2 research outputs found

    Malformation rate of the developing f ish embryo of Plectorhinchus cinctus to indicate marine environment qual ity

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    [摘要]:以养殖场培育的花尾胡椒鲷受精卵为实验材料测试了厦门西海域5 个站位的表层水水样对花尾胡椒 鲷受精卵的胚胎发育毒性,并运用GC2MS 手段分析了水样中的美国EPA 优控的16 种PAHs 组分的含量。结 果表明:3 号站位(厦门市工业和生活污水主要排放口的外侧) 和4 号站位(厦门西港的港区) 的水样对鱼卵的胚 胎发育的毒性最强;8 号站位(位于主航道并濒临嵩屿电厂) 的水样对鱼卵胚胎发育的毒性次之,1 号站位(湾 口) 和5 号站位(内港) 的水样对鱼卵的胚胎发育的毒性较小。水样中的PAHs 含量分析结果表明,仅用水样中 的PAHs 含量不能全面地反映水样对鱼卵胚胎发育的毒性。最后,对本实验方法应用于海洋环境生物监测的有 效性进行了探讨。[Abstract]:Cultured zygotes of Plectorhi nchus ci nct us were done to make test the toxicity of surface water samples in Western Xia2 men Sea Area. The results showed that the water samples at Station 3 (the outlet of industrial and domestic sewage of Xiamen City) and Station 4 (the major port area of Xiamen Island) were the most toxic , it would be revealed that the industrial and domestic sewage and port pollution were the major sources of pollutants. Station 8 (in the sea - route and nearby a big power plant) was less toxic. The toxicity at station 1 (the outlet of Western Xiamen Bay) and Station 5 (the inner port area) were the least . The results showed that it was useful to test the toxicity of water samples by the method. Simultaneously sixteen components of EPA priority PAHs in these samples were also measured by GC/ MS (SIM mode) . The sequence of the toxicity to zygotes and the sequence of the concentrations of total PAHs were not the same , since the factors influencing the toxicity to zygotes were complicated , it would be also revealed that the method was useful to indicate the total marine environment quality.国家自然科学基金资助项目(A20077023 ,C40106012

    PAHs’Dist ribution and Source Analysis in Surface Sediment s of the Meizhou Bay

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    [摘要]:2000 年10 月在湄洲湾海域6 个站位采集表层沉积物样,采用GC/ MS 法分析其多环芳烃的含量. 结果显示: 在这些沉积物样中,美国环保署优控的16 种多环芳烃的含量分布较为均匀,其范围为196. 7~299. 7 ng/ g ,平均值为 256. 1 ng/ g ;显著低于长江口、珠江口及其欧美主要港口表层沉积物中多环芳烃的含量. 对多环芳烃特征组分的比值 (菲/ 蒽比值,荧蒽/ 芘比值) 及16 种多环芳烃中四、五和六环总含量的百分比的分析表明:湄洲湾表层沉积物的多环 芳烃主要来源于燃料的高温燃烧.[Abstract]:The Meizhou Bay , located in the mid2east coast of Fujian , China , is a semi2enclosed narrow bay st retching deep into the inland with favorable hydrological circulation conditions. With the const ruction of port s , oil2refinery works and power indust ry in the coastal area ,PAHs’pollution is a potential environmental risk factor in this marine environment ,but no data of PAHs level in this marine environment were established before. The aim of this study is to examine PAHs’dist ribution in the surface sediment s and analyze their sources in the Meizhou Bay. The data showed that : PAHs’concent rations in the surface sediment s were f rom 196. 7 ~ 299. 7 ng/ g and average value was 256. 1 ng/ g. The result s revealed that PAHs’pollution in the sediment was similar. The result s also showed that sediment PAHs in the Meizhou Bay were much lower than those in the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta and the major harbors in America and Aust ralia ; but higher than that in the surface sediment s of White Sea. Ratio values of specific PAH compounds such as phenanthrene/ anthracene and fluoranthene/ pyrene were calculated to evaluate the possible source of PAHs contamination in the surface sedi2 ment s of the Meizhou Bay ,the percentage of 4 + 5 + 6 rings of PAHs in total was also used to indicate PAHs’ possible sources. The result s suggested that the surface sediment s might mainly have pyrolytic input s of PAHs.国家自然科学基金(A20077023 ,C40106012) 资