90 research outputs found

    Effect of stimulus type and pitch salience on pitch-sequence processing

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    Using a same-different discrimination task, it has been shown that discrimination performance for sequences of complex tones varying just detectably in pitch is less dependent on sequence length (1, 2, or 4 elements) when the tones contain resolved harmonics than when they do not [Cousineau, Demany, and Pessnitzer (2009). J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126, 3179-3187]. This effect had been attributed to the activation of automatic frequency-shift detectors (FSDs) by the shifts in resolved harmonics. The present study provides evidence against this hypothesis by showing that the sequence-processing advantage found for complex tones with resolved harmonics is not found for pure tones or other sounds supposed to activate FSDs (narrow bands of noise and wide-band noises eliciting pitch sensations due to interaural phase shifts). The present results also indicate that for pitch sequences, processing performance is largely unrelated to pitch salience per se: for a fixed level of discriminability between sequence elements, sequences of elements with salient pitches are not necessarily better processed than sequences of elements with less salient pitches. An ideal-observer model for the same-different binary-sequence discrimination task is also developed in the present study. The model allows the computation of d' for this task using numerical methods

    Summary statistics in auditory perception

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    Sensory signals are transduced at high resolution, but their structure must be stored in a more compact format. Here we provide evidence that the auditory system summarizes the temporal details of sounds using time-averaged statistics. We measured discrimination of 'sound textures' that were characterized by particular statistical properties, as normally result from the superposition of many acoustic features in auditory scenes. When listeners discriminated examples of different textures, performance improved with excerpt duration. In contrast, when listeners discriminated different examples of the same texture, performance declined with duration, a paradoxical result given that the information available for discrimination grows with duration. These results indicate that once these sounds are of moderate length, the brain's representation is limited to time-averaged statistics, which, for different examples of the same texture, converge to the same values with increasing duration. Such statistical representations produce good categorical discrimination, but limit the ability to discern temporal detail.Howard Hughes Medical Institut

    Vocal Accuracy and Neural Plasticity Following Micromelody-Discrimination Training

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    Recent behavioral studies report correlational evidence to suggest that non-musicians with good pitch discrimination sing more accurately than those with poorer auditory skills. However, other studies have reported a dissociation between perceptual and vocal production skills. In order to elucidate the relationship between auditory discrimination skills and vocal accuracy, we administered an auditory-discrimination training paradigm to a group of non-musicians to determine whether training-enhanced auditory discrimination would specifically result in improved vocal accuracy.We utilized micromelodies (i.e., melodies with seven different interval scales, each smaller than a semitone) as the main stimuli for auditory discrimination training and testing, and we used single-note and melodic singing tasks to assess vocal accuracy in two groups of non-musicians (experimental and control). To determine if any training-induced improvements in vocal accuracy would be accompanied by related modulations in cortical activity during singing, the experimental group of non-musicians also performed the singing tasks while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Following training, the experimental group exhibited significant enhancements in micromelody discrimination compared to controls. However, we did not observe a correlated improvement in vocal accuracy during single-note or melodic singing, nor did we detect any training-induced changes in activity within brain regions associated with singing.Given the observations from our auditory training regimen, we therefore conclude that perceptual discrimination training alone is not sufficient to improve vocal accuracy in non-musicians, supporting the suggested dissociation between auditory perception and vocal production
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