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10 research outputs found
Kinderportretten A. de Deken: catalogus ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstelling van 10 tot en met 30 oktober in de Brabo-Hall van de Bank Brussel Lambert te Antwerpen
Cardyn-Oome Dorine
van Buynder Ernest
van Looij L. Theo
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Institutional Repository Universiteit Antwerpen
Kinderportretten: A. De Deken
Cardyn-Oomen Dorine
van Buynder Ernest
van Keer Gie
van Looij Theo L.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Institutional Repository Universiteit Antwerpen
Investigation of the Booroola (FecB) and Inverdale (FexX1) mutations in 21 prolific breeds and strains of sheep sampled in 13 countries
Arranz JJ
Balakrishnan L
+21Â more
Baumung R
Boujenane I
Cardyn P
Cockett NE
Davis GH
Eythorsdottir E
Galloway SM
Hanrahan JP
Lumsden BM
Mao XZ
Mavrogenis AP
Mullen M
Notter DR
Papachristoforou C
Peter C
Robinson JJ
Ross IK
Wang GL
Wilson T
Zeng YQ
Zhao ZS
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
SRUC - Scotland's Rural College
Investigation of the Booroola (FecB) and Inverdale (FexX1) mutations in 21 prolific breeds and strains of sheep sampled in 13 countries
Arranz JJ
Balakrishnan L
+21Â more
Baumung R
Boujenane I
Cardyn P
Cockett NE
Davis GH
Eythorsdottir E
Galloway SM
Hanrahan JP
Lumsden BM
Mao XZ
Mavrogenis AP
Mullen M
Notter DR
Papachristoforou C
Peter C
Robinson JJ
Ross IK
Wang GL
Wilson T
Zeng YQ
Zhao ZS
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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SRUC - Scotland's Rural College
Advantages of Heterogeneous Therapy Groups in the Psychotherapy of the Traumatically Abused: Treating the Problem as Well as the Person
Alice Forrester
Alonso A.
+29Â more
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychiatric Association
Bion W.
Buchele B.
Cardyn L.
Damon W.
Ellenberger H.
Freud S.
Freud S.
Hahn W.
Herman J.
Klein R.
Kroll J.
Lifton R.
Linehan M.
Mary Nicholas
McFarlane A.
Miller A.
Moreno J.L.
Nicholas M.
Nicholas M.
Ogden T.
Pearlman L.
Rubin H.
Scharff J.
van der Kolk B.
van der Kolk B.
Waites E.
Yalom I.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
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âMisery Loves Companyâ: Sexual Trauma, Psychoanalysis and the Market for Miseryâ
A Hunsaker Hawkins
A Hunsaker Hawkins
+47Â more
A Lipton
AW Frank
B Hogan
B Kahr
BA Kolk van der
C Clegg
C Sanderson
C-A Hooper
D Laub
D Schacter
E Bass
E Geraerts
E Illouz
GT Couser
H Wakefield
HF Ellenberger
HM Buss
J Doane
J Haaken
J Haaken
J Herman
J Kitzinger
J Labbé
J Masson
J Walker
JE Davis
JP Eigen
K Matthews
K Tal
L Armstrong
L Caine
L Cardyn
M Luciana
M Maran
M Pendergrast
M Seltzer
M Sturken
NA Naples
R Champagne
S Angelides
S Dardenne
S Lamb
S Radstone
S Richardson
S Smith
T McNaron
Victoria Bates
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Explore Bristol Research
âMisery Loves Companyâ: Sexual Trauma, Psychoanalysis and the Market for Misery
A Hunsaker Hawkins
A Hunsaker Hawkins
+47Â more
A Lipton
AW Frank
B Hogan
B Kahr
BA Kolk van der
C Clegg
C Sanderson
C-A Hooper
D Laub
D Schacter
E Bass
E Geraerts
E Illouz
GT Couser
