9 research outputs found

    Complete nucleotide sequence of an African human T-lymphotropic virus type II subtype b isolate (HTLV-II-Gab) : molecular and phylogenetic analysis

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    We report the first complete nucleotide sequence of an african human T-cell lymphotropic virus type II. This new strain, called HTLV-II-Gab (Gab), was obtained from the uncultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a 44-year-old healthy gabonese male who lived in a remote rural area, with neither history of blood transfusion nor sexual intercourse with non-africans. Using nested PCR, 25 overlapping fragments, representing the entire proviral genome, were obtained, cloned and sequenced. The overall nucleotide sequence comparison with the four other available complete HTLV-II genomes indicated that Gab was more closely related to the HTLV-II subtype b prototypes (98.9, 99.3 and 98.2 % nucleotide similarity with G12, NRA and GU respectively) than to the subtype a prototype (95.1 % nucleotide similarity with Mo). Restriction profiles studies and phylogenetic analyses confirmed that Gab was a subtype b strain. However, this strain represents a newly described restriction fragment length polymorphism subtype, closely related to one of the rare partially sequenced African isolates originating from a pygmy living in Cameroon (PYGCAM). Nevertheless, the very low genetic divergence observed between this new african strain and the american strains raises several questions on the origins and level of genetic variability over time of this human retrovirus. (Résumé d'auteur

    Mapping Polymerization and Allostery of Hemoglobin S Using Point Mutations

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    Hemoglobin is a complex system that undergoes conformational changes in response to oxygen, allosteric effectors, mutations, and environmental changes. Here, we study allostery and polymerization of hemoglobin and its variants by application of two previously described methods: (i) AllosMod for simulating allostery dynamics given two allosterically related input structures and (ii) a machine-learning method for dynamics- and structure-based prediction of the mutation impact on allostery (Weinkam et al. J. Mol. Biol. 2013), now applicable to systems with multiple coupled binding sites such as hemoglobin. First, we predict the relative stabilities of substates and microstates of hemoglobin, which are determined primarily by entropy within our model. Next, we predict the impact of 866 annotated mutations on hemoglobin’s oxygen binding equilibrium. We then discuss a subset of 30 mutations that occur in the presence of the sickle cell mutation and whose effects on polymerization have been measured. Seven of these HbS mutations occur in three predicted druggable binding pockets that might be exploited to directly inhibit polymerization; one of these binding pockets is not apparent in the crystal structure but only in structures generated by AllosMod. For the 30 mutations, we predict that mutation-induced conformational changes within a single tetramer tend not to significantly impact polymerization; instead, these mutations more likely impact polymerization by directly perturbing a polymerization interface. Finally, our analysis of allostery allows us to hypothesize why hemoglobin evolved to have multiple subunits and a persistent low frequency sickle cell mutation