16,877 research outputs found

    The Education Premium in Canada and the United States

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    It is well known that in the United States the education premium--the ratio of the earnings of university graduates to the earnings of high school graduates--has risen sharply in the last twenty years. Some Canadian economists and policy makers presume the same fact holds in Canada. Since so much of modern growth theory and micro and macroecomomic policy turns on the education premium, it is important for social scientists and policy makers to know what has actually happened to the education premium. This paper argues that on the basis of available evidence over the last twenty years the premium has been constant or has fallen in Canada.education premium

    WAGES in CANADA: SCF, SLID, LFS and the Skill Premium

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    For the years 1981 to 1997 the Survey of Consumer Finances served as the main source of information about the earnings of individuals, households and families. The Survey of Labour Income Dynamics, begun in 1993, was intended to replace and to improve upon the SCF. The Labour Force Survey which began releasing earnings information in 1997 (the last year of the SCF) is a second alternative for extending historical earnings data to the present day. This paper examines the extent to which either of these two surveys can be used to extend the SCF series to more recent times. Neither survey comes off as satisfactory in all respects as an extension of SCF earnings data though if one's purposes are more limited, such as studying the education premium, then merging results from the SCF and SLID seems a reasonable way to proceed. It is not possible here to assess the ability of SLID or LFS to extend the SCF for other applications. But this method could easily be adapted to address other similar questions.earnings; education premium; SLID; SCF

    Cohort, Year and Age Effects in Canadian Wage Data

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    We use Canadian SCFs 1971-1993 to study the wages of full-time, full-year male and female workers. Median real wages of 24-year-old males without a university degree fell by 25% between 1978 and 1993. For 24-year-old females the decline was more modest and reversed in 1987, but real wages in 1993 were still significantly lower than they were in 1978. We investigate whether these changes are permanent “cohort” effects or more temporary “year” effects. Graphs of median wages against year and age indicate some periods where year effects are more prominent than cohort effects and other periods where the reverse is true. We then compare the results from two models, one assigning the trends to year effects, the other assigning them to cohort effects, and use these models to produce real wage projections.

    The Education Premium in Canada and the United States

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    It is well known that in the United States the education premium--the ratio of the earnings of university graduates to the earnings of high school graduates--has risen sharply in the last twenty years. Some Canadian economists and policy makers presume the same fact holds in Canada. Since so much of modern growth theory and micro and macroecomomic policy turns on the education premium, it is important for social scientists and policy makers to know what has actually happened to the education premium. This paper argues that on the basis of available evidence over the last twenty years the premium has been constant or has fallen in Canada.education premium

    Sodomitas, putos, doncellos y maricotes en algunos textos de Quevedo

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    Este ensayo analiza el sistema simbólico del tratamiento de la homosexualidad por Quevedo dentro de los parámetros de la sátira y el teatro breve. Se contextualiza su significado dentro del momento histórico, cuando aquélla se consideraba una abominación y el más grave de todos los crímenes contra natura. El ingenioso y polivalente lenguaje de la sá- tira antisodomítica quevedesca revela su proximidad al verso escatoló- gico, con su fijación en el ano como locus convencional de las prácticas homosexuales. En El entremés famoso «El marión» se templa el tono y lenguaje explícito anterior, y los sodomitas y putos depravados de la sátira poética ceden ante un afeminado andrógino y sorprendentemente asexuado, revelando cómo el género literario y aspectos de la actuación teatral determinan la representación de la otredad sexual

    Tunable BODIPY derivatives amenable to "click" and peptide chemistry

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    Novel azido- and amino- functionalised fluorescent probes based on the BODIPY framework have been developed. The probes can be easily and cheaply synthesised, exhibit the highly desirable BODIPY fluorescent properties, and are amenable to “click” and peptide chemistry methodologies. These probes provide a stable and readily available tool amenable for the visualisation of both solution and solid supported events

    Investigation of the RTN Distribution of nanoscale MOS devices from subthreshold to on-state

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    This letter presents a numerical investigation of the statistical distribution of the random telegraph noise (RTN) amplitude in nanoscale MOS devices, focusing on the change of its main features when moving from the subthreshold to the on-state conduction regime. Results show that while the distribution can be well approximated by an exponential behavior in subthreshold, large deviations from this behavior appear when moving toward the on-state regime, despite a low probability exponential tail at high RTN amplitudes being preserved. The average value of the distribution is shown to keep an inverse proportionality to channel area, while the slope of the high-amplitude exponential tail changes its dependence on device width, length, and doping when moving from subthreshold to on-state

    Fast Quasi-Threshold Editing

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    We introduce Quasi-Threshold Mover (QTM), an algorithm to solve the quasi-threshold (also called trivially perfect) graph editing problem with edge insertion and deletion. Given a graph it computes a quasi-threshold graph which is close in terms of edit count. This edit problem is NP-hard. We present an extensive experimental study, in which we show that QTM is the first algorithm that is able to scale to large real-world graphs in practice. As a side result we further present a simple linear-time algorithm for the quasi-threshold recognition problem.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ESA 201

    Equivalence between Kaluza Klein modes of gravitinos and goldstinos in brane induced supersymmetry breaking

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    We identify the goldstino fields that give mass to the Kaluza Klein modes of five dimensional supergravity, when supersymmetry breaking is induced by brane effects. We then proof the four dimensional Equivalence Theorem that, in renormalizable gauges, allows for the replacement of Kaluza Klein modes of helicity ±1/2\pm1/2 gravitinos in terms of goldstinos. Finally we identify the five dimensional renormalizable gauge fixing that leads to the Equivalence Theorem.Comment: Final version published in JHEP. Typo corrected in eq. 2.
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