65 research outputs found

    Bacterial metabolism of algal extracellular carbon

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    Measurements of microbial utilization of extracellular organic carbon (EOC) released by phytoplankton commonly consider only EOC fractions subject to rapid uptake. Questions remain whether other EOC fractions are metabolized, what portion is labile, and with what assimilation efficiency this carbon substrate is utilized. 14 C-EOC was prepared by incubation of the natural mixed planktonic community from an oligotrophic lake with H 14 CO 3 in the light. 14 C-EOC which was not rapidly removed by heterotrophs remained in solution and was isolated by filtration. This residual EOC was inoculated with lake microheterotrophs in laboratory microcosms, and utilization kinetics were determined through long-term assays of cumulative 14 CO 2 production. Time-courses for 14 CO 2 production were consistent for all assays and were well described by a deterministic mixed-order degradation model. On twelve sampling occasions, from 29% to 76% of residual 14 C-EOC was labile to further metabolism by lake heterotrophs. First-order rate constants for EOC utilization showed a mode of 0.05 to 0.15 per day. From 33% to 78% of gross 14 C-EOC uptake was respired (mean 50%), indicating appreciable return of algal EOC to the pelagic food web as microbial biomass.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42876/1/10750_2004_Article_BF00015524.pd

    Stability of west final slope of Bełchatów Mine in light of geological observation and specialized measurements with consideration of salt dome

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    W artykule przedstawiono sposób monitorowania zachowania się górotworu w stałym zboczu zachodnim wyrobiska górniczego Bełchatów, w rejonie występowania wysadu solnego Dębina. Zaprezentowano wyniki pomiarów prowadzonych w okresie od 2005 roku do grudnia 2009 roku. Są to pomiary reperów powierzchniowej sieci obserwacyjnej rozbudowywanej na stałym zboczu zachodnim, sieci niwelacyjnej założonej na powierzchni terenu nad wysadem solnym, deformacji wgłębnych obserwowanych w inklinometrach oraz zmian ciśnień w wysadzie solnym mierzone sondą Glotzla. Powyższe wyniki przedstawiono w nawiązaniu do postępu robót górniczych. W tym okresie stałe zbocze zachodnie zostało wyprofilowane w zakresie rzędnych +198/+110m n.p.m. co umożliwiło zaprezentowanie również krótkiej charakterystyki budowy geologicznej odsłanianej w rejonie wysadu solnego Dębina. Przedstawiono również wyniki obserwacji makroskopowych prowadzonych na skarpach i półkach stałych zbocza zachodniego. Dotychczasowe wyniki pomiarów pozwoliły na skorelowanie obserwowanych deformacji z postępem robót górniczych oraz wydzielenie dwóch obszarów zagrożeń osuwiskowych na stałym zboczu zachodnim.This article describes the method of monitoring of rock-mass behavior in west final slope of mining pit Bełchatów in area of salt dome Dębina. Presented are the results of measurements conducted during time period 2005 - December 2009. These are the measurements of fixed survey points constituting the terrain surface observation network, that is intensified on west final slope, leveling network of observation points deployed on terrain surface in area of salt dome, deep deformations monitored using inclinometers and measurements of pressure changes in salt dome measured using Glootzl probe device. Results of above listed measurements are presented in accordance with mining works advances. During this period the final west slope of the pit was formed in the scope of elevations +198/+110m a.s.l. which allowed for also presenting the brief description of geological structure revealed in area of Dębina salt dome. Also presented are results of macroscale observations conducted on the final pit benches of west slope. To-date results of the measurements allowed for correlation between the observed deformations and mining works advances and also allowed for designating of two areas of slide hazard on the west final slope of the Bełchatów pit

    The use of the photo-elasticity technology of measurements in slope stability monitoring

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    W artykule zostały opisane możliwości zastosowania technik elastooptycznych do monitoringu dużych obiektów geotechnicznych. Opisano instalację prototypowej geomaty światłowodowej na osuwisku w KWB "Bełchatów" oraz przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów.The article discusses issues connected with possibilities of the use of photo-elasticity technology in large geotechnical objects. It describes the installation of the prototype geotextile with polymer optic fiber on the slope failure in Bełchatów open cast mine and it presents the results of measurements