60 research outputs found


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    Cor triatriatum sinister is a rare congenital cardiac anomaly that has been identified in 0.1% of children with congenital heart disease. It is defined as a fibromuscular membrane that divides the left atrium into two chambers: a superior (proximal) that in most cases receives drainage from the pulmonary veins and an inferior (distal) chamber that communicates with the mitral valve and the left atrium. Cor triatriatum sinister can be an isolated lesion (approximately 25% of cases), but in many cases it is associated with other congenital cardiovascular anomalies, the most common one being – atrial septal defect(3). Symptoms in patients with cor triatriatum sinister are related to obstruction of pulmonary venous drainage, pressure loading of the right side of the heart and congestive cardiac failure. Depending on the severity of the obstruction and presence of associated cardiac anomalies it can be diagnosed at any age. Diagnosis is usually achieved by echocardiography in early infancy. Elective treatment method is surgical excision of the membrane. Here we present a pediatric patient (4 months old) presenting in cardiogenic shock with a successful correction of isolated cor triatriatum sinister. To confirm diagnosis and success of surgical repair, transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography were used.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Comparison of Methods for Joining Pointwise Geological Data to Interpolation Grids

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    Abstract – Pointwise geological initial data in are used for creating hydrogeological models (HM). By processing in by interpolation methods,  - maps are created on (x, y) – grids of HM. The maps represent geometrical and physical features of geological layers. If solutions of boundary field problems are applied as interpolation results ( - maps) then in serve as the boundary conditions of the first kind. They must be joined to nodes of the interpolation grid. In this paper, three methods are compared that may be applied to perform this task when the local date search region is a square, a circle, an area enclosed by hyperbola arcs. Features of these methods are examined and recommendations on their optimal use are given

    Joining Pointwise Geological Data to Interpolation Grids if the Data Search Area is a Circle

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    Abstract – Pointwise geological data in are used as initial information for creating hydrogeological models (HM). Interpolation methods are applied to create -maps on (xy)grids of HM. The maps represent geometrical and physical features of geological layers. If solutions of boundary field problems are used as interpolation results then in represent boundary conditions. They must be joined to nodes of the interpolation grid. In this paper the case is considered when the local data search region presents a circle. Features of this approach are investigated if the circle radius changes from zero to two plane steps of a uniform (xy)grid

    Appliance of Pumping Data of Wells for Obtaining Transmissivity Distributions of Aquifers for Hydrogeological Model of Latvia

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    Abstract – In 2010-2012, the hydrogeological model (HM) of Latvia LAMO was established by scientists of Riga Technical University (RTU). LAMO generalizes geological and hydrogeological information accumulated by the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre (LVGMC). The commercial program Groundwater Vistas (GV) is used for running LAMO. In 2013-2014, LAMO was considerably upgraded. Density of the hydrogeological network (rivers, lakes) was increased, cuttings of river valleys into primary geological strata were accounted for, transmissivity distributions for aquifers were refined. To improve transmissivity data of HM aquifers, information provided by pumping tests for wells was used. The refined transmissivity data were applied, to create the permeability maps of aquifers as the variable initial data for the GV system. To accomplish methods of numerical interpolation and digital image processing were used reliability

    Appliance of Pumping Data of Wells for Obtaining Transmissivity Distributions of Aquifers for Hydrogeological Model of Latvia

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    In 2010 − 2012 the hydrogeological model (HM) of Latvia called LAMO was developed by the scientists of Riga Technical University (RTU). LAMO generalizes geological and hydrogeological information accumulated by the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre (LVGMC). The commercial program Groundwater Vistas (GV) was used for running LAMO. In 2013 − 2014 LAMO was considerably upgraded. Density of the hydrogeological network (rivers and lakes) was increased, cuttings of river valleys into primary geological strata were accounted for, transmissivity distributions for aquifers were refined. To improve transmissivity data of HM aquifers, information provided by pumping tests for wells was used. The refined transmissivity data were applied to create the permeability maps of aquifers as the variable initial data for the GV system. To accomplish these task methods of numerical interpolation and digital image processing were used

    Modelling of Groundwater Regime Changes that May Be Caused by Building of Transportation Tunel ir Riga, Latvia

