131 research outputs found

    An Integrated Software-based Solution for Modular and Self-independent Networked Robot

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    An integrated software-based solution for a modular and self-independent networked robot is introduced. The wirelessly operatable robot has been developed mainly for autonomous monitoring works with full control over web. The integrated software solution covers three components : a) the digital signal processing unit for data retrieval and monitoring system; b) the externally executable codes for control system; and c) the web programming for interfacing the end-users with the robot. It is argued that this integrated software-based approach is crucial to realize a flexible, modular and low development cost mobile monitoring apparatus.Comment: 9 pages, Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Visio

    Sistem Design of Fault Tolerance Prototype Door Controller Based System Personal Computer

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    Fault tolerance describes a computer system designed to handle the event when the system experienced an error (fault) the work, which the backup or replacement procedures will replace the work experience component failures without interrupting the continuity of the systemIn this tool will be designed with fault tolerance system implemented on the controller door through techniques passcode Microsoft Access 2000 database.The system is designed so that a procedure will be run on a PC to detect failures in the activation of work and continued with a replacement system (redundant) that is executed through a program based on Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Execution of the bridge through 8255 PPI interface

    Lan Network Management System Design In PT. ABC

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    In all cases, the process of choosing what type of system and network to the appropriate network operating system relies heavily on an understanding of running a business firm (in terms of managing data and information into something meaningful). Hence thing to note is studied process data and information flow within an existing business in a way to analyze and evaluate as precisely as possible. Emphasized here that the selected network must support and reflect the ways data / information flow or process in the conduct of company business. Reviewing and analyzing the data stream back to processed into useful information, and efforts to improve management processes, and visualize network support for the improvement company

    Design Build VoIP Technology Implementation on Network Applications IP Phone Via a Different Intranet Network.

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    Computer network technology and the internet today has become one of the important needs in life activities. Every day continues to grow, the development of a busy discussed and discussed today is the technology that lead to Next Generation Network (NGN) which will most likely be the technology platform on Internet Protocol (IP), one of the technology into use is a softswitch or known by the name Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). VoIP Technology able to communicate using voice infrastructure like the Internet using regular phone at no cost to regular phone. In addition, VoIP technology uses voice compression technology to provide efficiency and utilization bandwitdth, so that data communication is not disrupted

    Prober Utp Cable System (Unshielded Twisted Pair)

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    In making this writing, the author makes a simple tool with four pieces LED outputdisplay that lights up in sequence.The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the workings of the tool, as well as whatcomponents are used in the manufacture of this tool. In the research / writing, writer usemethod of literature study, namely mengumpukan materials related to this writing ofbooks and test equipment, ie, data collected from the experiment results by using the tooland then analyzed and explained.In this tool use Timer IC that functions as a clock in the display quickly slow theappearance of the display. And is also used IC 4017 (decade counter) that functions as achopper

    UPS for Computer Systems Protection Electricity

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    Computers are a means for people to help all kinds of human activities in accordance with its use. Anyone used these facilities both individuals, corporate organizations, government installations and by those who use computers. But what if the computer's performance is affected by the lack of protection against electricity. In this case developed a device that UPS needed to overcome the problem of electricity computers. With UPS is expected to minimize all forms of electricity shortages on the computer used

    Three State Logic Probe

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    Created a logic level detection circuit of a digital circuit. This circuit has the ability to3 (three) logic level digital signal is typically defined as follows: Level of highvoltage (High), low voltage level (Low) and the threshold voltage level (Theresehold).The ability of this series allows a digital circuit analysis to help level the better. Inthis series of tests in particular applied to the gates of the base
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