregated at the 6-digit NAICS level, we find that sectors used as intermediate inputs experienced significantly higher percentage reductions in both imports and exports. We also find support for compositional effects: sectors with larger reductions in domestic output had larger drops in trade. By contrast, we find no support for the hypothesis that trade credit played a role in the recent trade collapse.2008-2009 Crisis, International Trade
The Role of Financial Factors in the Trade Collapse: A Skeptic's View
This paper explores the role of financial factors in the 2008-9 collapse of U.S. imports
and exports. Using highly disaggregated international trade data, we examine whether the
cross-sectoral variation in how much imports or exports fell during this episode can be
explained by financial variables. To do this, we employ a wide variety of possible
indicators, such as standard measures of trade credit and external finance dependence,
proxies for shipping lags at the sector level, and shares of intra-firm trade in each sector.
Overall, there is very little evidence that financial factors played a role in the collapse of
U.S. trade.2008-2009 Crisis, International Trade, Financial Factors
Coulomb drag in quantum circuits
We study drag effect in a system of two electrically isolated quantum point
contacts (QPC), coupled by Coulomb interactions. Drag current exhibits maxima
as a function of QPC gate voltages when the latter are tuned to the transitions
between quantized conductance plateaus. In the linear regime this behavior is
due to enhanced electron-hole asymmetry near an opening of a new conductance
channel. In the non-linear regime the drag current is proportional to the shot
noise of the driving circuit, suggesting that the Coulomb drag experiments may
be a convenient way to measure the quantum shot noise. Remarkably, the
transition to the non-linear regime may occur at driving voltages substantially
smaller than the temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
Coulomb drag at zero temperature
We show that the Coulomb drag effect exhibits saturation at small
temperatures, when calculated to the third order in the interlayer
interactions. The zero-temperature transresistance is inversely proportional to
the third power of the dimensionless sheet conductance. The effect is therefore
the strongest in low mobility samples. This behavior should be contrasted with
the conventional (second order) prediction that the transresistance scales as a
certain power of temperature and is almost mobility-independent. The result
demonstrates that the zero-temperature drag is not an unambiguous signature of
a strongly-coupled state in double-layer systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
The "Collapse in Quality" Hypothesis
This paper evaluates the hypothesis that during the 2008-2009 collapse in international trade, imports of higher quality goods experienced larger reductions compared to low-quality imports, using data on US imports disaggregated by HS-10 product category and source country. We find little, if any, robust econometric evidence in support of this hypothesis.
Теоретичні аспекти оцінки якості сільськогосподарської продукції
В статті досліджується необхідність, показники та методи оцінки якості продукції загалом і сільськогосподарської зокрема. Аналізується,
як якість продукції впливає на всі параметри функціонування підприємства.The necessity, indexes and methods of estimation of quality of products in general and agricultural in particular are considered in the article. The process of influence of quality of products on all parameters of enterprise
functioning is analysed
Magnetoconductivity of low-dimensional disordered conductors at the onset of the superconducting transition
Magnetoconductivity of the disordered two- and three-dimensional
superconductors is addressed at the onset of superconducting transition. In
this regime transport is dominated by the fluctuation effects and we account
for the interaction corrections coming from the Cooper channel. In contrast to
many previous studies we consider strong magnetic fields and various
temperature regimes, which allow to resolve the existing discrepancies with the
experiments. Specifically, we find saturation of the fluctuations induced
magneto-conductivity for both two- and three-dimensional superconductors at
already moderate magnetic fields and discuss possible dimensional crossover at
the immediate vicinity of the critical temperature. The surprising observation
is that closer to the transition temperature weaker magnetic field provides the
saturation. It is remarkable also that interaction correction to
magnetoconductivity coming from the Cooper channel, and specifically the so
called Maki-Thompson contribution, remains to be important even away from the
critical region.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
Coulomb drag and heat transfer in strange metals
We address Coulomb drag and near-field heat transfer in a double-layer system
of incoherent metals. Each layer is modeled by an array of tunnel-coupled SYK
dots with random inter-layer interactions. Depending on the strength of
intra-dot interactions and inter-dot tunneling, this model captures the
crossover from the Fermi liquid to a strange metal phase. The absence of
quasiparticles in the strange metal leads to temperature-independent drag
resistivity, which is in strong contrast with the quadratic temperature
dependence in the Fermi liquid regime. We show that all the parameters can be
independently measured in near-field heat transfer experiments, performed in
Fermi liquid and strange metal regimes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures + Supplemental Materia
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