1,609 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Description of Traffic Breakdowns

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    We analyze the characteristic features of traffic breakdown. To describe this phenomenon we apply to the probabilistic model regarding the jam emergence as the formation of a large car cluster on highway. In these terms the breakdown occurs through the formation of a certain critical nucleus in the metastable vehicle flow, which enables us to confine ourselves to one cluster model. We assume that, first, the growth of the car cluster is governed by attachment of cars to the cluster whose rate is mainly determined by the mean headway distance between the car in the vehicle flow and, may be, also by the headway distance in the cluster. Second, the cluster dissolution is determined by the car escape from the cluster whose rate depends on the cluster size directly. The latter is justified using the available experimental data for the correlation properties of the synchronized mode. We write the appropriate master equation converted then into the Fokker-Plank equation for the cluster distribution function and analyze the formation of the critical car cluster due to the climb over a certain potential barrier. The further cluster growth irreversibly gives rise to the jam formation. Numerical estimates of the obtained characteristics and the experimental data of the traffic breakdown are compared. In particular, we draw a conclusion that the characteristic intrinsic time scale of the breakdown phenomenon should be about one minute and explain the case why the traffic volume interval inside which traffic breakdown is observed is sufficiently wide.Comment: RevTeX 4, 14 pages, 10 figure

    The cubic chessboard

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    We present a survey of recent results, scattered in a series of papers that appeared during past five years, whose common denominator is the use of cubic relations in various algebraic structures. Cubic (or ternary) relations can represent different symmetries with respect to the permutation group S_3, or its cyclic subgroup Z_3. Also ordinary or ternary algebras can be divided in different classes with respect to their symmetry properties. We pay special attention to the non-associative ternary algebra of 3-forms (or ``cubic matrices''), and Z_3-graded matrix algebras. We also discuss the Z_3-graded generalization of Grassmann algebras and their realization in generalized exterior differential forms. A new type of gauge theory based on this differential calculus is presented. Finally, a ternary generalization of Clifford algebras is introduced, and an analog of Dirac's equation is discussed, which can be diagonalized only after taking the cube of the Z_3-graded generalization of Dirac's operator. A possibility of using these ideas for the description of quark fields is suggested and discussed in the last Section.Comment: 23 pages, dedicated to A. Trautman on the occasion of his 64th birthda

    Cellular automata approach to three-phase traffic theory

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    The cellular automata (CA) approach to traffic modeling is extended to allow for spatially homogeneous steady state solutions that cover a two dimensional region in the flow-density plane. Hence these models fulfill a basic postulate of a three-phase traffic theory proposed by Kerner. This is achieved by a synchronization distance, within which a vehicle always tries to adjust its speed to the one of the vehicle in front. In the CA models presented, the modelling of the free and safe speeds, the slow-to-start rules as well as some contributions to noise are based on the ideas of the Nagel-Schreckenberg type modelling. It is shown that the proposed CA models can be very transparent and still reproduce the two main types of congested patterns (the general pattern and the synchronized flow pattern) as well as their dependence on the flows near an on-ramp, in qualitative agreement with the recently developed continuum version of the three-phase traffic theory [B. S. Kerner and S. L. Klenov. 2002. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35, L31]. These features are qualitatively different than in previously considered CA traffic models. The probability of the breakdown phenomenon (i.e., of the phase transition from free flow to synchronized flow) as function of the flow rate to the on-ramp and of the flow rate on the road upstream of the on-ramp is investigated. The capacity drops at the on-ramp which occur due to the formation of different congested patterns are calculated.Comment: 55 pages, 24 figure

    Microscopic features of moving traffic jams

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    Empirical and numerical microscopic features of moving traffic jams are presented. Based on a single vehicle data analysis, it is found that within wide moving jams, i.e., between the upstream and downstream jam fronts there is a complex microscopic spatiotemporal structure. This jam structure consists of alternations of regions in which traffic flow is interrupted and flow states of low speeds associated with "moving blanks" within the jam. Empirical features of the moving blanks are found. Based on microscopic models in the context of three-phase traffic theory, physical reasons for moving blanks emergence within wide moving jams are disclosed. Structure of moving jam fronts is studied based in microscopic traffic simulations. Non-linear effects associated with moving jam propagation are numerically investigated and compared with empirical results.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Stability Analysis of Optimal Velocity Model for Traffic and Granular Flow under Open Boundary Condition

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    We analyzed the stability of the uniform flow solution in the optimal velocity model for traffic and granular flow under the open boundary condition. It was demonstrated that, even within the linearly unstable region, there is a parameter region where the uniform solution is stable against a localized perturbation. We also found an oscillatory solution in the linearly unstable region and its period is not commensurate with the periodicity of the car index space. The oscillatory solution has some features in common with the synchronized flow observed in real traffic.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. Typos removed. To appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Interpreting the Wide Scattering of Synchronized Traffic Data by Time Gap Statistics

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    Based on the statistical evaluation of experimental single-vehicle data, we propose a quantitative interpretation of the erratic scattering of flow-density data in synchronized traffic flows. A correlation analysis suggests that the dynamical flow-density data are well compatible with the so-called jam line characterizing fully developed traffic jams, if one takes into account the variation of their propagation speed due to the large variation of the netto time gaps (the inhomogeneity of traffic flow). The form of the time gap distribution depends not only on the density, but also on the measurement cross section: The most probable netto time gap in congested traffic flow upstream of a bottleneck is significantly increased compared to uncongested freeway sections. Moreover, we identify different power-law scaling laws for the relative variance of netto time gaps as a function of the sampling size. While the exponent is -1 in free traffic corresponding to statistically independent time gaps, the exponent is about -2/3 in congested traffic flow because of correlations between queued vehicles.Comment: For related publications see http://www.helbing.or

    Topics in Born-Infeld Electrodynamics

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    Classical version of Born-Infeld electrodynamics is recalled and its most important properties discussed. Then we analyze possible abelian and non-abelian generalizations of this theory, and show how certain soliton-like configurations can be obtained. The relationship with the Standard Model of electroweak interactions is also mentioned.Comment: (One new reference added). 15 pages, LaTeX. To be published in the Proceedings of XXXVII Karpacz Winter School edited in the Proceedings Series of American Mathematical Society, editors J. Lukierski and J. Rembielinsk

    Phase diagram of congested traffic flow: an empirical study

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    We analyze traffic data from a highway section containing one effective on-ramp. Based on two criteria, local velocity variation patterns and expansion (or nonexpansion) of congested regions, three distinct congested traffic states are identified. These states appear at different levels of the upstream flux and the on-ramp flux, thereby generating a phase diagram of the congested traffic flow. Compared to our earliear reports (including cond-mat/9905292) based on 14 day traffic data, the present paper uses a much larger data set (107 days) and the analysis is carried in a more systematic way, which leads to the modification of a part of interpretation in the earlier reports. Observed traffic states are compared with recent theoretical analyses and both agreeing and disagreeing features are found.Comment: More extensive and systematic version of earlier reports (including cond-mat/9905292). A part of interpretation in earlier reports is modified. 6 two-column pages. To appear in Phys. Rev. E (tentatively scheduled for Oct. 1 issue