12 research outputs found

    Estudio farmacocinético de propofol en equinos

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    Se estudian las características farmacocinéticas de propofol en 6 caballos. Se determinaron parámetros farmacocinéticos de propofol cuantificando sus concentraciones sanguíneas en función del tiempo por HPLC, tras su administración de 2.4 mg/kg por vía endovenosa al grupo de animales. Los datos de concentración se interpretaron por un modelo abierto de 2 compartimentos, obteniéndose, entre otros, los valores de t1/2a, t1/2b,Vdc, Vdss, Vdb, Cltotaly MRT. Las variables farmacodinámicas se encuentran acordes a la disposición cinética de este fármaco. El análisisde los parámetros farmacocinéticos del propofol indica que éste posee una rápida y pronta distribución a los tejidos y una rápida eliminación del organismo. El propofol se presenta como una alternativa anestésica factible de ser incorporada dentro de un protocolo anestésico en caballos. Los parámetros farmacocinéticos obtenidos contribuyen para una correcta dosificación ya sea para mantener un estado de anestesia por infusión continua o por inyecciones repetidasPharmacokinetic variables of propofol were studied in 6 horses. Blood concentration of propofol at different times, after a single dose of 2.4mg/kg bw, was determined by HPLC. An open two compartment model was used to evaluate blood concentrations of propofol. Values of t1/2a,t1/2b, Vdc, Vdss,Vdb, Cltotal y MRT were obtained.The pharmacodynamic values show a narrow relationship with the pharmacokinetic disposition of this drug. Propofol s pharmacokinetic disposition presented a rapid distribution and removal from organic tissues. It is concluded that propofol is an alternative to be considered in anaesthetic protocolsin horses, and the pharmacokinetic variables presented contribute to determinethe appropriate dose to be give

    Farmacocinética de propofol en potrillos de 10 a 15 días de edad

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    Se estudian las características farmacocinéticas de propofol en 6 potrillos de 10 a 15 días de edad. Se determinaron parámetros farmacocinéticos de propofol, cuantificando sus concentraciones sanguíneas en función del tiempo por HPLC, tras su administración de 2,4 mg/kg por vía endovenosa al grupo de animales. Los datos de concentración se interpretaron por un modelo abierto de 2 compartimentos, obteniéndose, entre otros, los valores de t1/2a, t1/2b, Vdc, Vdss, Vdb, Cltotal y MRT. El análisis de los parámetros farmacocinéticos del propofol, indican que éste posee una rápida y pronta distribución a los tejidos y una rápida eliminación del organismo. Los parámetros farmacocinéticos obtenidos contribuyen a efectuar cálculos para una correcta dosificaciónPharmacokinetic variables of propofol were studied in 8 foals. Plasma levels of propofol at different time after a single intravenous dose of 2.4 mg/kg bw, were determined by HPLC. An open two compartments model was used to evaluate plasma levels of propofol and values of t1/2a, t1/2b, Vdc, Vdss, Vdb, Cltotal y MRT were obtained. Propofol pharmacokinetic disposition showed a rapid distribution and removal from organic tissues, and the reported pharmacokinetic variables contribute to determine the appropriate dose to be give

    Evidencia serológica de infección por Neospora caninum en rebaños lecheros del Sur de Chile

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    Neospora caninum is a recently recognised parasite that produces infection in dogs and herbivorous. In cows, the disease does not produce clinical signs of illness, instead it produces losses. Chile has a large dairy industry and pregnancy losses in that system seem to be economically important. However a large number of abortions remain with unknown aetiology and abortion due to protozoa has not been investigated. We report here, for the first time, that aborted cows belonging to three different farms in the IX Region, Chile had antibodies to N. Caninumis given here. The episode of abortion was "sporadic" and occurred in adult cows. The sera were diluted in 1:200 and processed with the Neospora IFA test. Whole tachyzoite surface fluorescent was considered positive. Aantibodies were found in 10 of 21 adult cows, none of 2 heifers and 1 of 6 calves in farm A. In farm B, they were found in 7 of 24 adult cows and in 2 of 2 adult cows of farm C. All the aborted cows (2 on farm A; 3 aborted and 1 mummified on farm B; and 2 on farm C) were positive to the test. Taking into consideration the IFA test results and the negativity of serology to other common infections which cause bovine abortion, the hypothesis that these cows aborted due to Neospora infection is supported. How the disease has spread world wide is unknown, but most probably, international animal trade has contributed to help spread the disease. Before any recommendation can be made more extensive studies should be done in order to establish the prevalence and the economic impact of the disease. At the moment evidence that Neospora infection is already present in this country is presented. Therefore it should be included as a differential diagnosis of bovine abortion.Los abortos bovinos causan importantes pérdidas económicas a la ganadería mundial. Una parte importante de ellos permanecen aún con etiología desconocida, y de los diagnosticados, la mayoría corresponden a causas infecciosas. Dentro de ellos los abortos ocasionados por protozoos han tomado relevancia mundial. En Chile hasta ahora se desconocía su presencia. En este trabajo se presenta evidencia que vacas con antecedentes de abortos presentaron anticuerpos contra N. caninum detectados mediante la técnica IFA y se discute la posibilidad de que hayan ocurrido como consecuencia de la infección por este protozo

