792 research outputs found

    A Hidden Twelve-Dimensional SuperPoincare Symmetry In Eleven Dimensions

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    First, we review a result in our previous paper, of how a ten-dimensional superparticle, taken off-shell, has a hidden eleven-dimensional superPoincare symmetry. Then, we show that the physical sector is defined by three first-class constraints which preserve the full eleven-dimensional symmetry. Applying the same concepts to the eleven dimensional superparticle, taken off-shell, we discover a hidden twelve dimensional superPoincare symmetry that governs the theory.Comment: 13 page

    Two-Time Physics with gravitational and gauge field backgrounds

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    It is shown that all possible gravitational, gauge and other interactions experienced by particles in ordinary d-dimensions (one-time) can be described in the language of two-time physics in a spacetime with d+2 dimensions. This is obtained by generalizing the worldline formulation of two-time physics by including background fields. A given two-time model, with a fixed set of background fields, can be gauged fixed from d+2 dimensions to (d-1) +1 dimensions to produce diverse one-time dynamical models, all of which are dually related to each other under the underlying gauge symmetry of the unified two-time theory. To satisfy the gauge symmetry of the two-time theory the background fields must obey certain coupled differential equations that are generally covariant and gauge invariant in the target d+2 dimensional spacetime. The gravitational background obeys a null homothety condition while the gauge field obeys a differential equation that generalizes a similar equation derived by Dirac in 1936. Explicit solutions to these coupled equations show that the usual gravitational, gauge, and other interactions in d dimensions may be viewed as embedded in the higher d+2 dimensional space, thus displaying higher spacetime symmetries that otherwise remain hidden.Comment: Latex, 19 pages, references adde

    Noncommutative Sp(2,R) Gauge Theories - A Field Theory Approach to Two-Time Physics

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    Phase-space and its relativistic extension is a natural space for realizing Sp(2,R) symmetry through canonical transformations. On a Dx2 dimensional covariant phase-space, we formulate noncommutative field theories, where Sp(2,R) plays a role as either a global or a gauge symmetry group. In both cases these field theories have potential applications, including certain aspects of string theories, M-theory, as well as quantum field theories. If interpreted as living in lower dimensions, these theories realize Poincare' symmetry linearly in a way consistent with causality and unitarity. In case Sp(2,R) is a gauge symmetry, we show that the spacetime signature is determined dynamically as (D-2,2). The resulting noncommutative Sp(2,R) gauge theory is proposed as a field theoretical formulation of two-time physics: classical field dynamics contains all known results of `two-time physics', including the reduction of physical spacetime from D to (D-2) dimensions, with the associated `holography' and `duality' properties. In particular, we show that the solution space of classical noncommutative field equations put all massless scalar, gauge, gravitational, and higher-spin fields in (D-2) dimensions on equal-footing, reminiscent of string excitations at zero and infinite tension limits.Comment: 32 pages, LaTe

    Superstar in Noncommutative Superspace via Covariant Quantization of the Superparticle

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    A covariant quantization method is developed for the off-shell superparticle in 10 dimensions. On-shell it is consistent with lightcone quantization, while off-shell it gives a noncommutative superspace that realizes non-linearly a hidden 11-dimensional super Poincare symmetry. The non-linear commutation rules are then used to construct the supersymmetric generalization of the covariant Moyal star product in noncommutative superspace. As one of the possible applications, we propose this new product as the star product in supersymmetric string field theory. Furthermore, the formalism introduces new techniques and concepts in noncommutative (super)geometry.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    Conformally Exact Metric and Dilaton in String Theory on Curved Spacetime

