33 research outputs found

    Perancangan Dan Analisis Sistem Pendeteksi Intrusi Berbasis Network Intrusion Detection System (Nids) Pada Sistem Keamanan Jaringan Komputer

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    Network intrusion detection system is a system that can detect illegal accesses or intrusions happened in a computer network. Actually, there are many types of intrusion detection systems and the differences are based on how network administrators implement the system to secure the network. In this study, the system called Network Intrusion Detection System or NIDS in brief, is used to design and implement the intrusion detection system in the network model design. Intrusion detection system will utilize the snort application that serves as a sensor and detection server and be implemented in a network model that has been designed previously. The performance of the system is investigated through the monitoring of the use of disk space, memory USAge and cpu USAge of the system during intrusion detection identification process. Three different intrusion scenarios such as Portscanning, ICMP flooding and SYN flooding is performed to see the effect in the system's performance. During the test, the use of disk space still has not shown any significant use, due to the detection time limit used in this study was too short. However, the difference in memor

    Analisa Quality Of Service (QoS) Trafik Multimedia pada Pemodelan Jaringan Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Menggunakan Router Mikrotik

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    Quality of Service (QoS) is a performance indicator on many communication systems. The Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a part of the communication system. One of approach to find out QoS performance indicator for MPLS is using of a Mikrotik router. The network testing scenario using bus topology, where different types of traffic is delivered audio and video streaming that has a variety of different file sizes. The first scenario involving 1 client to send and the other scenario involving 2 client to send. The result show that MPLS network meets ITU-T G.114 standards where the average accepted delay for packet data transmission is less than 150 ms, in the simulation results indicates that the delay value is below of 150 ms in both scenarios. The value of packet loss based on ITU-T G.1010 standard is less than 1% where the simulation results indicate that packet loss value is below 1% in both scenarios. Overall, the MPLS network is proven to serve a heavy multimedia traffic

    Modeling the effects of concentration of solid nanoparticles in liquid feedstock injection on high-velocity suspension flame spray process

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    This paper presents the effects of the concentration of solid nanoparticles in the liquid feedstock injection on the high-velocity suspension flame spray (HVSFS) process. Four different concentrations of solid nanoparticles in suspension droplets with various droplet diameters are used to study gas dynamics, vaporization rate, and secondary breakup. Two types of injections, viz. surface and group, are used. The group-type injection increases the efficiency of droplet disintegration and the evaporation process and reduces the gas cooling. The initiation of the fragmentation process is difficult for small droplets carrying a high concentration of nanoparticles. Also, smaller droplets undergo rapid vaporization, leaving clogs of nanoparticles in the middle of the barrel. For larger droplets, severe fragmentation occurs inside the combustion chamber. For a higher concentration of nanoparticles, droplets exit the gun without complete evaporation. The results suggest that, in coating applications involving a higher concentration of nanoparticles, smaller droplet sizes are preferred

    Perangkat Lunak Pembangkit Dokumentasi Model Data Konseptual Dan Model Data Fisik Dengan Penggambaran Diagram Resolusi Tinggi

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    Rancangan basis data berskala besar membutuhkan mekanisme penanganan penggambaran diagram ke halaman buku dokumentasi untuk menjaga kejelasan dan konsistensi informasi. Hal ini melatarbelakangi ide untuk membangun fitur pembangkit dokumentasi model data konseptual (CDM) dan model data fisik (PDM) pada CASE Tool dengan keluaran diagram model data beresolusi tinggi. Fitur ini dibangun di atas kerangka kerja .NET Framework 3.5 dan menggunakan pustaka tambahan Microsoft Office Interop Word 12.0. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa fitur pembangkit dokumentasi ini dapat menghasilkan buku dokumentasi berupa berkas Microsoft Word (*.doc atau *.docx). Diagram model data ditampilkan di bagian awal buku dokumentasi dengan resolusi tinggi dan informasi detil sebagai keterangan dari setiap objek model data ditampilkan di bagian akhir buku dokumentasi

    A framework of successful business incubators for indonesian public universities

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    Universities play an important role in motivating young graduates to become technology entrepreneurs. The objectives of this research are to investigate the success factors for business incubators and to develop and propose a framework of successful business incubators for public universities in Indonesia. Indonesian public universities that have business incubators were considered for this research. A preliminary study was conducted with a panel of experts who have the necessary insights and experiences in managing both the incubators and the relationships within the incubators with the tenant firms. This research examines some significant measures with reference to the unique features of university business incubators in order to better understand the manner in which incubators can be assessed in a developing country. The result of this research includes a framework of successful business incubators in Indonesian public universities. This framework is developed on the basis of previous studies and the preliminary study conducted with ten business incubator experts

    GFR and Blood Lead Levels in Gas Station Workers Based on δ-Alad Gene Polymorphisms