H Wakefield
HF Ellenberger
HM Buss
J Doane
J Haaken
J Haaken
J Herman
J Kitzinger
J Labbé
J Masson
J Walker
JE Davis
JP Eigen
K Matthews
K Tal
L Armstrong
L Caine
L Cardyn
M Luciana
M Maran
M Pendergrast
M Seltzer
M Sturken
NA Naples
R Champagne
S Angelides
S Dardenne
S Lamb
S Radstone
S Richardson
S Smith
T McNaron
Victoria Bates
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Breaking the Silence: Sexual Hypocrisies from Thomas Jefferson to Strom Thurmond
A Gordon-Reed
A Gordon-Reed
+72Â more
A Lachicotte
AL Alexander
C Bleser
C Clinton
C Clinton
C Clinton
C Clinton
C Clinton
C Clinton
C Thurber
CH Stember
CI King
CJ Powell
D Adair
D Malone
D Rather
DC Hine
DE Roberts
DG Faust
E Ball
E Clarke
G Lerner
G Wills
H Wiencek
HA Jacobs
HA Jacobs
J Bass
J Jones
J Schafer
J Williamson
J Williamson
J Wriggins
JD Hall
JF Yellin
JF Yellinâs
JH Johnston
JS Buckingham
K Greenberg
KA Getman
KA Leslie
KG Wallace-Sanders
L Cardyn
L Higginbotham
LW Meyer
M Hemings
M Hodes
M Hodes
M McElya
M Perry
MA McLaurin
MM Manring
N Cohodas
NI Painter
P Bardaglio
P Finkelman
P Morton
P Murray
R Walters
R Wilkins
SA French
T Alford
T Alford
T Jennings
V Dabney
V Dominguez
WE Burghardt DuBois
WL Andrews
WN Blane
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Queen's University Belfast Research Portal
A Gordon-Reed
A Wadud
+84Â more
AB Pinn
AD Davis
AD Davis
AL Brophy
AY Davis
B Andrees
BD Savageâs
BE Stevenson
C Clinton
C Pierce-Baker
CM West
D Horowitz
D Ruggles
D Sterling
DA Blackmon
DB Gaspar
DC Hine
DG White
DS Williams
E Kennedy
EM Townes
FS Foster
HA Jacobs
HH Shapiro
HT Catterall
I Burr
J Jones
J Tick
J-M Prieur
JC Nash
JF Maxwell
JF Maxwell
JF Yellin
JK Schafer
JT Noonan Jr.
K Baker-Fletcher
K Baker-Fletcher
K Browne
KB Douglas
KG Cannon
KG Cannon
KJ Zanca
KM Blee
L Cardyn
L Tademy
M Hodes
M Metzger
M Shawn Copeland
MA McLaurin
MA Noll
MA Noll
MF Berry
ML Oliver
MT Martin
MW Stewart
MY McDonald
P Minges
PD Bridgewater
PH Collins
R Emmett Curran
R Empire
R Robinson
R Slawsky
R Spence
RA Winbush
RK Harrison
RM Raphallâs
S Bates
S Block
S Hartman
T Jefferson
T Jefferson
T Jefferson
T Murphy
TC West
TC West
TM Shapiro
V Pope Nicholas
W Grimes
W King
W Schneemelcher
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Historicizing White Supremacist Terrorism with Ida B. Wells
Addams Jane
Addams Jane
+55Â more
Beydoun Khaled A
Bhatia Michael
Bravin Jess
Butler Judith
Butler Judith
Butler Judith
Carby Hazel V.
Cardyn Lisa
Clay C.M.
Clymer Jeffory A.
Corbin Caroline
Delany Martin Robison
Douglass Frederick
Douglass Frederick
Fellman Michael
Foner Eric
Foucault Michel
Foucault Michel
Foucault Michel
Foucault Michel
Foucault Michel
Gallaher Carolyn
Gilbert Olive
Gilpin R. Blakeslee
Grandin Greg
Hartman Saidiya V.
hooks bell
Hunt Krista
Ifill Sherrilyn A.
Jennings Matthew
Johnson Daryl
Law Randall D.
Li Darryl
Mamdani Mahmood
Mills Charles W.
Mills Charles W.
Puar Jasbir K.
Raphael Sam
Sampaio Anna
Sheth Falguni A.
Silva Neluka
Slahi Mohamedou Ould
Ture Kwame
Volpp Leti
Walker David
Wells Ida B.
Wells Ida B.
Wells Ida B.
Wells Ida B.
Wells Ida B.
Wells Ida B.
Wells Ida B.
Wells Ida B.
Wells-Barnett Ida B.
White Herbert L.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text