126 research outputs found

    La laurea magistrale in Storia dell’Arte (LM-89): un percorso abilitante all’insegnamento nella scuola (classe di concorso A-54 Storia dell’Arte)?

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    L’insegnamento della Storia dell’Arte nella scuola media secondaria, introdotto nel 1923 dalla riforma Gentile, vanta una tradizione illustre e corrisponde ai principi della Costituzione sulla tutela dell’ambiente e sulla relazione tra i cittadini e il patrimonio storico e artistico. Il contributo formula alcune considerazioni che tengono conto del vivace dibattito attualmente in corso e dei due importanti documenti prodotti dal CUN in merito al progetto ministeriale sulla possibile istituzione di un percorso universitario abilitante all’insegnamento della materia. Ai fini di un miglioramento della qualità dei percorsi educativi, si propone un innalzamento dei CFU di Storia dell’Arte, necessari per l’accesso alla classe di concorso in Storia dell’Arte (A-54), per la quale il titolo di laurea della LM-89 “Storia dell’Arte” risulta oggi il percorso più idoneo. Si sottolinea l’importanza della didattica disciplinare e delle esperienze di tirocinio.The teaching of the History of Art in the Italian secondary school, introduced in 1923 by Gentile reform, boasts an illustrious tradition and corresponds to the principles of the Italian Constitution on enviromental protection and the relationship between citizens and the historical and artistic heritage. The essay formulates some considerations that take into account the lively debate currently underway and the two important documents produced by the CUN regarding the ministerial project on the possible establishment of a university course enabling the teaching of the matter. For the purpose of improving the quality of educational pathways, it is proposed to raise the CFU in History of Art, necessary for access to the competition class in History of Art (A-54), for which the title degree of the LM-89 "History of Art" is today the most suitable path. The importance of disciplinary teaching and internship experiences is emphasized

    Homocysteinylated Albumin Promotes Increased Monocyte-Endothelial Cell Adhesion and Up-Regulation of MCP1, Hsp60 and ADAM17

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    RATIONALE:The cardiovascular risk factor homocysteine is mainly bound to proteins in human plasma, and it has been hypothesized that homocysteinylated proteins are important mediators of the toxic effects of hyperhomocysteinemia. It has been recently demonstrated that homocysteinylated proteins are elevated in hemodialysis patients, a high cardiovascular risk population, and that homocysteinylated albumin shows altered properties. OBJECTIVE:Aim of this work was to investigate the effects of homocysteinylated albumin - the circulating form of this amino acid, utilized at the concentration present in uremia - on monocyte adhesion to a human endothelial cell culture monolayer and the relevant molecular changes induced at both cell levels. METHODS AND RESULTS:Treated endothelial cells showed a significant increase in monocyte adhesion. Endothelial cells showed after treatment a significant, specific and time-dependent increase in ICAM1 and VCAM1. Expression profiling and real time PCR, as well as protein analysis, showed an increase in the expression of genes encoding for chemokines/cytokines regulating the adhesion process and mediators of vascular remodeling (ADAM17, MCP1, and Hsp60). The mature form of ADAM17 was also increased as well as Tnf-α released in the cell medium. At monocyte level, treatment induced up-regulation of ICAM1, MCP1 and its receptor CCR2. CONCLUSIONS:Treatment with homocysteinylated albumin specifically increases monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells through up-regulation of effectors involved in vascular remodeling

    Auxiliary generator of a platform supply vessel based on fuel cell technology

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    The work deals with a preliminary project of a 5000 DWT Platform Supply Vessel (SV), equipped with a Diesel electric propulsion system and 300 kW of an auxiliary power unit based on fuel cell technology. A Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) is considered for the installation onboard, in order to guarantee low emissions when the ship is berthed in port and uses the auxiliary plant for other services. The system is made by commercial 3x100 kW PEMFC stacks, supplied by Ballard Company, operating with pure hydrogen (H2) fuel. The H2 storage system is based on compressed gas cylinders at 350 atm with a volume of about 52 m3, that are capable to guarantee 48 hours of autonomy. These cylinders are located on the main deck in order to make easier the handling during the refuelling operations and to mitigate hazard to lower levels under all operation conditions

    Vibration control of structures under environmental loading

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    The present paper illustrates preliminary results of the project TELLUS STABILITA, an ongoing three-year project funded by the Italian Ministry of Research focusing on modern technologies to mitigate the structural damage caused by environmental dynamic loading. Innovative schemes for vibration control of civil structures have been assessed both analytically and experimentally. Two scaled steel multi-storey (2- and 4-storeys) frames were designed according to modern codes of practice for seismic and wind loads, respectively. Dynamic properties, i.e. modes of vibrations, natural frequencies, modal damping and generalized masses, of the sample structures were obtained by means of identification tests carried out with shaking tables. Such properties were used to calibrate refined finite element models used to simulate the response of the sample structures. Two different innovative devices were utilized to control the dynamic response of the sample steel frames. A friction-damper employing piezoelectric actuation was designed for the two-storey frame. A reduced model of the friction-damper was assembled and tested under both static and dynamic loads. The results of the experimental tests were used to validate the numerical models utilized for the design of the damper and for setting-up the layout of the full scale device. Magneto-rheological fluid dampers were employed for the 5-storey sample frame. Commercial type dampers were selected to control the vibrations of the frame; nevertheless, it was necessary to optimize such devices to achieve the structural performance target. A number of static and dynamic tests were conducted on magneto-rheological fluid dampers to validate the control performance estimated via numerical algorithms. The most suitable location of the dampers along the height of the sample frame was identified by using advanced genetic algorithms and modal parameters. Extensive numerical analyses were carried out on the frames equipped with the friction damper and magneto-rheological devices. Those devices were found very effective in reducing the lateral drifts and accelerations of the sample frames. Procedures to test the dynamic properties of structural systems with innovative vibration control devices are also outlined and the results of the performed tests on the 2- and 4-storey frames discussed. Three full-scale tests are going to be performed on RC multi-storey frames for buildings. These frames are typical structures designed for gravity loads only; they have been retrofitted with buckling restrained braces. The systems will be subjected to reversal loads at increasing displacement amplitudes to identify the progressive collapse of the sample structural systems. These tests are carried out on site, thus also accounting for soil-structure-interaction

    Expression of the retinoblastoma-related p107 and Rb2/p130 genes in human placenta: an immunohistochemicaI study

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    It has been proposed that tumor suppressor genes may have a role in the mechanisms of proliferation and differentiation during human placental development. The Retinoblastoma gene family is a well known family of tumor suppressor genes. Many studies have pointed out a role of this family not only in cell cycle progression, but also during development and differentiation. On the light of these observations we have investigated the immunohistochemical expression pattern of the Retinoblastoma family members, p107 and Rb2/p130 in human placenta samples in first trimester and full-term placental sections. p107 and pRb2lp130 showed the most abundant expression levels during the first trimester of gestation and progressively declined to being barely detectable in the placenta by late gestation. These results indicate that the expression of the above genes is modulated during placental development and suggest a mechanism for controlling trophoblast proliferation
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