74 research outputs found

    The Beurling--Malliavin Multiplier Theorem and its analogs for the de Branges spaces

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    Let ω\omega be a non-negative function on R\mathbb{R}. We are looking for a non-zero ff from a given space of entire functions XX satisfying (a)fωor(b)fω.(a) \quad|f|\leq \omega\text{\quad or\quad(b)}\quad |f|\asymp\omega. The classical Beurling--Malliavin Multiplier Theorem corresponds to (a)(a) and the classical Paley--Wiener space as XX. We survey recent results for the case when XX is a de Branges space \he. Numerous answers mainly depend on the behaviour of the phase function of the generating function EE.Comment: Survey, 25 page

    Reconstruction of Bandlimited Functions from Unsigned Samples

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    We consider the recovery of real-valued bandlimited functions from the absolute values of their samples, possibly spaced nonuniformly. We show that such a reconstruction is always possible if the function is sampled at more than twice its Nyquist rate, and may not necessarily be possible if the samples are taken at less than twice the Nyquist rate. In the case of uniform samples, we also describe an FFT-based algorithm to perform the reconstruction. We prove that it converges exponentially rapidly in the number of samples used and examine its numerical behavior on some test cases

    Riesz potentials and nonlinear parabolic equations

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    The spatial gradient of solutions to nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations can be pointwise estimated by the caloric Riesz potential of the right hand side datum, exactly as in the case of the heat equation. Heat kernels type estimates persist in the nonlinear cas

    Zeros of analytic functions, with or without multiplicities

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    The classical Mason-Stothers theorem deals with nontrivial polynomial solutions to the equation a+b=ca+b=c. It provides a lower bound on the number of distinct zeros of the polynomial abcabc in terms of the degrees of aa, bb and cc. We extend this to general analytic functions living on a reasonable bounded domain ΩC\Omega\subset\mathbb C, rather than on the whole of C\mathbb C. The estimates obtained are sharp, for any Ω\Omega, and a generalization of the original result on polynomials can be recovered from them by a limiting argument.Comment: This is a retitled and slightly revised version of my paper arXiv:1004.359

    Function theory on compact Riemann surfaces

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