28 research outputs found

    Sediment Transport of Fine Sand to Fine Gravel on Transverse Bed Slopes in Rotating Annular Flume Experiments

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    Large‐scale morphology, in particular meander bend depth, bar dimensions, and bifurcation dynamics, are greatly affected by the deflection of sediment transport on transverse bed slopes due to gravity and by secondary flows. Overestimating the transverse bed slope effect in morphodynamic models leads to flattening of the morphology, while underestimating leads to unrealistically steep bars and banks and a higher braiding index downstream. However, existing transverse bed slope predictors are based on a small set of experiments with a minor range of flow conditions and sediment sizes, and in practice models are calibrated on measured morphology. The objective of this research is to experimentally quantify the transverse bed slope effect for a large range of near‐bed flow conditions with varying secondary flow intensity, sediment sizes (0.17–4 mm), sediment transport mode, and bed state to test existing predictors. We conducted over 200 experiments in a rotating annular flume with counterrotating floor, which allows control of the secondary flow intensity separate from the streamwise flow velocity. Flow velocity vectors were determined with a calibrated analytical model accounting for rough bed conditions. We isolated separate effects of all important parameters on the transverse slope. Resulting equilibrium transverse slopes show a clear trend with varying sediment mobilities and secondary flow intensities that deviate from known predictors depending on Shields number, and strongly depend on bed state and sediment transport mode. Fitted functions are provided for application in morphodynamic modelin

    Contributions of Albert Einstein to Earth Sciences: A review in Commemoration of the World Year of Physics

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    The World Year of Physics (2005) is an international celebration to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of Einstein's "Annus Mirabilis". The United Nations has officially declared 2005 the International Year of Physics. However, the impact of Einstein's ideas was not restricted to physics. Among numerous other disciplines, Einstein also made significant and specific contributions to Earth Sciences. His geosciences-related letters, comments, and scientific articles, are dispersed, not easily accesible and are poorly known. The present review attempts to integrate them, as a tribute to Einstein in commemoration of this centenary. These contributions can be classified into three basic areas: geodynamics, geological (planetary) catastrophism and fluvial geomorphology.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, to be published in Naturwissenschafte

    Natuurlijke waterlopen: Rivierwerken (tijdelijke handleiding)

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    Collegdiktaat rivierwerken.Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Algemene Waterbouwkunde

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    Collegediktaat algemene waterbouwkunde: -deel 1: de natuur -deel 2: de techniek (band a en band b)Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Regulation structures

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    Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Begin van beweging en transport van sedimenten in waterlopen

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    Collegedictaat Sectie waterbouwkunde. Basis van sedimenttransportberekeningen, aanpak van Shields.Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    De waterbeweging in kanalen veroorzaakt door scheepvaart

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    Collegedictaat in aansluiting van het vak Scheepvaartwegen.Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Inleiding in de civiele techniek: Havens

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    Inleiding havenbouw en havenbeheer. (jaartal geschat)Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Three dimensional modeling of sediment transport in a channel bend

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    Inleiding verkeerswaterbouwkunde: Deel A, B, C

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    Inleiding vervoersobjecten, vervoersmiddelen (zeeschepen, binnenvaartschepen, kustvaartuigen), vervoerswegen (eigenschappen, rivierwerken, secheepvaartkanalen, vervoersknooppunten (haveninrichting).Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience