227 research outputs found

    Secondary data analysis of social care records to examine the provision of mental health support for young people in care

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    Background: Young people in care are much more likely to experience mental health difficulties than the general population, yet little is known about the provision of mental health support for this group in the United Kingdom. Methods: Using routinely collected social care data, we explored the provision of mental health support for 112 young people in care in the UK. We identified young people experiencing elevated internalising or externalising difficulties in their first year in care (based on strengths and difficulties questionnaire scores) and extracted data on mental health referrals and provision. We generated descriptive statistics relating to provision of mental health support and used regressions to examine predictors of mental health provision, and associations between support and mental health outcomes one and 2 years later. Results: Eighty-one percent of the children (n = 79) were referred to mental health services in their first year of being in care. Referrals were usually for emotional or conduct problems. Those with higher externalising symptoms were more likely to be referred than those with higher internalising symptoms (OR = 1.2, (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.01, 1.38)). Females were more likely to access support than males (OR = 3.82 (95% CI: 1.2, 13.3)). Sixty-eight percent of children (n = 66) accessed mental health services in their first year of being in care. Of those who accessed services, support ended prematurely for 29 (44%) of them, often due to placement instability or disengagement. Accessing support in the first year of care was not associated with changes in mental health 1 year (OR: 2.14 (95% CI: 0.62,7.29)), or 2 years after entering care (OR: 0.72–8.57, (95% CI: 0.72, 8.57)), although methodological limitations are noted. Conclusions: Mental health difficulties for children in care are recognised quickly, but mental health support may be difficult to access, with issues evident in retention and engagement

    Pharmacotherapy and pregnancy: Highlights from the first International Conference for Individualized Pharmacotherapy in Pregnancy

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    Data are sparse on the effects of medication use during pregnancy. Half of the world's population is women. The majority of women become pregnant, and many of those women take some kind of medication during their pregnancy, even if only for a short time. The majority of drugs have not been rigorously studied in pregnant women to determine the most effective dose with the least potential for adverse effects. Instead, women are given “cookie‐cutter” therapy, using doses extrapolated from nonpregnant women, men, or pregnant animals. This can lead to problems. Instead, individualization of pharmacotherapy in pregnancy promises to take individual women and determine the optimal dose and drug for them to maximize the effect of the drug while attempting to minimize the side effects to them and their unborn babies. Because this field of study is underrepresented, we held a conference to bring together researchers and experts to discuss current knowledge, issues, and challenges surrounding individualized pharmacotherapy in pregnancy. Speakers came from the NIH, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and various research centers in the United States and Canada. Below are the summaries of the discussions at the conference. Full notes from the panel discussions are available from the authors on request

    A new method to analyse the pace of child development: Cox regression validated by a bootstrap resampling procedure

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Various perinatal factors influencing neuromotor development are known from cross sectional studies. Factors influencing the age at which distinct abilities are acquired are uncertain. We hypothesized that the Cox regression model might identify these factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Neonates treated at Aachen University Hospital in 2000/2001 were identified retrospectively (n = 796). Outcome data, based on a structured interview, were available from 466 children, as were perinatal data. Factors possibly related to outcome were identified by bootstrap selection and then included into a multivariate Cox regression model. To evaluate if the parental assessment might change with the time elapsed since birth we studied five age cohorts of 163 normally developed children.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Birth weight, gestational age, congenital cardiac disease and periventricular leukomalacia were related to outcome in the multivariate analysis (p < 0.05). Analysis of the control cohorts revealed that the parents' assessment of the ability of bladder control is modified by the time elapsed since birth.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Combined application of the bootstrap resampling procedure and multivariate Cox regression analysis effectively identifies perinatal factors influencing the age at which distinct abilities are acquired. These were similar as known from previous cross sectional studies. Retrospective data acquistion may lead to a bias because the parental memories change with time. This recommends applying this statistical approach in larger prospective trials.</p

    Utilizing a reviewer database to facilitate integration of an investigator-focused translational research and career development program across the state of Indiana

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    OBJECTIVES/SPECIFIC AIMS: The Indiana CTSI is investigating innovative approaches to integrate resources that will enrich scientific investigators. Our goals are to enhance the availability and communication among CTSI resources, for example internal funding, and to expand existing mentorship. METHODS/STUDY POPULATION: Developed a reviewer database that serves to streamline reviewer identification, decrease reviewer fatigue, and promote collaboration among disciplines. We started with a pool of NIH-funded investigators from across the Indiana CTSI core institutions and merged this list with previous CTSI reviewers and internal funding awardees. To expand this list, names and expertise from new faculty hires were added. RESULTS/ANTICIPATED RESULTS: Though this tool is relatively new, we have already observed an increase in junior faculty awareness and engagement with the CTSI. This database allows for increased opportunities of junior faculty to serve as reviewers and to refine grant writing skills and provides a platform for networking and collaborating across disciplines. It also allows for increased integration of programs with a shared reviewer database and promotes grant review standardization. DISCUSSION/SIGNIFICANCE OF IMPACT: Our database utilization seeks to decrease the time for junior faculty to obtain their first extramural grant, to enhance promotion and tenure packages, strengthen integration among CTSI programs, increase interactions between clinical and basic science investigators, and promote team science

    The Energy Density in the Maxwell-Chern-Simons Theory

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    A two-dimensional nonrelativistic fermion system coupled to both electromagnetic gauge fields and Chern-Simons gauge fields is analysed. Polarization tensors relevant in the quantum Hall effect and anyon superconductivity are obtained as simple closed integrals and are evaluated numerically for all momenta and frequencies. The correction to the energy density is evaluated in the random phase approximation (RPA), by summing an infinite series of ring diagrams. It is found that the correction has significant dependence on the particle number density. In the context of anyon superconductivity, the energy density relative to the mean field value is minimized at a hole concentration per lattice plaquette (0.05 \sim 0.06) (p_c a/\hbar)^2 where p_c and a are the momentum cutoff and lattice constant, respectively. At the minimum the correction is about -5 % \sim -25 %, depending on the ratio (2m \omega_c)/(p_c^2) where \omega_c is the frequency cutoff. In the Jain-Fradkin-Lopez picture of the fractional quantum Hall effect the RPA correction to the energy density is very large. It diverges logarithmically as the cutoff is removed, implying that corrections beyond RPA become important at large momentum and frequency.Comment: 19 pages (plain Tex), 12 figures not included, UMN-TH-1246/9

    Pharmacotherapy and Pregnancy: Highlights from the Third International Conference for Individualized Pharmacotherapy in Pregnancy

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    To address provider struggles to provide evidence-based, rational drug therapy to pregnant women, this third Conference was convened to highlight the current progress and research in the field. Speakers from academic centers, industry, and governmental institutions spoke about: the Food and Drug Administration’s role in pregnancy pharmacology and the new labeling initiative; drug registries in pregnancy; the pharmacist’s role in medication use in pregnancy; therapeutic areas such as preterm labor, gestational diabetes, nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, and hypertension; breast-feeding and medications; ethical challenges for consent in pregnancy drug studies; the potential for cord blood banks; and concerns about the fetus when studying drugs in pregnancy. The Conference highlighted several areas of collaboration within the current Obstetrics Pharmacology Research Units Network and hoped to educate providers, researchers, and agencies with the common goal to improve the ability to safely and effectively use individualized pharmacotherapy in pregnancy