11,140 research outputs found

    Increasing Performances of TCP Data Transfers Through Multiple Parallel Connections

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    Although Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a widely deployed and successful protocol, it shows some limitations in present-day environments. In particular, it is unable to exploit multiple (physical or logical) paths between two hosts. This paper presents PATTHEL, a session-layer solution designed for parallelizing stream data transfers. Parallelization is achieved by striping the data flow among multiple TCP channels. This solution does not require invasive changes to the networking stack and can be implemented entirely in user space. Moreover, it is flexible enough to suit several scenarios - e.g. it can be used to split a data transfer among multiple relays within a peer-to-peer overlay networ

    Providing End-to-End Connectivity to SIP User Agents Behind NATs

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    The widespread diffusion of private networks in SOHO scenarios is fostering an increased deployment of Network Address Translators (NATs). The presence of NATs seriously limits end-to-end connectivity and prevents protocols like the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) from working properly. This document shows how the Address List Extension (ALEX), which was originally developed to provide dual-stack and multi-homing support to SIP, can be used, with minor modifications, to ensure end-to-end connectivity for both media and signaling flows, without relying on intermediate relay nodes whenever it is possibl

    Sanggar Anak Jalanan Kota Solo

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    Keberadaan anak jalanan merupakan permasalahan yang umum terjadi di kota-kota besar, termasuk Kota Solo. Kebutuhan ekonomi menjadi faktor utama anak-anak jalanan turun ke jalan. Dengan begitu diperlukan wadah pengembangan sumber daya anak jalanan berupa sanggar. Melalui pelatihan yang dilakukan di sanggar tersebut, diharapkan anak-anak jalanan tersebut nantinya memiliki keterampilan khusus yang dapat digunakan sebagai sumber pendapatan, sehingga anak-anak tersebut tidak kembali turun ke jalan. Pendekatan karakteristik anak jalanan diperlukan sebagai pendekatan desain, sehingga dapat mengakomodasi karakteristik anak jalanan. Persoalan desain adalah bagaimana mewujudkan karakteristik anak jalanan ke dalam desain sanggar anak jalanan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode menggunakan Pendekatan Karakteristik Anak Jalanan ke dalam desain Sanggar Anak Jalanan di Kota Solo ini. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah berupa desain sanggar anak jalanan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik anak jalanan

    Metastatic tumors to the stomach: clinical and endoscopic features.

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    AIM: To evaluate the clinical and endoscopic patterns in a large series of patients with metastatic tumors in the stomach. METHODS: A total of 64 patients with gastric metastases from solid malignant tumors were retrospectively examined between 1990 and 2005. The clinicopathological findings were reviewed along with tumor characteristics such as endoscopic pattern, location, size and origin of the primary sites. RESULTS: Common indications for endoscopy were anemia, bleeding and epigastric pain. Metastases presented as solitary (62.5%) or multiple (37.5%) tumors were mainly located in the middle or upper third of stomach. The main primary metastatic tumors were from breast and lung cancer and malignant melanoma. CONCLUSION: As the prognosis of cancer patients has been improving gradually, gastrointestinal (GI) metastases will be encountered more often. Endoscopic examinations should be conducted carefully in patients with malignancies, and endoscopic biopsies and information on the patient's clinical history are useful for correct diagnosis of gastric metastases

    Correlation between oesophageal acid exposure and dyspeptic symptoms in patients with nonerosive reflux disease.

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    Oesophageal acidification induces dyspeptic symptoms in healthy individuals. This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between oesophageal acid exposure and dyspeptic symptoms in patients with nonerosive reflux disease. METHODS: A total of 68 patients with dominant symptoms of heartburn, negative upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and concomitant dyspeptic symptoms participated in the study. The severity of dyspepsia and reflux-related symptoms was evaluated, and 24-h gastro-oesophageal pH-monitoring study was performed in all patients at baseline and after 4 weeks of therapy with esomeprazole 40 mg. RESULTS: Oesophageal basal acid exposure was pathological in 43 patients and normal in 25 patients, with a similar prevalence and severity of individual dyspeptic symptoms in the two groups. A significant correlation between reflux and dyspepsia scores was observed in the subgroup of patients with normal, but not in those with abnormal pHmetry (r=0.4, P=0.04 and r=0.2 P=0.07, respectively). After esomeprazole, a reduction in severity of dyspepsia (>or=50% with respect to baseline) was observed, independent of improvement of reflux-associated symptoms. Improvement in dyspepsia was, however, similar in patients with normal and abnormal basal acid exposure (14/25 vs. 33/43, respectively, P=NS). CONCLUSION: Dyspeptic symptoms coexist in a subset of nonerosive reflux disease patients, but prevalence and severity of the symptoms seems to be independent of oesophageal acid exposure

    Estimation of traf- fic matrices in the presence of long memory traffic

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    The estimation of traffic matrices in a communications network on the basis of a set of traffic measurements on the network links is a well-known problem, for which a number of solutions have been proposed when the traffic does not show dependence over time, as in the case of the Poisson process. However, extensive measurements campaigns conducted on IP networks have shown that the traffic exhibits long range dependence. Here a method is proposed for the estimation of traffic matrices in the case of long range dependence, and its theoretical properties are studied. Its merits are then evaluated via a simulation study. Finally, an application to real data is provided

    A rank-and-compare algorithm to detect abnormally low bids in procurement auctions

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    3noDetecting abnormally low bids in procurement auctions is a recognized problem, since their acceptance could result in the winner not being able to provide the service or work awarded by the auction, which is a significant risk for the auctioneer. A rank-and-compare algorithm is considered to detect such anomalous bids and help auctioneers in achieving an effective rejection decision. Analytical expressions and simulation results are provided for the detection probability, as well as for the false alarm probability. The suggested range of application of the detection algorithm leaves out the cases of many tenderers (more than 20) and quite dispersed bids (coefficient of variation larger than 0.15). An increase in the number of tenderers leads to contrasting effects, since both the false alarm probability and the detection probability are reduced. If the bids are spread over a large range, we have instead a double negative effect, with more false alarms and less detections. The presence of multiple anomalous bids worsens the performance of the algorithm as well. On the other hand, the method is quite robust to the presence of courtesy bids.reservedmixedL. De Giovanni; P. L. Conti; M. NaldiDE GIOVANNI, Livia; P. L., Conti; M., Nald

    A two-level local search heuristic for pickup and delivery problems in express freight trucking

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    We consider a multiattribute vehicle routing problem inspired by a freight transportation company operating a fleet of heterogeneous trucks. The company offers an express service for requests including multiple pickup and multiple delivery positions spread in a regional area, with associated soft or hard time windows often falling in the same working day. Routes are planned on a daily basis and reoptimized on-the-fly to fit new requests, taking into account constraints and preferences on capacities, hours of service, route termination points. The objective is to maximize the difference between the revenue from satisfied orders and the operational costs. The problem mixes attributes from both intercity less-than-truckload and express couriers operations, and we propose a two-level local search heuristic. The first level assigns orders to vehicles through a variable neighborhood stochastic tabu search; the second level optimizes the route service sequences. The algorithm, enhanced by neighborhood filtering and parallel exploration, is embedded in a decision support tool currently in use in a small trucking company. Results have been compared to bounds obtained from a mathematical programming model solved by column generation. Experience on the field and test on literature instances attest to the quality of results and the efficiency of the proposed approach
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