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    Publikācija ir veltīta gruntsūdens režīmu izmaiņu skaitliskajai modelēšanai. Tās var parādīties būvējot 7 km garu un 50 m dziļu pazemes transporta tuneli Rīgā. Sagaidāmas divu veidu izmaiņas: tās, kuras rada ūdens necaurlaidīgais tuneļa ķermenis un kaitīgi efekti būvniecības laikā, piemēram, dziļu celtniecības tranšeju ietekme. Nolūkā aprēķināt tuneļa un tranšeju ietekmi, tika izveidots hidroģeoloģiskais modelis. Tā plaknes izmērs ir 3500m8000m, aproksimācijas solis 10.0m. Modelis satur divpadsmit režģa plaknes, kuras ievēro vietas sarežģīto ģeoloģisko uzbūvi un tuneļa ģeometriju. Izmaiņu novērtējumu gruntsūdens režīmam iegūst, ja salīdzina rezultātus, kurus dod netraucētais (nav tuneļa) un traucētais modelis. Tika analizētas izmaiņas pazemes ūdens līmeņos un plūsmās, hidrauliskajos gradientos, atmosfēras nokrišņu infiltrācijā.Izrādījās, ka šīs izmaiņas nav lielas. Tas nozīmē, ka tuneļa ķermenis praktiski nemaina gruntsūdens plūsmu. Modelējot iespējamos tranšeju sprostsienu variantus, tika konstatēts, ka dziļas nepareizi uzbūvētas tranšejas var nodarīt ievērojamu ļaunumu, jo šādu tranšeju apkārtnē būtiski pazemināsies gruntsūdens līmenis

    Finding of Groundwater Recharge, Transit and Discharge Areas

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    Groundwater recharge, transit and discharge areas for aquifers must be found. Their location depends on the influence of ground surface and hydrographical network (rivers, lakes, sea). It is commonly agreed that the recharge areas are located at hilly places where maximums of infiltration flows and piezometric groundwater levels coincide. Such method was applied for the hydrogeological model of Latvia LAMO. The model provides results for a complex spatial hydrogeological system where conditions even within one aquifer may differ considerably. For this reason, the common method of finding recharge, transit and discharge areas fails to provide accurate results. The new method has been developed. It is based on appliance of the ratio for velocities of vertical to horizontal groundwater flows. The resulting velocity of the vertical flow is found as the difference of velocities of flows on the top and bottom surfaces of the aquifer. The ratio r is the non-dimensional function. Its values r = 1 and r = 0 determine the locations of boundaries for the recharge and discharge areas, accordingly. For the transit area 0 1 and r < 1, correspondingly. The new method provides accurate results even for discontinuous aquifers where the zones of zero thickness appear. Within such zones r = 0. The method will be applied as a tool for investigating complex groundwater processes that are modelled by LAMO. The method was used for extra calibration of LAMO in order to improve its results. The research was supported by the Latvian State Research Program EVIDEnT

    Improwing of Transmissivity Maps for Hydrogeological Model of Latvia

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    In 2010 – 2012, the hydrogeological model (HM) of Latvia (LAMO) has been developed by scientists of Riga Technical University (RTU). LAMO generalizes geological and hydrogeological information accumulated by the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre. The commercial program Groundwater Vistas (GV) was used for running LAMO. In 2013 – 2014, LAMO was considerably upgraded. Density of the hydrographical network (rivers and lakes) was increased, cuttings of river valleys into primary geological strata were accounted for, transmissivity distributions for aquifers were refined. To improve transmissivity data of HM aquifers, information provided by pumping tests for wells was used. The refined transmissivity data were applied to create the permeability maps of aquifers as the variable initial data for the GV system. To accomplish this task, methods of numerical interpolation and digital image processing were used

    Improved Methods for Obtaining Permeability Maps of Aquifers for Hydrogeological Model of Latvia

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    In 2010 – 2012, the hydrogeological model (HM) of Latvia LAMO was developed by scientists of Riga Technical University (RTU). LAMO comprises geological and hydrogeological data provided by Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre (LEGMC) for the active groundwater zone of Latvia. In 2013 – 2015, LAMO has been notably upgraded. Number of HM layers and density of hydrographical network (rivers, lakes) were increased, cuttings of river valleys into primary geological layers were done, plane approximation step was reduced twofold, transmissivity distributions of aquifers were refined by creating variable permeability maps. In the paper, new methods are described for obtaining more reliable permeability maps by using pumping data of wells. Computer based checking of initial data for wells was accomplished, some drawbacks of the former maps were eliminated