15 research outputs found

    Ostéite costale tuberculeuse

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    Nous rapportons un cas de tuberculose costale chez une patiente de 44ans ayant des antécédents de miliaire tuberculeuse. L’atteinte costale était pseudotumorale ayant conduit à une biopsie exérèse chirurgicale de la masse costale dont l’étude histologique est revenue en faveur d’une tuberculose. Cette observation ainsi que celles de la littérature, confirment les difficultés diagnostiques de cette forme rare de tuberculose

    Tracheal stenosis after intubation and/or tracheostomy

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    Introduction: The tracheal iatrogenic stenosis remains a frequent, sometimes severe tracheal resection, anastomosis is the treatment of choice. However, the endoscopic treatment is used as an alternative therapy. Materials and methods: We report a retrospective study for a period of 8 years. Results: 174 patients had an iatrogenic tracheal stenosis of intubation (55.17%) and/or tracheotomy (44.82%). The appearance and extent of stenosis were assessed by bronchoscopy, we noted a tracheal malacia (15%), a circumferential stenosis (58%), a little tight stenosis (12%) and diaphragm (5%). Some patients have benefited from several therapeutic procedures, 90 patients were operated on early interventions with 53 and 37 after surgery, an improvement of the patient’s clinical status have been postponed earlier, after failure of endoscopic methods. 293 interventional bronchoscopies were performed, 192 stenting, 45 Nd-YAG laser, 55 patients required a recalibration in the tube of the bronchoscope and one patient received cryotherapy, knowing that there are the patients who received combination therapy. We lamented death in the immediate postoperative sepsis, a recurrence of stenosis in 117 patients, and among the 192 implants placed we identified 37 migrations, 52 congestion, development of granulomatous lesions, an overhaul of the prosthesis is noted in 7.29%, three implants were embedded in the tracheal mucosa and there was only one spontaneous rejection. The long-term evolution was satisfactory in 92 patients. Conclusion: Nevertheless, the management of post intubation tracheal stenosis and/or post tracheostomy cannot be that requiring a multidisciplinary collaboration

    Anterior myeloid sarcoma revealing acute myeloid leukemia: Case report

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    Myeloid sarcoma (MS) is a tumor mass of myeloblasts or immature myeloid cells occurring in an extramedullary site or in the bone and generally precedes or reveals myeloid leukemia. It rarely occurs in the mediastinum. Clinical diagnosis and histology is generally difficult, the treatment is based on chemotherapy-type acute myeloid leukemia. We report the case of a patient diagnosed with anterior mediastinal myeloid sarcoma that revealed acute myeloid leukemia

    A Rare Paraneoplastic Syndrome of Lung Cancer

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    Achalasia is a neurodegenerative motor disease of the esophagus resulting mainly from a loss of function of the lower esophageal sphincter, the pathophysiology of which is still poorly understood. Its incidence is rare—it is 1.6 per 100,000—and its occurrence in the context of paraneoplastic syndrome has been rarely described in the literature. We report a rare case of paraneoplastic achalasia associated with lung cancer

    Pulmonary tuberculosis in its pseudotumoral form; one new case

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    Pulmonary tuberculosis in its pseudo tumoral form is a rare entity. This pseudo tumor is suggested by a radiological parenchymal lesion or neoplastic-like presence in bronchoscopy of a bud or lung infiltration. The diagnosis is confirmed by bacteriological and/or different histological samples. We report a patient aged 26 with no history conditions, no notion of contagious tuberculosis and without toxic habits, who reports with three months isolated type left chest pain operating in a context of significant weight loss but not encrypted, evening fever and altered general condition. The clinical syndrome is a condensation of apical left and the rest of the examination is unremarkable. The chest radiograph shows an opaque round, dense and homogeneous apical left chest scan objective mass density tissue. Bronchoscopy was performed of a small bud at the apex of the segmental left upper lobe whose biopsy was inconclusive. Transparietal puncture with histological study confirmed the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. The patient was then put under treatment with antibacillaire. The diagnosis of tuberculosis should be considered in any tumor-like lung, as well as to step up bronchoscopic radiation, especially in an epidemiological context and is suggestive. This will allow early treatment of tuberculosis. The aim of our study is to report the rare and special appearance of pulmonary tuberculosis pseudo-tumoral form in imaging