713 research outputs found

    Global MHD Simulations of Neptune's Magnetosphere

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    A global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation has been performed in order to investigate the outer boundaries of Neptune's magnetosphere at the time of Voyager 2's flyby in 1989 and to better understand the dynamics of magnetospheres formed by highly inclined planetary dipoles. Using the MHD code Gorgon, we have implemented a precessing dipole to mimic Neptune's tilted magnetic field and rotation axes. By using the solar wind parameters measured by Voyager 2, the simulation is verified by finding good agreement with Voyager 2 magnetometer observations. Overall, there is a large-scale reconfiguration of magnetic topology and plasma distribution. During the “pole-on” magnetospheric configuration, there only exists one tail current sheet, contained between a rarefied lobe region which extends outward from the dayside cusp, and a lobe region attached to the nightside cusp. It is found that the tail current always closes to the magnetopause current system, rather than closing in on itself, as suggested by other models. The bow shock position and shape is found to be dependent on Neptune's daily rotation, with maximum standoff being during the pole-on case. Reconnection is found on the magnetopause but is highly modulated by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and time of day, turning “off” and “on” when the magnetic shear between the IMF and planetary fields is large enough. The simulation shows that the most likely location for reconnection to occur during Voyager 2's flyby was far from the spacecraft trajectory, which may explain the relative lack of associated signatures in the observations

    Forging links in Earth's plasma environment

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    Modification of classical electron transport due to collisions between electrons and fast ions

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    A Fokker-Planck model for the interaction of fast ions with the thermal electrons in a quasi-neutral plasma is developed. When the fast ion population has a net flux (i.e. the distribution of the fast ions is anisotropic in velocity space) the electron distribution function is significantly perturbed from Maxwellian by collisions with the fast ions, even if the fast ion density is orders of magnitude smaller than the electron density. The Fokker-Planck model is used to derive classical electron transport equations (a generalized Ohm's law and a heat flow equation) that include the effects of the electron-fast ion collisions. It is found that these collisions result in a current term in the transport equations which can be significant even when total current is zero. The new transport equations are analyzed in the context of a number of scenarios including α\alpha particle heating in ICF and MIF plasmas and ion beam heating of dense plasmas

    Time-varying magnetopause reconnection during sudden commencement: global MHD simulations

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    In response to a solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement, the compression of the magnetosphere generates strong ionospheric signatures and a sharp variation in the ground magnetic field, termed sudden commencement (SC). Whilst such compressions have also been associated with a contraction of the ionospheric polar cap due to the triggering of reconnection in the magnetotail, the effect of any changes in dayside reconnection is less clear and is a key component in fully understanding the system response. In this study we explore the time-dependent nature of dayside coupling during SC by performing global simulations using the Gorgon MHD code, and impact the magnetosphere with a series of interplanetary shocks with different parameters. We identify the location and evolu tion of the reconnection region in each case as the shock propagates through the magnetosphere, finding strong enhancement in the dayside reconnection rate and prompt expansion of the dayside polar cap prior to the eventual triggering of tail reconnection. This effect pervades for a variety of IMF orientations, and the reconnection rate is most enhanced for events with higher dynamic pressure. We explain this by repeating the simulations with a large explicit resistivity, showing that compression of the magnetosheath plasma near the propagating shock front allows for reconnection of much greater intensity and at different locations on the dayside magnetopause than during typical solar wind conditions. The results indicate that the dynamic behaviour of dayside coupling may render steady models of reconnection inaccurate during the onset of a severe space weather event

    Food Habits of the Rock Sea Bass, Centropristis philadelphica, in the Western Gulf of Mexico

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    The rock sea bass, Centropristis philadelphica, is a euryphagic, benthic carnivore. Principal prey in decreasing order of importance are: natantian and reptantian decapods, mysids, fishes, stomatopods and polychaetes. As rock sea bass increase in size, crabs and fishes constitute a greater portion of their diet and mysids a smaller portion. Feeding activity is greater during daytime though diurnal dietary compositions are similar. Shrimps are the principal food in every season but are more notable during fall and winter than spring and summer; mysids and crabs are most important in spring, as are fishes in summer. Inshore (\u3c 27 m deep) the primary foods are shrimps, mysids, larval fish and stomatopods; offshore, crabs and fishes dominate the diet. The euryphagic feeding of rock sea bass is similar to other small, co-occurring serranids, and morphologically they fit the description of a benthic forager in convergence of body form. The ability of rock sea bass to utilize temporal-spatially abundant prey probably facilitates their broad bathymetric distribution (4-120 m) and relatively high abundance in the western Gulf of Mexico
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