681 research outputs found

    Density profiles and collective modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate with light-induced spin-orbit coupling

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    The phases of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) with light-induced spin-orbit coupling (SOC) are studied within the mean-field approximation. The mixed BEC phase, in which the system condenses in a superposition of two plane wave states, is found to be stable for sufficiently small light-atom coupling, becoming unstable in a continuous fashion with increasing light-atom coupling. The structure of the phase diagram at fixed chemical potential for bosons with SOC is shown to imply an unusual density dependence for a trapped mixed BEC phase, with the density of one dressed spin state increasing with increasing radius, providing a unique experimental signature of this state. The collective Bogoliubov sound mode is shown to also provide a signature of the mixed BEC state, vanishing as the boundary to the regime of phase separation is approached.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Published Versio

    A self-consistent Hartree-Fock approach for interacting bosons in optical lattices

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    A theoretical study of interacting bosons in a periodic optical lattice is presented. Instead of the commonly used tight-binding approach (applicable near the Mott insulating regime of the phase diagram), the present work starts from the exact single-particle states of bosons in a cubic optical lattice, satisfying the Mathieu equation, an approach that can be particularly useful at large boson fillings. The effects of short-range interactions are incorporated using a self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation, and predictions for experimental observables such as the superfluid transition temperature, condensate fraction, and boson momentum distribution are presented.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure file

    Branching ratios and direct CP asymmetries in DPVD\to PV decays

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    We study the two-body hadronic DPVD\to PV decays, where PP (VV) denotes a pseudoscalar (vector) meson, in the factorization-assisted topological-amplitude approach proposed in our previous work. This approach is based on the factorization of short-distance and long-distance dynamics into Wilson coefficients and hadronic matrix elements of four-fermion operators, respectively, with the latter being parametrized in terms of several nonperturbative quantities. We further take into account the ρ\rho-ω\omega mixing effect, which improves the global fit to the branching ratios involving the ρ0\rho^0 and ω\omega mesons. Combining short-distance dynamics associated with penguin operators and the hadronic parameters determined from the global fit to branching ratios, we predict direct CPCP asymmetries. In particular, the direct CPCP asymmetries in the D0K0K0, K0K0D^0\to K^0\overline{K}^{*0},~\overline{K}^0K^{*0}, D+π+ρ0D^+\to\pi^+\rho^0, and Ds+K+ω, K+ϕD_s^+\to K^+\omega,~K^+\phi decays are found to be of O(103){\cal O}(10^{-3}), which can be observed at the LHCb or future Belle II experiment. We also predict the CPCP asymmetry observables of some neutral DD meson decays.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Perturbative QCD study of BsB_s decays to a pseudoscalar meson and a tensor meson

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    We study two-body hadronic BsPTB_s\to PT decays, with P(T)P (T) being a light pseudoscalar (tensor) meson, in the perturbative QCD approach. The CP-averaged branching ratios and the direct CP asymmetries of the ΔS=0\Delta S=0 modes are predicted, where ΔS\Delta S is the difference between the strange numbers of final and initial states. We also define and calculate experimental observables for the ΔS=1\Delta S=1 modes under the Bs0Bˉs0B_s^0-\bar{B}_s^0 mixing, including CP averaged branching ratios, time-integrated CP asymmetries, and the CP observables CfC_{f}, DfD_{f} and SfS_{f}. Results are compared to the BsPVB_s\to PV ones in the literature, and to the BPTB\to PT ones, which indicate considerable U-spin symmetry breaking. Our work provides theoretical predictions for the BsPTB_s\to PT decays for the first time, some of which will be potentially measurable at future experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Charged lepton flavor violating Higgs decays at future e+ee^+e^- colliders

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    After the discovery of the Higgs boson, several future experiments have been proposed to study the Higgs boson properties, including two circular lepton colliders, the CEPC and the FCC-ee, and one linear lepton collider, the ILC. We evaluate the precision reach of these colliders in measuring the branching ratios of the charged lepton flavor violating Higgs decays He±μH\to e^\pm\mu^\mp, e±τe^\pm\tau^\mp and μ±τ\mu^\pm\tau^\mp. The expected upper bounds on the branching ratios given by the circular (linear) colliders are found to be B(He±μ)<1.2 (2.1)×105\mathcal{B}(H\to e^\pm\mu^\mp) < 1.2\ (2.1) \times 10^{-5}, B(He±τ)<1.6 (2.4)×104\mathcal{B}(H\to e^\pm\tau^\mp) < 1.6\ (2.4) \times 10^{-4} and B(Hμ±τ)<1.4 (2.3)×104\mathcal{B}(H\to \mu^\pm\tau^\mp) < 1.4\ (2.3) \times 10^{-4} at 95\% CL, which are improved by one to two orders compared to the current experimental bounds. We also discuss the constraints that these upper bounds set on certain theory parameters, including the charged lepton flavor violating Higgs couplings, the corresponding parameters in the type-III 2HDM, and the new physics cut-off scales in the SMEFT, in RS models and in models with heavy neutrinos.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures (extend the CEPC study to the FCC-ee and the ILC, and to match the published version