181 research outputs found

    Een archeologische evaluatie en waardering van het slagveld van Oudenaarde 1708 (Oudenaarde, provincie Oost-Vlaanderen)

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    Het Ename Expertisecentrum voor Erfgoedontsluiting (EEC) heeft in 2011 en 2012 in opdracht van het agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed en in functie van de mogelijke opmaak van een beschermingsdossier een archeologische evaluatie en waardering uitgevoerd van het slagveld van Oudenaarde 1708. Een eerdere survey uit 2007 onder leiding van de Britse Battlefields Trust had via metaaldetectie het archeologisch potentieel van dit slagveld aangetoond en een doorgedreven onderzoek van het slagveld mogelijk en wenselijk gemaakt. Het veldwerk werd uitgevoerd van 12 september tot 31 oktober 2011. De studie maakte een aanzienlijke vooruitgang in het begrijpen van de veldslag en in het plaatsen van de actie op het terrein, en liet toe om de aard, de toestand en de verspreiding van de archeologische zone te bepalen en de problemen die dit oplevert. Terzelfdertijd heeft dit werk inzicht gegeven in de praktische problemen op het veld, en een strategie opgeleverd voor verder onderzoek. De belangrijkste primaire bronnen van de veldslag werden samengebracht en vertaald en de grafische en geschreven bronnen werden in een redelijk accurate weergave van het landschap geplaatst zoals het er ten tijde van de veldslag moet hebben uitgezien. Oudenaarde bleek een ongewoon complexe veldslag met een opmerkelijke wisselwerking tussen het terrein en de acties. Door de goede staat van bewaring van het merendeel van het slagveld kan Oudenaarde van aanzienlijk belang zijn bij de verdere ontwikkeling van slagveldarcheologie. De kogels zijn weliswaar relatief slecht bewaard, maar toch nog voldoende goed om een adequate analyse van de inslagschade te bekomen. Het gebruik als akkerland sinds de late 18e eeuw had een ernstige destructief effect op slagveldartefacten. Het losmaken van de grond en diep ploegen is wellicht ook zeer destructief voor eventuele massagraven. Het permanent grasland op een beperkt deel van het terrein tempert wel de snelheid van verval van de artefacten, aangezien zowel verluchting van de grond als mechanische schade hierdoor vermeden wordt. De studie eindigt met aanbevelingen over de mogelijke begrenzing van de archeologische zone en stelt ook maatregelen voor naar beheer en behoud van de site

    Interrater agreement in classifying infections during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

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    Infectious complications are common during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and may negatively impact outcomes. However, there is considerable variation in the reported rates of incidence, which hampers the use of infections as a quality benchmark for ECMO centers. To assess the contributing role of poor interrater agreement, three independent raters reviewed medical records from all intensive care unit (ICU) patients who received ECMO for &gt;24 h in our tertiary center between October 2019 and October 2021 for suspected episodes of infection, which were rated based on their date of onset and presumed site/diagnosis. To establish a gold standard, any discrepancies were resolved using an expert panel consisting of two intensivists/infectious disease specialists. During 83 ECMO-runs in 77 patients, we observed a total of 62 adjudicated infectious episodes (incidence rate 62, 95% CI: 48–80, per 1000 days at risk). Among 81 episodes suspected by at least one observer, 66 (81%) were identified by two, and only 44 (54%) by all three raters, resulting in Fleiss’ kappa of 0.10 (95% CI: 0.00–0.19; slight agreement). However, if raters concurred regarding infection onset, subsequent agreement on infection site was good (concordance 89%; kappa 0.85, 95% CI: 0.72–0.98; near perfect agreement). In conclusion, adjudication of infectious episodes during ECMO is associated with poor interrater agreement regarding occurrence—but not site—of infection. This finding might partially explain the significant disparities observed in reported infection rates during ECMO, emphasizing the need for caution when interpreting infection data in this particular population due to the potential for inherent measurement error.</p

    Association between tocilizumab, sarilumab and all-cause mortality at 28 days in hospitalised patients with COVID-19:A network meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: A recent prospective meta-analysis demonstrated that interleukin-6 antagonists are associated with lower all-cause mortality in hospitalised patients with COVID-19, compared with usual care or placebo. However, emerging evidence suggests that clinicians are favouring the use of tocilizumab over sarilumab. A new randomised comparison of these agents from the REMAP-CAP trial shows similar effects on in-hospital mortality. Therefore, we initiated a network meta-analysis, to estimate pairwise associations between tocilizumab, sarilumab and usual care or placebo with 28-day mortality, in COVID-19 patients receiving concomitant corticosteroids and ventilation, based on all available direct and indirect evidence. METHODS: Eligible trials randomised hospitalised patients with COVID-19 that compared tocilizumab or sarilumab with usual care or placebo in the prospective meta-analysis or that directly compared tocilizumab with sarilumab. Data were restricted to patients receiving corticosteroids and either non-invasive or invasive ventilation at randomisation. Pairwise associations between tocilizumab, sarilumab and usual care or placebo for all-cause mortality 28 days after randomisation were estimated using a frequentist contrast-based network meta-analysis of odds ratios (ORs), implementing multivariate fixed-effects models that assume consistency between the direct and indirect evidence. FINDINGS: One trial (REMAP-CAP) was identified that directly compared tocilizumab with sarilumab and supplied results on all-cause mortality at 28-days. This network meta-analysis was based on 898 eligible patients (278 deaths) from REMAP-CAP and 3710 eligible patients from 18 trials (1278 deaths) from the prospective meta-analysis. Summary ORs were similar for tocilizumab [0·82 [0·71–0·95, p = 0·008]] and sarilumab [0·80 [0·61–1·04, p = 0·09]] compared with usual care or placebo. The summary OR for 28-day mortality comparing tocilizumab with sarilumab was 1·03 [95%CI 0·81–1·32, p = 0·80]. The p-value for the global test of inconsistency was 0·28. CONCLUSIONS: Administration of either tocilizumab or sarilumab was associated with lower 28-day all-cause mortality compared with usual care or placebo. The association is not dependent on the choice of interleukin-6 receptor antagonist

