60 research outputs found

    Zaštitno djelovanje selenija protiv prekomjerne ekspresije apoptotskih gena povezanih s karcinomom u štakora izloženih o-krezolu

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    Cresols are monomethyl derivatives of phenol frequently used as solvents and intermediates in the production of disinfectants, fragrances, pesticides, dyes, and explosives, which is probably why they are widely distributed in the environment. General population may be exposed to cresols mainly through inhalation of contaminated air. In this study we evaluated the toxicological effects of o-cresol on differential gene expression profile of rat liver and prostate. Experiments were conducted on 80 male rats, 60 of which were exposed to o-cresol (1.5 g kg-1, 5 g kg-1, or 15 g kg-1) through feed for 8 weeks. Three groups of rats were supplemented with 0.1 mg kg-1 selenium (Se, in the form of, sodium selenite) in addition to o-cresol to evaluate its effectiveness against o-cresol toxicity. Control group received neither o-cresol nor Se, while one group received Se alone. Survival was similar between the exposed and control animals. Rats exposed to 15 g kg-1 of o-cresol showed a 16 % loss in body weight by the end of the study, which may have been related to o-cresol making feed unpalatable at this concentration. Liver and prostate tissue samples were collected at the end of the treatment. mRNA analysis revealed that apoptotic genes (CYP3A, COX-2, PPARγ, BAX, BCL2, AKT-1, and PKCα) related to cancer were up-regulated in liver and prostate tissues isolated from groups exposed to 5 g kg-1 and 15 g kg-1 o-cresol in comparison to control. Changes in gene expression profile were prevented when rats were supplemented with Se. The exact mechanisms underlying its protective effect remain to be clarified by future studies.Krezoli su monometilni derivati fenola koji se često rabe kao otapala te kao posrednici u proizvodnji dezinfekcijskih sredstava, mirisa, pesticida, boja i eksploziva. Otuda i njihova rasprostranjenost u okolišu. Opća je populacija izložena krezolima uglavnom putem zraka. U ovome se toksikološkom istraživanju ocijenilo djelovanje o-krezola, jednoga od tri krezolova izomera, na ekspresiju gena u tkivima jetre i prostate mužjaka štakora. Istraživanje je provedeno na 80 mužjaka, od kojih je 60 tijekom osam tjedana bilo izloženo o-krezolu (1,5 g kg-1, 5 g kg-1, odnosno 15 g kg-1) preko krmiva. Tri skupine štakora primale su uz o-krezol nadomjestak selenija u dozi od 0.1 mg kg-1 (Se, u obliku natrijeva selenita) radi ocjene njegove djelotvornosti protiv toksičnosti o-krezola. Kontrolna skupina nije primala ni o-krezol ni Se, dok je jedna skupina primala samo Se. Preživljenje je bilo podjednako u svih skupina životinja. Štakori izloženi najvišoj dozi o-krezola (15 g kg-1) imali su 16 % manju tjelesnu masu od kontrolne skupine na kraju ispitivanja, što može biti povezano s lošim okusom krmiva zbog primjese visoke doze o-krezola. S istekom osmotjednoga izlaganja o-krezolu životinje su eutanazirane te su prikupljeni uzorci tkiva jetre i prostate. Analiza m-RNA pokazala je značajno povišenu ekspresiju apoptotskih gena CYP3A, COX-2, PPARγ, BAX, BCL2, AKT-1 i PKCα, koji su povezani s nastankom karcinoma u skupinama štakora izloženim o-krezolu (5 g kg-1 i 15 g kg-1 u odnosu na kontrolu. Ova je prekomjerna ekspresija poništena u štakora koji su primali selenij. Još nisu jasni mehanizmi iza ovoga zaštitnog djelovanja, na što će odgovoriti buduća istraživanja

    The role of retinoic acid in hepatic lipid homeostasis defined by genomic binding and transcriptome profiling

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    Background: The eyes and skin are obvious retinoid target organs. Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness and retinoids are widely used to treat acne and psoriasis. However, more than 90% of total body retinol is stored in liver stellate cells. In addition, hepatocytes produce the largest amount of retinol binding protein and cellular retinoic acid binding protein to mobilize retinol from the hepatic storage pool and deliver retinol to its receptors, respectively. Furthermore, hepatocytes express the highest amount of retinoid x receptor alpha (RXRα) among all the cell types. Surprisingly, the function of endogenous retinoids in the liver has received very little attention. Results: Based on the data generated from chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing, the global DNA binding of transcription factors including retinoid x receptor α (RXRα) along with its partners i.e. retinoic acid receptor α (RARα), pregnane x receptor (PXR), liver x receptor (LXR), farnesoid x receptor (FXR), and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) has been established. Based on the binding, functional annotation illustrated the role of those receptors in regulating hepatic lipid homeostasis. To correlate the DNA binding data with gene expression data, the expression patterns of 576 genes that regulate lipid homeostasis were studied in wild type and liver RXRα-null mice treated with and without RA. The data showed that RA treatment and RXRα-deficiency had opposite effects in regulating lipid homeostasis. A subset of genes (114), which could clearly differentiate the effect of ligand treatment and receptor deficiency, were selected for further functional analysis. The expression data suggested that RA treatment could produce unsaturated fatty acids and induce triglyceride breakdown, bile acid secretion, lipolysis, and retinoids elimination. In contrast, RXRα deficiency might induce the synthesis of saturated fatty acids, triglyceride, cholesterol, bile acids, and retinoids. In addition, DNA binding data indicated extensive cross-talk among RARα, PXR, LXR, FXR, and PPARα in regulating those RA/RXRα-dependent gene expression levels. Moreover, RA reduced serum cholesterol, triglyceride, and bile acid levels in mice. Conclusions: We have characterized the role of hepatic RA for the first time. Hepatic RA mediated through RXRα and its partners regulates lipid homeostasis