3 research outputs found
As good as it gets: securing diamonds in Sierra Leone
- Author
- A Hehir
- B Thomson
- C Castañada
- C Lancaster
- CE Zohar
- D Keen
- DACO (Development Assistance Coordination Office)
- DFID (Department for International Development)
- EA Levin
- G Witness
- G Witness
- H Temple
- ICG (International Crisis Group)
- J Goodhand
- J Hanlon
- L Gberie
- M Duffield
- M Duffield
- M Turner
- N Cooper
- OP Richmond
- P Balogun
- P Collier
- P Collier
- P Richards
- P Rogers
- P Temple
- PAC (Partnership Africa-Canada)
- PAC and NMJD
- PAC and NMJD (Network Movement for Justice and Development)
- PricewaterhouseCoopers (for DFID)
- S Chan
- S Kamara
- T Sandler
- U Nations
- United Nations Peacebuilding Commission
- USAID/Management Systems International (MSI)
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
Benefits of conservation-driven mowing for the EU policy species Gladiolus palustris Gaudin in mountain fen meadows: a case-study in the European Alps
- Author
- A Stampfli
- B Cerabolini
- B Michler
- BA Middleton
- C Lasen
- C Lasen
- C M Da
- CB Joyce
- CE Shannon
- Cesare Lasen
- D MacDonald
- D Moser
- D Tilman
- E Van der Maarel
- European directive 92/43/CEE
- G Fenu
- G Parolo
- G Rossi
- G Sburlino
- G Swacha
- Gianni Poloniato
- Graziano Rossi
- I Rotar
- J Horak
- Jonas V. Müller
- JRB Tallowin
- K Kiehl
- K Kostrakiewicz-Gieralt
- L Daco
- L Halada
- M Luoto
- M Peintinger
- M Peintinger
- M Peter
- M Pärtel
- M Tälle
- M Wiesmair
- Marco Canella
- Muller
- O Valkó
- OP Ostermann
- P Czortek
- P Hájková
- P Török
- Simone Orsenigo
- T Campagnaro
- Thomas Abeli
- ZJ Witkowski
- Ø Hammer
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Genetic status of the endangered plant species Gladiolus palustris in the western part of its distribution area
- Author
- A Bonin
- A Young
- ALA Segatto
- BK Mable
- C Turchetto
- D Bryant
- D Coates
- D Darriba
- D Falush
- DA Earl
- DA Levin
- DH Huson
- DH Huson
- E Cieślak
- F Dufresne
- F Ronquist
- F Van Rossum
- FW Allendorf
- G Evanno
- G Zawko
- GE Beatty
- Guy Colling
- H Nybom
- HJ Bandelt
- I Dembicz
- IC Van Duren
- J Mallet
- J Mallet
- J Maschinski
- J Shaw
- J Yuan
- J-M Tison
- JA Hamilton
- JF Gaskin
- JJ Doyle
- JK Pritchard
- JP Bakker
- Julie Rossa
- JW Leigh
- K Cox
- K Müller
- K Sternberg
- K Wesche
- KU Nierbauer
- L Excoffier
- L Tang
- Laura Daco
- LF Keller
- LWD van Raamsdonk
- M Bilz
- M Cantor
- M Foll
- M Jakobsson
- M Kearse
- M Nei
- M Nei
- M Scholler
- M Szczepaniak
- M Todesco
- MA Chapman
- MA Gitzendanner
- MC Whitlock
- MÀ Conesa
- N Arrigo
- NA Rosenberg
- NC Ellstrand
- O Paun
- P Vergeer
- P Westrich
- PG Meirmans
- PG Meirmans
- PG Meirmans
- PS Soltis
- PS Soltis
- R Aguilar
- R Frankham
- R Leimu
- R Peakall
- R Peakall
- RC Edgar
- S Guindon
- Serge Muller
- T Jombart
- T Maurice
- T Slotte
- T Wassmer
- Tiphaine Maurice
- TJ Walisch
- TJ White
- TW Smith
- V Chaudhary
- W Granoszewski
- Y Oelmann
- Y Willi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study