29 research outputs found

    Differential gene expression of Plasmodium homocircumflexum (lineage pCOLL4) across two experimentally infected passerine bird species

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    Plasmodium parasites are present in a wide range of host species, some of which tend to be more susceptible than others, potentially as an outcome of evolved tolerance or resistance. Common starlings seem to cope with malaria infection while common crossbills are more susceptible to the same infections. That raises the question if the parasites rely on the same molecular mechanisms regardless of host species or do Plasmodium parasites change gene-expressions in accordance to the environment different hosts might provide? We used RNA-sequencing from starlings and crossbills, experimentally infected with Plasmodium homocircumflexum (lineage pCOLL4). The assembled transcriptome contained a total of 26,733 contigs. Parasite expression patterns differed between bird species. Parasites had higher expression of cell-invasion genes when infecting crossbills compared to starlings whereas in starlings genes related to apoptosis or/and oxidative stress showed higher expression levels. This article reveals how a Plasmodium parasite might adjust its expression and gene function depending on the host species infected

    Fast Scalable Architecture of a Near-ML Detector for a MIMO-QSM Receiver

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    This paper presents a proposal for an architecture in FPGA for the implementation of a low complexity near maximum likelihood (Near-ML) detection algorithm for a multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) quadrature spatial modulation (QSM) transmission system. The proposed low complexity detection algorithm is based on a tree search and a spherical detection strategy. Our proposal was verified in the context of a MIMO receiver. The effects of the finite length arithmetic and limited precision were evaluated in terms of their impact on the receiver bit error rate (BER). We defined the minimum fixed point word size required not to impact performance adversely for n T transmit antennas and n R receive antennas. The results showed that the proposal performed very near to optimal with the advantage of a meaningful reduction in the complexity of the receiver. The performance analysis of the proposed detector of the MIMO receiver under these conditions showed a strong robustness on the numerical precision, which allowed having a receiver performance very close to that obtained with floating point arithmetic in terms of BER; therefore, we believe this architecture can be an attractive candidate for its implementation in current communications standards

    The Multi-Partner Consortium to Expand Dementia Research in Latin America (ReDLat): Driving Multicentric Research and Implementation Science

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    Dementia is becoming increasingly prevalent in Latin America, contrasting with stable or declining rates in North America and Europe. This scenario places unprecedented clinical, social, and economic burden upon patients, families, and health systems. The challenges prove particularly pressing for conditions with highly specific diagnostic and management demands, such as frontotemporal dementia. Here we introduce a research and networking initiative designed to tackle these ensuing hurdles, the Multi-partner consortium to expand dementia research in Latin America (ReDLat). First, we present ReDLat's regional research framework, aimed at identifying the unique genetic, social, and economic factors driving the presentation of frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease in Latin America relative to the US. We describe ongoing ReDLat studies in various fields and ongoing research extensions. Then, we introduce actions coordinated by ReDLat and the Latin America and Caribbean Consortium on Dementia (LAC-CD) to develop culturally appropriate diagnostic tools, regional visibility and capacity building, diplomatic coordination in local priority areas, and a knowledge-to-action framework toward a regional action plan. Together, these research and networking initiatives will help to establish strong cross-national bonds, support the implementation of regional dementia plans, enhance health systems' infrastructure, and increase translational research collaborations across the continent

    The use of molecular methods in studies of avian haemosporidians

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    During the last two decades, molecular methods to study mitochondrial DNA sequence variation have become an important part in the studies of avian haemosporidians. Up until recently, these methods have primarily been used for identification of the parasites and for tentative phylogenetic reconstructions, allowing researchers not trained in traditional parasitology to compare data across the globe. However, with the introduction of genome and transcriptome sequencing, studies are emerging that go deeper into the genetics and molecular biology of the parasites. In this chapter, we describe and summarize the common methods used for genetic barcoding of the parasites and give an introduction of what to take into account when designing a molecular study of avian haemosporidians. This chapter further discusses why nuclear genetic data are needed in order to answer several important ecological and evolutionary questions and which methods to use in order to overcome the obstacles of obtaining nuclear data of the parasites. Finally, this chapter highlights the challenges and opportunities that come with the use of molecular methods, such as how to study and interpret prevalence, the challenge of aborted developments, and how to obtain data for more robust phylogenies and population structure studies of the parasites