25,439 research outputs found

    Citations of \u27noster\u27 John Pecham in Richard Fleming\u27s Trinity Sunday sermon: evidence for the political use of liturgical music at the Council of Constance

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    This article examines a sermon for Trinity Sunday that was delivered by Richard Fleming at the Council of Constance in 1417. The author argues that Fleming’s citation of liturgical chant and a homily composed by John Pecham, together with certain external evidence, suggests that he was trying to bolster the reputation of the English Church in order to counter attempts to deprive the English delegation of its status as a ‘nation’ within the council. As such, it constitutes an interesting confluence of pulpit oratory, liturgical music, and ecclesiastical politics at this council

    ‘Accipiant Qui Vocati Sunt’: Richard Fleming’s Reform Sermon at the Council of Constance

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    On Passion Sunday in 1417 (28 March) a sermon known by its scriptural theme as ‘Accipiant qui vocati sunt’ was delivered at the general council of the Church then assembled in the south German city of Constance. Three centuries later it was edited by Hermann von der Hardt who characterised ‘Accipiant’ as ‘by far the most severe sermon in which the enormous crimes of prelates—especially love of money, ambition, luxury and ignorance—are revealed with the greatest liberty and are vehemently reproached, so that it is a wonder that the council heard it patiently’. In an earlier publication containing excerpts from this sermon, Hardt had described it in similar terms as being ‘not unlike a burning furnace in terms of its fiery passion and its vehement attack on the vices of the clergy’. More recently Heinrich Finke clearly agreed with these appraisals in describing ‘Accipiant’ as a ‘scharfe Reformpredigt’, for he did not bestow such adjectival emphasis on any other reform sermon listed in his register of the Constance sermons. Paul Arendt, a student of Finke’s and the author of the only monograph devoted to the many surviving sermons from Constance, repeatedly commented on the severity of ‘Accipiant’, especially in his long chapter on ‘das Hauptthema unserer Prediger: Behandlung der Frage der kirchlichen Reform’. Hardt ascribed this sermon to Vitale Valentine OFM, bishop of Toulon. However, as the following analysis will show, it is certain that this ascription was based on conjecture and that another preacher actually delivered the sermon. Hardt’s only source for his edition of ‘Accipiant’ was an Erfurt manuscript which is now in the Schlossbibliothek at Pommersfelden. Because this lacks a rubric or colophon identifying the author of the sermon, Hardt’s attribution must have been inferred from internal evidence. Thus began the long tradition of Vitale Valentine’s authorship of ‘Accipiant’ which has previously been accepted without question by scholars of these conciliar sermons

    The Janus Intertextuality Search Engine: A Research Tool of (and for) the Electronic Manipulus florum Project

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    This article demonstrates how the search engine developed for this online edition not only serves the research purposes of users of this digital resource, but is also a valuable tool for refining and improving the edition while also aiding the author’s research on the construction of this text. An example of its utility for the edition project is provided which calls into question previous theories regarding the influence John of Wales may have had on this collection of Latin quotations

    Star formation and the interstellar medium in z>6 UV-luminous Lyman-break galaxies

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) detections of atomic carbon line and dust continuum emission in two UV-luminous galaxies at redshift 6. The far-infrared (FIR) luminosities of these galaxies are substantially lower than similar starbursts at later cosmic epochs, indicating an evolution in the dust properties with redshift, in agreement with the evolution seen in ultraviolet (UV) attenuation by dust. The [CII] to FIR ratios are found to be higher than at low redshift showing that [CII] should be readily detectable by ALMA within the reionization epoch. One of the two galaxies shows a complex merger nature with the less massive component dominating the UV emission and the more massive component dominating the FIR line and continuum. Using the interstellar atomic carbon line to derive the systemic redshifts we investigate the velocity of Lyman alpha emission emerging from high-z galaxies. In contrast to previous work, we find no evidence for decreasing Lyman alpha velocity shifts at high-redshift. We observe an increase in velocity shifts from z∼\sim2 to z∼\sim6, consistent with the effects of increased IGM absorption.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ, revised after referees comment

    On discretization of C*-algebras

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    The C*-algebra of bounded operators on the separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space cannot be mapped to a W*-algebra in such a way that each unital commutative C*-subalgebra C(X) factors normally through ℓ∞(X)\ell^\infty(X). Consequently, there is no faithful functor discretizing C*-algebras to AW*-algebras, including von Neumann algebras, in this way.Comment: 5 pages. Please note that arXiv:1607.03376 supersedes this paper. It significantly strengthens the main results and includes positive results on discretization of C*-algebra
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