    Potential risks of dietary exposure to chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin from their use in fruit/vegetable crops and beef cattle productions

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    The active ingredients (a.i.) used as pesticides vary across regions. Diet represents the main source of chronic exposure to these chemicals. The aim of this study was to look at the pesticides applied in fruit, vegetable, and beef cattle productions in Mendoza (Argentina), to identify those that were simultaneously used by the three production systems. Local individuals (n = 160), involved in these productions, were interviewed. Glyphosate was the a.i. most often used by fruit-vegetable producers, and ivermectin by beef cattle producers. Chlorpyrifos (CPF) and cypermethrin (CYP) were the only a.i. used by the three production systems. The survey revealed that CPF, CYP, alpha CYP, and CPF+CYP were used by 22, 16, 4, and 20% of the fruit and vegetable producers, respectively. Regarding beef cattle, CYP was used by 90% of producers, CYP + CPF formulation by 8%, and alpha CYP by 2%. The second approach of this study was to search the occurrence of CYP and CPF residues in food commodities analyzed under the National Plan for Residue Control (2012–2015). CYP residues found above the LOD were reported in 4.0% and CPF in 13.4% of the vegetable samples tested, as well as in 1.2 and 28.8%, respectively, of the fruit samples tested. Regarding beef cattle, CYP residues were reported in 2.3% and organophosphates (as a general pesticide class) in 13.5% of samples tested. In conclusion, consumers may be exposed simultaneously to CPF and CYP, from fruits, vegetables, and beef intake. Accordingly, the policy for pesticide residues in food and human risk assessment should account for the combined exposure to CPF and CYP. Moreover, appropriate toxicological studies of this mixture (including genotoxicity) are warrante

    Information management and epidemiology in the case of spatial distribution of people bitten by dogs

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    La gestión de información es importante para las instituciones de salud. Por eso, el objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar los productos de información obtenidos desde un sistema de información georreferenciado, utilizando como ejemplo la distribución espacial de las personas mordidas por perros en la ciudad de Temuco, para mostrar productos útiles para la toma de decisiones. Los productos de información asociados a su componente geográfico permitieron visualizar elementos ambientales que los productos clásicos como informes dificultan representar. Mediante un sistema de información georreferenciado e imágenes satelitales pudimos indicar que existen dos zonas de alta concentración de personas mordidas por perros: Pedro De Valdivia y Pueblo Nuevo, con el 36,8 y el 1,4 % respectivamente. También pudimos evaluar los eventos de interés particulares en relación con las fuentes fijas de información y determinar los componentes ambientales involucrados. Por último, utilizando datos basados en un sistema de información georreferenciado, se generaron múltiples productos de información que serían dependientes de las necesidades de información requerida. Los sistemas de información georreferenciados son herramientas de gran ayuda en dar respuesta a las necesidades, cada vez más demandantes, por productos de información inmediatos, económicos y sencillos. Los productos obtenidos a través del sistema de información georreferenciado permiten a los epidemiólogos consolidar e integrar información, conocer la distribución y la densidad, así como realizar los análisis de acuerdo con las necesidades que los eventos de interés patológico requieren y que se resumen en el monitoreo, el control y su posible erradicación