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    Using a Hamiltonian approach to gauged WZW models, we present a general method for computing the conformally exact metric and dilaton, to all orders in the 1/k1/k expansion, for any bosonic, heterotic, or type-II superstring model based on a coset G/HG/H. We prove the following relations: (i) For type-II superstrings the conformally exact metric and dilaton are identical to those of the non-supersymmetric {\it semi-classical} bosonic model except for an overall renormalization of the metric obtained by kkgk\to k- g. (ii) The exact expressions for the heterotic superstring are derived from their exact bosonic string counterparts by shifting the central extension k2khk\to 2k-h (but an overall factor (kg)(k-g) remains unshifted). (iii) The combination eΦGe^\Phi\sqrt{-G} is independent of kk and therefore can be computed in lowest order perturbation theory as required by the correct formulation of a conformally invariant path integral measure. The general formalism is applied to the coset models SO(d1,2)k/SO(d1,1)kSO(d-1,2)_{-k}/SO(d-1,1)_{-k} that are relevant for string theory on curved spacetime. Explicit expressions for the conformally exact metric and dilaton for the cases d=2,3,4d=2,3,4 are given. In the semiclassical limit (k)(k\to \infty) our results agree with those obtained with the Lagrangian method up to 1-loop in perturbation theory.Comment: USC-92/HEP-B2, 19 pages and 3 figure

    Hamiltonian Noether theorem for gauge systems and two time physics

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    The Noether theorem for Hamiltonian constrained systems is revisited. In particular, our review presents a novel method to show that the gauge transformations are generated by the conserved quantities associated with the first class constraints. We apply our results to the relativistic point particle, to the Friedberg et al. model and, with special emphasis, to two time physics.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, references added, the "massless" sense of (87) is clarifie

    Universal aspects of string propagation on curved backgrounds

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    String propagation on D-dimensional curved backgrounds with Lorentzian signature is formulated as a geometrical problem of embedding surfaces. When the spatial part of the background corresponds to a general WZW model for a compact group, the classical dynamics of the physical degrees of freedom is governed by the coset conformal field theory SO(D-1)/SO(D-2), which is universal irrespective of the particular WZW model. The same holds for string propagation on D-dimensional flat space. The integration of the corresponding Gauss-Codazzi equations requires the introduction of (non-Abelian) parafermions in differential geometry.Comment: 15 pages, latex. Typo in Eq. (2.12) is corrected. Version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    U*(1,1) Noncommutative Gauge Theory As The Foundation of 2T-Physics in Field Theory

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    A very simple field theory in noncommutative phase space X^{M},P^{M} in d+2 dimensions, with a gauge symmetry based on noncommutative u*(1,1), furnishes the foundation for the field theoretic formulation of Two-Time Physics. This leads to a remarkable unification of several gauge principles in d dimensions, including Maxwell, Einstein and high spin gauge principles, packaged together into one of the simplest fundamental gauge symmetries in noncommutative quantum phase space in d+2 dimensions. A gauge invariant action is constructed and its nonlinear equations of motion are analyzed. Besides elegantly reproducing the first quantized worldline theory with all background fields, the field theory prescribes unique interactions among the gauge fields. A matrix version of the theory, with a large N limit, is also outlinedComment: 24 pages, LaTe

    Solving Witten's string field theory using the butterfly state

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    We solve the equation of motion of Witten's cubic open string field theory in a series expansion using the regulated butterfly state. The expansion parameter is given by the regularization parameter of the butterfly state, which can be taken to be arbitrarily small. Unlike the case of level truncation, the equation of motion can be solved for an arbitrary component of the Fock space up to a positive power of the expansion parameter. The energy density of the solution is well-defined and remains finite even in the singular butterfly limit, and it gives approximately 68% of the D25-brane tension for the solution at the leading order. Moreover, it simultaneously solves the equation of motion of vacuum string field theory, providing support for the conjecture at this order. We further improve our ansatz by taking into account next-to-leading terms, and find two numerical solutions which give approximately 88% and 109%, respectively, of the D25-brane tension for the energy density. These values are interestingly close to those by level truncation at level 2 without gauge fixing studied by Rastelli and Zwiebach and by Ellwood and Taylor.Comment: 38 pages, no figures, LaTeX2e; v2: the footnote on hep-th/0302151 changed and moved to the introduction; v3: minor typos corrected, published versio