21 research outputs found

    Dynamical fingerprints for probing individual relaxation processes in biomolecular dynamics with simulations and kinetic experiments

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    There is a gap between kinetic experiment and simulation in their views of the dynamics of complex biomolecular systems. Whereas experiments typically reveal only a few readily discernible exponential relaxations, simulations often indicate complex multistate behavior. Here, a theoretical framework is presented that reconciles these two approaches. The central concept is “dynamical fingerprints” which contain peaks at the time scales of the dynamical processes involved with amplitudes determined by the experimental observable. Fingerprints can be generated from both experimental and simulation data, and their comparison by matching peaks permits assignment of structural changes present in the simulation to experimentally observed relaxation processes. The approach is applied here to a test case interpreting single molecule fluorescence correlation spectroscopy experiments on a set of fluorescent peptides with molecular dynamics simulations. The peptides exhibit complex kinetics shown to be consistent with the apparent simplicity of the experimental data. Moreover, the fingerprint approach can be used to design new experiments with site-specific labels that optimally probe specific dynamical processes in the molecule under investigation

    Das 3Liter-PPS® Konzept - Ganzheitliche Betrachtung von Organisation und PPS

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    Conventional ERP systems are inadequate in supporting decentralised organisations. 3-L PPC®, a tool developed at the Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart is based on the principle that software should adapt to the needs of the organisation and not vice versa. This tool can clearly depict decentralised structures during plant planning and operation and is especially suited to firms with a production plan based on customer's orders. In addition, 3-L PPC® offers great benefits in online planning of capacity-dependent order intakes. It adapts quickly to changes in the production process and can depict all relevant information using simple visualisation

    Das 3Liter-PPS-Konzept

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    Vor dem Hintergrund der stetig steigenden Anforderungen einer kundenauftragsorientierten Produktion mit immer kürzeren Lieferzeiten und zunehmender Variantenvielfalt schlagen viele klein- und mittelständische Unternehmen erfolgreich den Weg zu dezentralen Organisationsstrukturen ein. Herkömmliche PPS-Systeme mit ihrem komplexen Regel- und Kontrollmechanismus widersprechen aber den Anforderungen dezentraler Organisationsformen. Das 3Liter-PPS®-Konzept steht für die Erweiterung dezentraler Organisationskonzepte um die Abläufe und Tätigkeiten der Planung und Steuerung, sowie die anforderungsgerechte Unterstützung durch die Software 3Liter-PPS®-Planungsmodul. Im Vordergrund steht die Abkehr von einer komplexen Planungsmethodik hin zu einfachen, flexiblen Verfahren der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung

    Order Management by means of the 3-L-PPC Concept

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    The growing attempts of small and medium-sized enterprises to co-operate with other businesses of their size reflect the difficulties that SMEs face in coping with the current demands on manufacturing enterprises in Germany. By collaborating in networks, SMEs are able to achieve the same market power and economies of scale as large companies as well as the flexibility and rapid response typical of a small enterprise and its proximity to customers. Through the use of process and employee-oriented manufacturing structures and the introduction of decentralised, autonomous organisational units, the successful market performance of SMEs can be achieved

    Order Management by means of the 3-L PPC® Concept

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    The growing attempts of small and medium-sized enterprises to co-operate with other businesses of their size reflect the difficulties that SMEs face in coping with the current demands on manufacturing enterprises in Germany. By collaborating in networks, SMEs are able to achieve the same market power and economies of scale as large companies as well as the flexibility and rapid response typical of a small enterprise and its proximity to customers. Through the use of process and employee-oriented manufacturing structures and the introduction of decentralised, autonomous organisational units, the successful market performance of SMEs can be achieved

    Order Management by means of the 3-L-PPC-Concept

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    The growing attempts of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to cooperate with other businesses of their size reflect the difficulties that SMEs face in coping with the current demands on manufacturing enterprises in Germany. By collaborating in networks, SMEs are able to achieve the same market power and economies of scale as large companies as well as the flexibility and rapid response of a small enterprise and its proximity to customers. Through the use of process- and employee-oriented manufacturing structures and the introduction of decentralised, autonomous organisational units, the successful market performance of SMEs can be achieved

    Order and Information Management in Production Networks

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    Competition in the manufacturing industry has heightened in recent years, thus necessitating a far-reaching rethinking process in corporate management. Especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) are in urgent need of concepts and solutions enabling them to successfully tackle the necessary shift towards manufacturing structures that are in line with market requirements. Today the advantages of decentralized, process and staff orientated manufacturing structures are beyond dispute. With regard to production planning and control, this means to commit planning and control activities into the hands of product-focused and responsible organizational units. Special regard must be paid to an extensive information supply on time to match the demands of the users and help solving problems. In consequence, it is necessary to abandon complex planning procedures and turn to simple, transparent methods and tools along with a decreased expenditure for data capture and maintenance

    Das 3Liter-PPS Konzept - Ganzheitliche Betrachtung von Organisation und PPS

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    Vor dem Hintergrund der stetig steigenden Anforderungen einer kundenauftragsorientierten Produktion mit immer kürzeren Lieferzeiten und zunehmender Variantenvielfalt schlagen viele klein- und mittelständische Unternehmen erfolgreich den Weg zu dezentralen Organisationsstrukturen ein. Herkömmliche PPS-Systeme mit ihrem komplexen Regel- und Kontrollmechanismus widersprechen aber den Anforderungen dezentraler Organisationsformen. Das 3Liter-PPS-Konzept steht für die Erweiterung dezentraler Organisationskonzepte, um die Abläufe und Tätigkeiten der Planung und Steuerung sowie die anforderungsgerechte Unterstützung durch die Software 3Liter-PPS-Planungsmodul. Im Vordergrund steht die Abkehr von einer komplexen Planungsmethodik hin zu einfachen, flexiblen Verfahren der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung

    Der erfolgreiche Betrieb internationaler Produktionsnetzwerke beginnt mit der Fabrikplanung

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    Der Zwang zu immer kürzer werdenden Time-to-Market Zeiten bei einem hohen Kostendruck verlangt vor allem bei komplexen Produkten neue Ansätze in der Entwicklung, Logistik und Fabrikplanung. Durch die Modularität der Flugzeugfamilie, der Integration von Systemlieferanten in den Entwicklungsprozeß und der gleichzeitigen Konzentration auf die eigenen Kernkompetenzen entsteht die Basis für ein Logistiknetzwerk. Die kurze Entwicklungszeit der Regionalflugzeugfamilie 528/728/928/ der Firma Fairchild Aerospace wurde nur durch die simultanen Produktentwicklung und Montage- und Logistikplanung und dem Einsatz modernster Methoden und Werkzeuge möglich