    A guide to immunotherapy for COVID-19

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    Immune dysregulation is an important component of the pathophysiology of COVID-19. A large body of literature has reported the effect of immune-based therapies in patients with COVID-19, with some remarkable successes such as the use of steroids or anti-cytokine therapies. However, challenges in clinical decision-making arise from the complexity of the disease phenotypes and patient heterogeneity, as well as the variable quality of evidence from immunotherapy studies. This Review aims to support clinical decision-making by providing an overview of the evidence generated by major clinical trials of host-directed therapy. We discuss patient stratification and propose an algorithm to guide the use of immunotherapy strategies in the clinic. This will not only help guide treatment decisions, but may also help to design future trials that investigate immunotherapy in other severe infections

    Dysregulated innate and adaptive immune responses discriminate disease severity in COVID-19

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    The clinical spectrum of COVID-19 varies and the differences in host response characterizing this variation have not been fully elucidated. COVID-19 disease severity correlates with an excessive pro-inflammatory immune response and profound lymphopenia. Inflammatory responses according to disease severity were explored by plasma cytokine measurements and proteomics analysis in 147 COVID-19 patients. Furthermore, peripheral blood mononuclear cell cytokine production assays and whole blood flow cytometry were performed. Results confirm a hyperinflammatory innate immune state, while highlighting hepatocyte growth factor and stem cell factor as potential biomarkers for disease severity. Clustering analysis reveals no specific inflammatory endotypes in COVID-19 patients. Functional assays reveal abrogated adaptive cytokine production (interferon-gamma, interleukin-17 and interleukin-22) and prominent T cell exhaustion in critically ill patients, whereas innate immune responses were intact or hyperresponsive. Collectively, this extensive analysis provides a comprehensive insight into the pathobiology of severe to critical COVID-19 and highlight potential biomarkers of disease severity

    Effect of Convalescent Plasma on Organ Support-Free Days in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Importance: The evidence for benefit of convalescent plasma for critically ill patients with COVID-19 is inconclusive. Objective: To determine whether convalescent plasma would improve outcomes for critically ill adults with COVID-19. Design, Setting, and Participants: The ongoing Randomized, Embedded, Multifactorial, Adaptive Platform Trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia (REMAP-CAP) enrolled and randomized 4763 adults with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 between March 9, 2020, and January 18, 2021, within at least 1 domain; 2011 critically ill adults were randomized to open-label interventions in the immunoglobulin domain at 129 sites in 4 countries. Follow-up ended on April 19, 2021. Interventions: The immunoglobulin domain randomized participants to receive 2 units of high-titer, ABO-compatible convalescent plasma (total volume of 550 mL ± 150 mL) within 48 hours of randomization (n = 1084) or no convalescent plasma (n = 916). Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary ordinal end point was organ support-free days (days alive and free of intensive care unit-based organ support) up to day 21 (range, -1 to 21 days; patients who died were assigned -1 day). The primary analysis was an adjusted bayesian cumulative logistic model. Superiority was defined as the posterior probability of an odds ratio (OR) greater than 1 (threshold for trial conclusion of superiority &gt;99%). Futility was defined as the posterior probability of an OR less than 1.2 (threshold for trial conclusion of futility &gt;95%). An OR greater than 1 represented improved survival, more organ support-free days, or both. The prespecified secondary outcomes included in-hospital survival; 28-day survival; 90-day survival; respiratory support-free days; cardiovascular support-free days; progression to invasive mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal mechanical oxygenation, or death; intensive care unit length of stay; hospital length of stay; World Health Organization ordinal scale score at day 14; venous thromboembolic events at 90 days; and serious adverse events. Results: Among the 2011 participants who were randomized (median age, 61 [IQR, 52 to 70] years and 645/1998 [32.3%] women), 1990 (99%) completed the trial. The convalescent plasma intervention was stopped after the prespecified criterion for futility was met. The median number of organ support-free days was 0 (IQR, -1 to 16) in the convalescent plasma group and 3 (IQR, -1 to 16) in the no convalescent plasma group. The in-hospital mortality rate was 37.3% (401/1075) for the convalescent plasma group and 38.4% (347/904) for the no convalescent plasma group and the median number of days alive and free of organ support was 14 (IQR, 3 to 18) and 14 (IQR, 7 to 18), respectively. The median-adjusted OR was 0.97 (95% credible interval, 0.83 to 1.15) and the posterior probability of futility (O
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