74 research outputs found

    Quantifying signal changes in nano-wire based biosensors

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    In this work, we present a computational methodology for predicting the change in signal (conductance sensitivity) of a nano-BioFET sensor (a sensor based on a biomolecule binding another biomolecule attached to a nano-wire field effect transistor) upon binding its target molecule. The methodology is a combination of the screening model of surface charge sensors in liquids developed by Brandbyge and co-workers [Sørensen et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 2007, 91, 102105], with the PROPKA method for predicting the pH-dependent charge of proteins and protein-ligand complexes, developed by Jensen and co-workers [Li et al., Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf., 2005, 61, 704-721, Bas et al., Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf., 2008, 73, 765-783]. The predicted change in conductance sensitivity based on this methodology is compared to previously published data on nano-BioFET sensors obtained by other groups. In addition, the conductance sensitivity dependence from various parameters is explored for a standard wire, representative of a typical experimental setup. In general, the experimental data can be reproduced with sufficient accuracy to help interpret them. The method has the potential for even more quantitative predictions when key experimental parameters (such as the charge carrier density of the nano-wire or receptor density on the device surface) can be determined (and reported) more accurately. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Chemical Linkage to Injected Tissues Is a Distinctive Property of Oxidized Avidin

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    We recently reported that the oxidized avidin, named AvidinOX®, resides for weeks within injected tissues as a consequence of the formation of Schiff's bases between its aldehyde groups and tissue protein amino groups. We also showed, in a mouse pre-clinical model, the usefulness of AvidinOX for the delivery of radiolabeled biotin to inoperable tumors. Taking into account that AvidinOX is the first oxidized glycoprotein known to chemically link to injected tissues, we tested in the mouse a panel of additional oxidized glycoproteins, with the aim of investigating the phenomenon. We produced oxidized ovalbumin and mannosylated streptavidin which share with avidin glycosylation pattern and tetrameric structure, respectively and found that neither of them linked significantly to cells in vitro nor to injected tissues in vivo, despite the presence of functional aldehyde groups. The study, extended to additional oxidized glycoproteins, showed that the in vivo chemical conjugation is a distinctive property of the oxidized avidin. Relevance of the high cationic charge of avidin into the stable linkage of AvidinOX to tissues is demonstrated as the oxidized acetylated avidin lost the property. Plasmon resonance on matrix proteins and cellular impedance analyses showed in vitro that avidin exhibits a peculiar interaction with proteins and cells that allows the formation of highly stable Schiff's bases, after oxidation
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