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    Introduction: Lead is a well-known toxic agent that makes an organ's failure. Lead serum itself is infl uenced by δ-ALAD gene polymorphisms (Amino Levulinic Acid Dehydratase). δ-ALAD gene encodes an ALAD enzyme used for heme synthesis. The Characteristic of gene polymorphism may result in Glomerulo Filtration Rate (GFR) value as mark of renal failure. The goal of this study was to fi nd correlations between blood lead levels with GFR in terms of δ ALAD gene polymorphisms. Method: A cross-sectional design was used to perform this research. Thirty-eight gas stations workers in Banyumas were recruited in this study. δ-ALAD gene polymorphisms were characterized using PCR-RFLP method, while lead serum levels were quantifi ed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). In addition, Creatinin serum was done with a spectrophotometer and GFR value was formulated by means of the Schwartz method. Result: The studyshowed that the proportion of ALAD genotype for ALAD 1-1, 1-2 and 2-2 were 94.7%, 5.3%, and 0% respectively. The mean of serum levels in homozygous 1-1 was 15.94 ppb and heterozygote 1-2 was 1.15 ppb. GFR of participants ranged from 71.11 mL/min to 185.20 mL/min with a mean of 117.34mL/min. There was no correlation between serum Pb and GFR (p = 0.19). Study also could not determine the correlation between GFR and ALAD gene Polymorphism. Discussion: Study then concluded that there was no correlation between blood lead levels in the GFR on each δ-ALAD genotypes

    A Framework of Successful E-Business Incubator for Indonesian Public Universities

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    . In many developed countries, many business incubators take part to help starts-up company to develop their own business; especially the baby born business cannot compete with the giant industries that have become the old business players. Universities play an important role in motivating young graduates to become technology entrepreneur. Unemployment in Indonesia is still the main issue for the government program to increase welfare in the future. In year 2014 the data from Statistic Center of Indonesia state that Indonesia has 4% unemployment from Indonesia' work generation. In Indonesia, incubators has been developed since 1992 initiated by the government, Cooperative Department and also universities. This effort continued in 1997 when there was a program called the Development of Entrepreneurship Culture in universities, and of its activity was New Entrepreneur Incubator. The objectives of the research are to investigate the success factor for e-business incubator, and to propose and develop a framework for successful e-business incubator for public universities in Indonesia. Research location is in Indonesia for the public universities that have their e-business incubator. This research will conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses based on data collection from incubator managers and business founders in Indonesia. The result of this research is a framework for successful e-business incubator in Indonesian public universities

    The Important Role of System Dynamics Investigation on Business Model, Industry and Performance Management

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    Purpose: This research studies the development of the evolving dynamic system model and explores the important elements or factors and what detailed attributes are the main influences model in achieving the success of a business, industry and management. It also identifies the real and major differences between static and dynamic business management models and the detailed factors that influence them. Later, this research investigates the benefits/advantages and limitations/disadvantages of some research studies. The studies conducted in this research put more emphasis on the capabilities of system dynamics in modeling and the ability to measure, analyze and capture problems in business, industry, manufacturing etc. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research presented in this work is qualitative research based on a literature review. Publicly available research publications and reports have been used to create a research foundation, identify the research gaps, and develop new analyses from the comparative studies. As the literature review progressed, the scope of the literature search was further narrowed down to the development of system dynamics models. Often, references to certain selected literature have been examined to find other relevant literature. To do so, a supporting tool (that connects related articles) provided by Google Scholar, Scopus, and particular journals has been used. Findings: The dynamic business and management model is very different from the static business model in complexity, formality, flexibility, capturing, relationships, advantages, innovation model, new goals, updated information, perspective, and problem-solving abilities. The initial approach of a static system was applied in the canvas business model, but further developments can be continued with a dynamic system approach. Originality/value: The significant differences between static and dynamics can be used for business research and strategic performance management. This comparative study analyses some system dynamics models from many authors worldwide. Their goals are behind their strategic business models and encounters for their respective progress. This approach may serve as a checklist for new researchers in the field

    Critical success and moderating factors effect in Indonesian Public Universities' business incubators

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    This study aims to examine the effect of critical success and moderating factors in Indonesian public universities' business incubators. The study of business incubators benefits university professors in their roles as managers and advisors, university faculty entrepreneurs and start-ups/tenants in the knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship learning processes, and government officials in effective policy making. For the universities, the incubators serve as a platform for the commercialization of their research efforts. The incubators assist the universities' stakeholders in fulfilling their newly identified responsibilities towards building the nation's economy and giving the faculty members and graduate students the chance to conduct research. Regarding the economic environment, the incubators help create job opportunities, increase the country's economic value, and reduce poverty. This research employed the quantitative method approach, and the data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 23 and Smart PLS version 3 statistical software packages. The samples of this research were comprised of 31 business incubator managers from Indonesian public universities. Although there have been previous models about critical success and moderating factors for business incubators in other countries, this study is the first that was conducted in Indonesia and found direct and indirect relationships between critical success factors and moderating success factors for Indonesian Public University Business Incubators. The results of the research demonstrated that good system and infrastructure showed a strong direct relationship with success factors and that information technology showed a strong relationship with the moderating factors, namely age and quality of facilities. Furthermore, mentoring and networking showed a strong relationship with the moderating factors good system and infrastructure and that university regulation had a strong relationship with moderating factor credit and rewards. Entry criteria, exit criteria, and funding support showed strong direct relationships to success factors. These findings could improve the management of business incubators in Indonesian Public Universities and allow them to more successful