195 research outputs found

    Convergent Calculation of the Asymptotic Dimension of Diffusion Limited Aggregates: Scaling and Renormalization of Small Clusters

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    Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA) is a model of fractal growth that had attained a paradigmatic status due to its simplicity and its underlying role for a variety of pattern forming processes. We present a convergent calculation of the fractal dimension D of DLA based on a renormalization scheme for the first Laurent coefficient of the conformal map from the unit circle to the expanding boundary of the fractal cluster. The theory is applicable from very small (2-3 particles) to asymptotically large (n \to \infty) clusters. The computed dimension is D=1.713\pm 0.003

    New Algorithm for Parallel Laplacian Growth by Iterated Conformal Maps

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    We report a new algorithm to generate Laplacian Growth Patterns using iterated conformal maps. The difficulty of growing a complete layer with local width proportional to the gradient of the Laplacian field is overcome. The resulting growth patterns are compared to those obtained by the best algorithms of direct numerical solutions. The fractal dimension of the patterns is discussed.Comment: Sumitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. Further details at http://www.pik-potsdam.de/~ander

    Iterated Conformal Dynamics and Laplacian Growth

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    The method of iterated conformal maps for the study of Diffusion Limited Aggregates (DLA) is generalized to the study of Laplacian Growth Patterns and related processes. We emphasize the fundamental difference between these processes: DLA is grown serially with constant size particles, while Laplacian patterns are grown by advancing each boundary point in parallel, proportionally to the gradient of the Laplacian field. We introduce a 2-parameter family of growth patterns that interpolates between DLA and a discrete version of Laplacian growth. The ultraviolet putative finite-time singularities are regularized here by a minimal tip size, equivalently for all the models in this family. With this we stress that the difference between DLA and Laplacian growth is NOT in the manner of ultraviolet regularization, but rather in their deeply different growth rules. The fractal dimensions of the asymptotic patterns depend continuously on the two parameters of the family, giving rise to a "phase diagram" in which DLA and discretized Laplacian growth are at the extreme ends. In particular we show that the fractal dimension of Laplacian growth patterns is much higher than the fractal dimension of DLA, with the possibility of dimension 2 for the former not excluded.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quasi-Static Fractures in Disordered Media and Iterated Conformal Maps

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    We study the geometrical characteristic of quasi-static fractures in disordered media, using iterated conformal maps to determine the evolution of the fracture pattern. This method allows an efficient and accurate solution of the Lam\'e equations without resorting to lattice models. Typical fracture patterns exhibit increased ramification due to the increase of the stress at the tips. We find the roughness exponent of the experimentally relevant backbone of the fracture pattern; it crosses over from about 0.5 for small scales to about 0.75 for large scales, in excellent agreement with experiments. We propose that this cross-over reflects the increased ramification of the fracture pattern.Comment: submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Self-stabilizing Numerical Iterative Computation

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    Many challenging tasks in sensor networks, including sensor calibration, ranking of nodes, monitoring, event region detection, collaborative filtering, collaborative signal processing, {\em etc.}, can be formulated as a problem of solving a linear system of equations. Several recent works propose different distributed algorithms for solving these problems, usually by using linear iterative numerical methods. In this work, we extend the settings of the above approaches, by adding another dimension to the problem. Specifically, we are interested in {\em self-stabilizing} algorithms, that continuously run and converge to a solution from any initial state. This aspect of the problem is highly important due to the dynamic nature of the network and the frequent changes in the measured environment. In this paper, we link together algorithms from two different domains. On the one hand, we use the rich linear algebra literature of linear iterative methods for solving systems of linear equations, which are naturally distributed with rapid convergence properties. On the other hand, we are interested in self-stabilizing algorithms, where the input to the computation is constantly changing, and we would like the algorithms to converge from any initial state. We propose a simple novel method called \syncAlg as a self-stabilizing variant of the linear iterative methods. We prove that under mild conditions the self-stabilizing algorithm converges to a desired result. We further extend these results to handle the asynchronous case. As a case study, we discuss the sensor calibration problem and provide simulation results to support the applicability of our approach

    Moving boundary approximation for curved streamer ionization fronts: Solvability analysis

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    The minimal density model for negative streamer ionization fronts is investigated. An earlier moving boundary approximation for this model consisted of a "kinetic undercooling" type boundary condition in a Laplacian growth problem of Hele-Shaw type. Here we derive a curvature correction to the moving boundary approximation that resembles surface tension. The calculation is based on solvability analysis with unconventional features, namely, there are three relevant zero modes of the adjoint operator, one of them diverging; furthermore, the inner/outer matching ahead of the front has to be performed on a line rather than on an extended region; and the whole calculation can be performed analytically. The analysis reveals a relation between the fields ahead and behind a slowly evolving curved front, the curvature and the generated conductivity. This relation forces us to give up the ideal conductivity approximation, and we suggest to replace it by a constant conductivity approximation. This implies that the electric potential in the streamer interior is no longer constant but solves a Laplace equation; this leads to a Muskat-type problem.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Spreading of thin films assisted by thermal fluctuations

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    We study the spreading of viscous drops on a solid substrate, taking into account the effects of thermal fluctuations in the fluid momentum. A nonlinear stochastic lubrication equation is derived, and studied using numerical simulations and scaling analysis. We show that asymptotically spreading drops admit self-similar shapes, whose average radii can increase at rates much faster than these predicted by Tanner's law. We discuss the physical realizability of our results for thin molecular and complex fluid films, and predict that such phenomenon can in principal be observed in various flow geometries.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Tip Splittings and Phase Transitions in the Dielectric Breakdown Model: Mapping to the DLA Model

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    We show that the fractal growth described by the dielectric breakdown model exhibits a phase transition in the multifractal spectrum of the growth measure. The transition takes place because the tip-splitting of branches forms a fixed angle. This angle is eta dependent but it can be rescaled onto an ``effectively'' universal angle of the DLA branching process. We derive an analytic rescaling relation which is in agreement with numerical simulations. The dimension of the clusters decreases linearly with the angle and the growth becomes non-fractal at an angle close to 74 degrees (which corresponds to eta= 4.0 +- 0.3).Comment: 4 pages, REVTex, 3 figure

    Fractal to Nonfractal Phase Transition in the Dielectric Breakdown Model

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    A fast method is presented for simulating the dielectric-breakdown model using iterated conformal mappings. Numerical results for the dimension and for corrections to scaling are in good agreement with the recent RG prediction of an upper critical ηc=4\eta_c=4, at which a transition occurs between branching fractal clusters and one-dimensional nonfractal clusters.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures; corrections to scaling include

    A smooth cascade of wrinkles at the edge of a floating elastic film

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    The mechanism by which a patterned state accommodates the breaking of translational symmetry by a phase boundary or a sample wall has been addressed in the context of Landau branching in type-I superconductors, refinement of magnetic domains, and compressed elastic sheets. We explore this issue by studying an ultrathin polymer sheet floating on the surface of a fluid, decorated with a pattern of parallel wrinkles. At the edge of the sheet, this corrugated profile meets the fluid meniscus. Rather than branching of wrinkles into generations of ever-smaller sharp folds, we discover a smooth cascade in which the coarse pattern in the bulk is matched to fine structure at the edge by the continuous introduction of discrete, higher wavenumber Fourier modes. The observed multiscale morphology is controlled by a dimensionless parameter that quantifies the relative strength of the edge forces and the rigidity of the bulk pattern.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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