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    Pharmacokinetic parameters of danofloxacin at 2.5% were determined after intravenous and intramuscular application in adult goat females. Plasma levels were quantified by HPLC with fluorescence detector set at 295 nm excitation and 490 nm emission using mobile phase composed of water, acetonitrile and triethylamine (79:19:1 v/v/v) adjusted to pH 3.0. In each route of application, using plasma concentrations versus time data in each animal, pharmacokinetic parameters were determined with PK Solution 2.0 software. Quantification limit of the assay was 0.0048 mu g/ml. The kinetic profile exhibited by danofloxacin in goats was similar to that of fluoroquinolones in domestic animals The intramuscular application provides rapid absorption, produces a Cmax of 0.36 +/- 0.13 mu g/ml at 55.1 +/- 13.8 minutes, and exhibits wide distribution in the organism and bioavailability (F) of 109.7 +/- 19.8%. Danofloxacin showed a slight permanence in the organism, according to the values obtained in t1/2 beta = 4.35 hours (EV), 4.32 hours (IM) and in the TMR = 5.9 hours (EV), 6.7 hours (IM). Intramuscular and intravenous application are comparable, but rational use requires dosage adjustment to ensure clinical and therapeutic success, because plasma Cmax/ MIC90 and ABC/MIC90 ratios of 9 and 41, respectively in relation to MIC90 of M. haemolytica, are insufficient to ensure clinical-microbiological efficacy

    Loss of risk perception to zoonoses and the figure of community dog

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    Los perros son causantes de zoonosis y lesiones; en especial, si aceptamos como normales conductas peligrosas; perdiendo la percepción al riesgo a enfermar. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue demostrar, que la presencia de perros vagos y comunitarios, es un peligro para la salud y seguridad pública, a través de información epidemiológica que sustenta la medida de evitar su libre circulación. La agresividad de los perros regula sus relaciones sociales a través de sumisión o dominancia; características de difícil reconocimiento para la población humana. En Chile, 327.150 personas resultaron mordidas por perros, entre los años 2003-2012, con un costo de U22,7aU22,7 a U177,9 millones; además de los U$3,13 millones por intervenir quirúrgicamente 767 sujetos humanos de hidatidosis durante el año 2012. Sin embargo, la zoonosis más temida es la rabia, dado el resultado mortal de ésta. No se debe tolerar la presencia de perros vagos y comunitarios en las calles, medida que debe tener un sustento técnico de salud y seguridad pública; debido a que la población ha perdido la capacidad de percibir el riesgo de contraer enfermedades zoonóticas, de altos costos para el sistema asistencial; sin considerar el desmedro económico al núcleo familiar y el daño psicológico a los afectado

    Pharmacokinetics and tissue disposition of enrofloxacin in rainbow trout after different routes of administration

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    Plasma pharmacokinetics (PK) and tissue disposition of enrofloxacin (EFX) was studied in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after a single oral administration of 10 mg/kg, and by immersion baths of 20 ppm during 2.5 h and 100 ppm during 0.5 h, at water temperature of 16.3 +/- 0.3 degrees C. Concentrations of EFX in plasma and tissues (skin, muscle, liver, kidney and gut) were determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection. Pharmacokinetic parameters were analyzed with a non-compartmental model. After oral administration, t1/2 beta, AUC and AUC(tissues)/AUC(plasma) ratio were 42.98 h, 21.80 mu g-h/ml and = 125 and Cmax/MIC of >= 10 to treat diseases caused by susceptible bacteria with MIC <= 0.04 mu g/ml. This information can be helpful for the right use of EFX in rainbow trout. Also, this is the first study that determines the antibiotic tissue disposition in rainbow trout by using different administration routes

    Pharmacokinetics of levofloxacin after single intravenous and oral administration, and its interaction with sucralfate in mixed-breed dogs

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    The study aims to establish the plasma pharmacokinetic parameters of levofloxacin in mixed-breed dogs, at a single dose of 5 mg/kg, intravenously, orally only and orally with sucralfate pre-treatment (1 g per animal), to evaluate its influence on antimicrobial absorption. Concentrations of levofloxacin in plasma were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection. After iv of levofloxacin, the mean (+/- SD) of AUC(0-24), Vz,t1/2 lambda z and MRT, was 19.05 +/- 6.4 mu g-h/ml, 2.43 +/- 0.5 L/kg, 7.93 +/- 1.41 hours and 8.7 +/- 1.5 hours, respectively. After oral administration, theC(max),t1/2 lambda z and bioavailability were 1.95 +/- 0.7 mu g/ml, 7.65 +/- 1.38 hours and 71.93 +/- 9.75%, respectively. In animals given an oral dose of levofloxacin with sucralfate pre-treatment, there was a significant decrease (p < 0.05) inC(max)(0.57 +/- 0.23 mu g/ml), AUC (5.73 +/- 2.26 mu g-h/ml) and bioavailability (31.92 +/- 14.19%). In the dogs studied, it is suggested that the dose 5 mg/kg of levofloxacin for both routes is inadequate to meet PK-PD targets for susceptible bacteria using breakpoints established by the Institute of Clinical and Laboratory Standards (CLSI)